Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 878: Cooperation between gentlemen (7)

The news from Atohuan came after one noon the next day. They have been following the target person this time, but the specific purpose of the prey is not very clear. Knowing that at night time, the prey will go to their own factory to process a batch of goods, and Ato Ring immediately sent all several possible routes.

Soon I found a relatively fixed range and could rush to the branch road as fast as possible. Selmer and Mond rushed to meet the three or four captains remaining in Manoma, and carried the weapons and explosives. Cassia and Ye Jielin came to the approximate location first, and drove the car around in a circle. It is a wide road specially prepared for the transportation of goods. There is a station not far from it to supply water and steam. It looks like it has been renovated in one or two years. After getting acquainted with the environment, Cassia and Yejielin drove the car away from the road, disguised with yellow plants, and waited for Selmer and others to come, and also for the follow-up news of Ato Ring.

"Although I have asked many times, I still want to know where you will go after leaving the military school?", sitting in the car, Ye Jielin looked at Cassia seriously and asked.

Without answering, she glanced at Ye Jielin's face, and Cassia placed her gaze on the steering wheel. There are many things that cannot be said directly. In front of Ye Jielin, Cassia didn't even think about lying. He would definitely be spotted soon, he thought.

Both of them fell into silence, and Ye Jielin stopped talking afterwards. Cassia could feel her eyes still on her face. Not long after, the sound of the communicator broke the silence between the two.

"The third route has already departed for some time, and it will pass there probably in the evening. There are two limousines, the target is the smaller one, and the other one does not know who is sitting on it. The window glass has been opened. According to intelligence analysis, it is most likely the target customer." Atohuan explained the general situation, "Does the operation continue?"

"Of course." After thinking about it, Ye Jielin gave the answer, "Fatty, you come here too, it will be more secure. Tracking and real-time information will just be handed over to your subordinates."

"Then I'll come over immediately. Selmer and the others will be able to reach the boss in about an hour and a half, and the necessary preparations can be completed before the goal is passed."

"Be prepared in no hurry, because you just install platinum gunpowder on the road guardrail, so no special preparation is required."

Cassia rarely showed a relaxed expression, and when Ye Jielin hung up, her expression became serious again. But Ye Jielin seemed to have forgotten the question just now. She shook down the window a little, and the cold and humid wind poured in from the gap, blowing up her extremely pale pink hair that was gradually growing.

"It's going to rain again." The window closed, and the whirring wind dissipated in Ye Jielin's voice. Through the fragments of the field of vision cut out by the yellow plants in the front window, the black clouds of the entire sky surged in Cassia's eyes. The clouds were being pressed down by the tremendous force of nature, and within half a minute of looking at it, there was a fine noise on the roof of the car-raindrops fell on the yellow plants used for camouflage, making a hoarse "click".

The two were surrounded by this sound, and tranquility fell with the rain. When Cassia retracted her gaze and turned her head to look to the side, Ye Jielin was resting on her seat with her eyes closed. Only a profiled face is left, and the body that slowly rises and falls with breathing. Cassia watched for a few seconds, and suddenly felt that the atmosphere in the car had become strange, and this behavior seemed very impolite. He immediately turned his head.

It was in the planned action time, but a rain completely drove something on the two of them into the dirt. Not knowing whether this feeling is good or bad, Cassia adjusted his seat lightly and closed his eyes, leaving only his ears to pay attention to the surrounding movement.

You can "see" the sound fluctuations from the heartbeat that came from Yejielin's chest. This fluctuation gradually overshadowed the countless circles of subtle raindrops around. Absolutely quiet, only the roar of the truck passing by the two from time to time disturbed the two in the silence.

More than an hour later, Cassia opened his eyes and stared at the front of the road through the saloon car. He "saw" five saloon cars approaching them. At the same time, Ye Jielin noticed the changes in Cassia, got up from her seat, took out the communicator, and then pressed the button at the moment the vibration came. The two are not resting, they just don't know how to talk better.

"We are on the side of the road. You choose a section of the route and put the platinum gunpowder and the detonating device." Ye Jielin put down the communicator, stretched out and took the spare folding umbrella on the rear seat, and said to Cassia , "Go on, this rain may help us eliminate all traces well."


Although knowing that this rain will come sooner or later and last for a long time, few people can predict the specific time it will fall.

The rain was getting heavier, and in the wasteland that was tortured by the cold weather, a wide road passed straight through him. Soon after, under a light gray rain screen, a ceremonial car, also gray in color, was driving on the road. The speed slowed down without warning, the limousine turned a right angle, knocked off the guardrail, and stopped three or four meters away from the people wearing raincoats with natural mimicry function got off the limousine. At the bottom corner of the raincoat, you can see different forms of combat clothing. One of them immediately opened the umbrella and clamped it around his neck, holding a communicator in one hand and asking something, and taking out a map in the other, looking for his current approximate location. The other four people spread out a larger green rain-proof cloth to cover the car. After a few seconds, the color of the rain cloth changed and merged with the rain curtain and wasteland, and it was impossible to notice it without looking carefully.

"It took four hours from departure to rushing here, and it was within expectations. Manomali's team lost the target. It can be seen that her alertness and detection ability are very strong. When surrounded, we must keep a safe distance and wait for me. The order of action. There is one thing that must be observed in the requirements of action-to catch alive, we need to determine whether the news is correct."

"A second-stage surgeon, but the elite of the military school, this time there is her private team around her. They must be strictly trained people. I don't want to leave the bodies of certain people here because of contempt. A few days ago , Other teams have suffered different degrees of damage."

"What is the credibility of the information this time? No. 1, you are the temporary captain. You should know more than we do." Someone asked. He looked at No. 1, who was putting away the umbrella. There was a black mask under the raincoat, covering it. Live all the details of the face. The mask bears the words "1", "I think in recent days, because of the painting passed by the Pope and the people on the painting, everyone is repeating the same thing. Among those who signed an agreement with the family, there are obviously some Find this opportunity to use us."

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