Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 767: Cemetery (1)

"Maybe I need your help at that time." Delya thought for a while and said, "According to the previous commander's words, what happened to him was a bit unexpected. Listening to the tone, it seems to be very troublesome. It takes more time. To deal with it. I passed a lot of information for me to check, and asked me to ask about the price of some jewelry. In short, there are a lot of questions that are now piled up in my hands. This time the recruits of the Empire have been recruited, and the manpower is less. Recently There is also the plan to recruit new members. I want to wait until the head of the group comes back. I don't think it is possible.

"The habit is just fine. I remember that when I first joined, the team leader was unable to contact for a long time. Now it is much better, and there was no effective contact information left at all at that time." With a bitter smile, "I will trouble you Captain Hesley then."

Hesley didn't expect this answer, but there was a smile on his face: "It just happens to be boring here. In fact, I have the same thoughts as you, so I just went out and have a look."


Just after dinner, Cassia sat by the fire looking at the crude map she had drawn, thinking about where she was going tomorrow.

As he explored the surrounding terrain, he gradually became acquainted with this unfamiliar area. The terrain has changed drastically from Grote's dictation. The impact of the huge eruption of the volcano was completely left behind. The lava flowed across the surface and completely changed the basic landform after freezing. The accompanying vibration caused many mountains to split, and this area has become a new area in hundreds of years.

I have been active in the mountains in recent days. After a continuous rain, the cloud in the sky was completely dispersed. Not far away, the snow-covered crater is clearly visible, stained with very light green. It was considered a high-altitude and severe cold environment, but it still couldn't stop these extremely powerful trees.

Beside, a pile of crystal ore reflected a little orange-red light under the firelight. When exploring the terrain, Cassia also picked up a lot of jewelry ores. The depths of the mountains are more severely affected by the "germs", where the vegetation there is a bit unusually lush and even more distorted. Many trees are completely kinked together, and vines climb up the trunk, making them more like a piece of woody soil.

After adding the places he walked today to the map, Cassia put down his pen and looked at the amount of food stored behind him, which could last for a week.

Taking a breath, Cassia stretched her body. Under the diminishing firelight, his own body was also emitting a faint green light. I don't know how long it started. When Cassia noticed this, it could not be stopped. That strange substance stuck to his clothes and his skin.

In the mountains, this substance has increased significantly. The exposed skin reacted when I went in for the first time. There was a slight burning sensation, and it took a day or two for the body to fully adapt. Although he did not molt again, Cassia felt that his resistance to this "germ" had improved a lot.

I didn't know exactly what this "germ" would be. They seemed to have the power to infect any substance. And in the eyes of Cassia, this substance is very dangerous, but in the danger, there is an ability that interests him very much.

Accelerate the evolution of the infested material. Cassia didn't know whether he should explain it this way, but he did see this possibility in the animals he saw after walking in the mountains for a few days. For the animals that could survive, he more or less found something different from other common species. In terms of fur, claws, size, or danger, they are all more inclined to the real second-class creatures.

"The influence of the holy sword?" Cassia couldn't think of the second possibility. "But Grote said that it was only the second-generation holy sword. It was a copy of Avalon's early days. Shouldn't it have this ability?"

"But I don't seem to know much about the holy sword itself." Finally, he said a self-deprecating remark, and Cassia stood up and looked at the green mountains in front of him, sighing, "I have to hurry up."

Early the next morning, Cassia swam through the lake and entered the mountains again. Follow the signs to the end of yesterday's advance, with a few twisted trees blocking the front. Stripping away the tangled vines, a forged steel sword was sinking into the trunk.

"It's completely healed." With an exclamation in her voice, Cassia drew out the forged steel sword and stepped forward to stroke the pale bark on the trunk. That was the place where he shot with firecrackers yesterday, and indeed several potholes were bombarded in the trunk. But it took only one night, and the pothole was refilled, and new bark even grew.

"My direction is roughly correct, and Grote's place where he placed the holy sword should be farther ahead."

Cassia opened the way with a forged steel sword while observing the new landforms around him. The plants were more twisted, and the trunks began to transform into vines. The rocks and condensed lava were not visible on the ground for a long time. They were all kinds of ferns and moss that liked the shade, and it felt soft when stepped on it.

Soon after, a crisp sound under her feet made Cassia stop.

It is a bone covered by moss, which has been soaked in moisture for a long time and has become a little black. A mining pick was found on the side, turned into a rusty block, almost mixed with the soil below. It was the group of people who searched for minerals. During a few days of exploration, Cassia often encountered such a situation suddenly. Many corpses were left along the way, and those in the abandoned town were only part of this group of people.

The front also became cheerful at this time. Only a huge prosperous tree grows there, with a sturdy trunk The moss-covered rhizome is bare, and among the dense roots, there are many human bones rolled in it. This is regarded as a cemetery, and all the corpses that were discarded at the time have become the nourishment for this tree.

He shook his head, around the roots of the tree, there are many thorny bones, and some cloth that has not completely decayed. This seems to be not only a cemetery, but also a temporary resting place for the group of people. Maybe there will be something left. With this thought, Cassia walked over, but the weight became a drag. Not a few steps away, he suddenly felt loose under his feet, and the surrounding ground had a chain reaction, sinking one after another.

The light suddenly disappeared from before the eyes, and converged upward into a small irregular spot on the top of the head. There was no place to borrow, Cassia's hands swayed around her body, nor did she catch anything that could stabilize her body. He could only control the balance of his body as much as possible. After two or three seconds, huge power came from the soles of his feet and quickly penetrated his whole body. The bones continued to ring, dizziness and pain made Cassia unable to think for a while, and his head became blank.

In the dark, when his body gradually recovered, Cassia propped up his body and sat up, leaning against the hard object behind him. He took out a bright flashlight, a turbulent underground river was not far in front of him, and then looked around, a huge skull lying silently on one side, two hollow eye sockets were drawn out of shadow by light, quiet Look over here.

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