Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 792: Linked by gears (13)

"What should I do, the team leader jumped into the sea?" The man on the left immediately said. In his eyes, the girl got into the sea without even causing a splash. The sea in front of him was surging frantically.

"I don't know, I can't swim, I can't jump in yet." The man on the right said that he had stood up straight like the man on the left. The two people side by side are like a bulging reef in the rapids, and at this moment they have completely blocked the continuous wind in front of them from the island.

Something invisible to ordinary people stood in front of them, like an invisible barrier, blocking everything. But the consumption of physical energy seems to be extremely huge, and it may also have a lot to do with the scope of their defense. In less than a few minutes, both of them sweated all over, and their healthy faces also took on a light red that was shocked.

The sea quickly calmed down at this moment, and the two big men and others all came to the sea and looked forward. But the sea blocked their sight, and under the light blue sea, there was no longer their head.

"Go on the airship and get a broader view in the air." Someone suggested, "Contact the family immediately and report the situation here to Deputy Chief Macquarie."


"Holy woman, we are about to arrive, please be prepared. After reaching the destination, please follow me behind. I heard that the situation around the sea and land line is not very stable and has undergone great changes. If it is dangerous, even more The short distance also allows me to better support you. Of course, to a large extent, the saint does not need my help." Palfice reminded him outside the door after doing his every duty. After speaking, he returned to the next room.

It wasn't until Keshan made sure no one was standing outside the door that she nodded to Doris.

"Sister Keshan..." Doris sighed softly, and there was some emotion in her body that she couldn't express well. She looked out the round window at this moment, a gloomy color, the rainstorm was pouring down from the sky, and the flashing electric light briefly illuminated her face. The sound insulation device also failed to isolate the furious sound of the outside climate. The sea is surging, and dozens of airships around are flying very hard.

In front of this dim sea, a place full of light can already be seen from a distance. In the entire surrounding sea area, perhaps it is only there that has not been eroded by the storm, and is still lit with bright light, like a beacon in the dark, guiding everyone who rushes past.

At the same time, on the land-surrounding line, after receiving intermittent communications about the arrival of reinforcements, Stent immediately went to the underground laboratory.

The religious nation has spent too much time and resources here. Although until now, the return is far from offsetting the effort, but the experience of how to survive on the sea and land lines has accumulated a lot. Except for the necessary detection building, all important facilities are set under the ground.

Professor Virginia is in the laboratory database. After staying in there for two or three days, the changes in the vortex of the extreme sea suddenly made him catch something. But only a vague impression was left in his head. Virginia's instinct told him that it was important, but the feeling of not being able to get started made him very irritable.

Virginia did not breathe a sigh of relief when Stent came in.

"Professor Virginia, people from the Holy See will be here soon. I heard that this time they also brought the saint."

"What's the use of bringing it here? Do you expect the unstable power of the saint to have an effect on the changes in this polar ocean vortex? Until now, we have not even figured out why it will wake up early. It is still far from the arrival of the red star. For a few years, something like this happened..."

Virginia seemed to vent her dissatisfaction, and her words became inaudible in the middle of her speech.

He suddenly raised his head and looked at Stent, his expressions were half of his excitement and sadness: "It is not very clear now, but it is definitely the influence of the sixth red star. Stent, you said it's not under the extreme sea vortex. Things have felt the red star coming in advance and are already making preparations? After all, it is the sixth red star that has not been recorded even with the religious nation, a phenomenon that only appeared in ancient history."

"If this is the case, then we have to evacuate here in advance. It's just that the people in the Church of the Old People must not allow this to happen. When the influence of the red star disappears this time, how many of them can survive this long period? For decades? I don’t think there will be a lot of it.” Stent’s face was full of contempt.

"Professor, I think it's better to put down the information in hand. The first bishop of the Holy See has also come. Although we have the same status and ranks, we still have to give the bishop the respect we deserve. "

"Holy woman?" After a few seconds, Virginia, who was looking at the information, couldn't help but pick up the follow-up words. When he felt something was wrong and raised his head questioningly and looked to his side, Stent, who had been standing there, had already lost his proper breath.

The body was stiff in place like a stone sculpture, the pupils in his eyes were completely collapsed, and there was no energy left in it, and his breathing and heartbeat stopped at the same time. Stent seemed to be squeezed out by the world in the room for an instant, leaving behind only a frozen body.

"Jaina!" Professor Virginia sighed before shouting. A few seconds later, the capable female assistant opened the door and walked in. Seeing Stent's appearance, she understood what had happened.

"Professor." Jaina said, "It seems that something big has happened." It was also with a helpless sigh.


Lost the obvious sense of direction, there was only a piece of black in front of him. Very viscous color, like sludge creeping. Cassia knew that she was stuck in it, and it was getting deeper and deeper, and the struggle had no effect, but she accelerated her speed of falling.

"Why would I be here?" Cassia, who didn't know when he woke up, had been thinking about this problem. He felt that he had forgotten a lot of important things. The black surrounding it has the power to confuse people and is eroding him bit by bit.

Without the consideration of time, I don't know how long, Cassia even forgot the question "Why am I here?" He thought that he was born here and would grow up in this environment. The original flustered and throbbing emotions disappeared after this idea appeared.

Soon after heat came from below. He turned around and looked over. For the first time, other colors appeared in the endless black, and they became brighter and brighter. Those colors seemed to gradually dart across the corner of the sky like stars, and within a few seconds of watching Cassia, they became unusually dazzling.

It is the layer upon layer of flames rising from the darkness, which spread quickly in this dark world as soon as they appeared.

Until Cassia felt the heat was unbearable, all the black became the nourishment of the flame, and he was also in a space full of flames.

The body immediately fell down quickly, and the overlapping flames rushed towards Cassia. Subconsciously closing his eyes, Cassia raised his hands to block in front of him. But those flames don't have any power, and only a gust of hot wind blows across his face when they hit it.

When Cassia opened his eyes again, he found that he had passed through the cascading flames and came below. Creeping sludge-like black reappeared around them, and the flames pressing on their heads coated them with a faint reddish color.

At this moment, right in front of Cassia, a pair of huge bright red eyes slowly opened.

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