Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 886: Cooperation between gentlemen (15)

Ye Jielin knew that the purpose of the five people in ambush would not be herself, but only Cassia herself. She didn’t pierce, and Cassia was not good at lying. One reason was that she didn’t want Cassia to be embarrassed. She knew his character very well. Sometimes she seemed more silent than Selmer, especially when she was next to him. Another reason was Ye Jie. Lin didn't want Cassia to lie to her, she felt that this would give a bad start in the future-she didn't know why she felt so.


After temporarily buying hats and glasses in the store, Cassia went to the base of the villa to take basic weapons and dressed up by the way. Three hours have passed. After a long walk, Cassia found a gift car to go to the Imperial History School by himself. On the way, the limo kept making a heavy pressure, and the driver complained all the way about how the steam was consumed so quickly today. Cassia sat silent in the back seat of the car, and gave some extra tips when getting out of the car, and the driver smiled and said thank you.

There is still a burning light outside the Imperial History School. People of this age have inexhaustible energy. The vendors outside are also infected. There are many shops that have been open all night.

A gathering point for limos, all kinds of beautiful limos come and go. Apart from the Quartet forces, Manoma is one of the gathering points of the higher-class nobles in the empire. Many people have no access to seminaries and military schools. Even if they know, there may be some families who are unwilling to send their outstanding children in. The rules are there. Almost everyone in the seminary has different backgrounds, and the attrition rate of military schools is not acceptable to every noble family.

Like the Imperial History School, or Imperial Heavy Industry, which Cassia has never actually visited, it is probably the place where the children of these nobles gather the most.

In order not to attract attention, Cassia took turns wandering in several shops to fill his stomach, and then sat at a table set outside in a formal tavern, listening to the patter of rain, drinking juice while looking at the sight Unintentionally placed around.

Just after 12 o'clock in the evening, it was lively, and Cassia was going to wait for a while before going to the campus. I met with Sha Ke not long ago to find out the location of her dormitory, and Cassia wanted to find Sha Ke alone for more detailed information. When the sky did not light up, the news of the deaths of the five people might reach the Kirish family.

I don't know if the action against Ye Jielin will be cancelled. The answer in Cassia's heart is no. There is no proper way to avoid this situation at this stage, and he will get good results if he actively exposes himself, but now he needs a quiet environment to accumulate. The knight attendant assessment is the deadline.

Half an hour later, the flow of people began to plummet, and Cassia followed a group of students to fool the guard. After swaying for a few minutes, he saw the dormitory building where Shake was located. Unlike the military school, Cassia did not take long to follow the road, and found that most of the people passing by were girls. Only then did he quietly hide in the shadow of the roadside buildings. Not long after, Cassia climbed over the symbolic low fence, covered by a few big trees, and he temporarily stopped.

Not sure what Shake would think, Cassia suddenly thought about such a problem. Instinctively slowed down his pace, and the unnatural atmosphere in the rain made him look up at the room where Sha Ke was extinguishing the light. Ordinary people can't feel it, but Cassia's perception has grown a lot after passing through the volcanic no man's land. There is a saying in the book that "feel with your heart", and Cassia prefers to regard it as a sixth sense that cannot be grasped, just like a female intuition.

Hidden in the falling rain, Cassia gently let go of her voice, and her hearing was concentrated in the area of ​​Shake's room after a few seconds. The three heavily armed men are in a hibernating state like a bug. It seems that there are traps near the door and the window, where Cassia caught a very weak reflection wave, it should be a very thin rope, and a slight touch can trigger the trap.

"I was arrested, or would I be protected by the nobleman that Shake said again?" During Cassia's thoughts, several people intruded into the range of his hearing and moved quickly, not the speed that ordinary people can reach. .

"Temperature perception!" When I wanted to hit this point, the sound of "簌簌" was already flying in the air. His body moved one step earlier, and a series of anesthetic needles with a light metal fixed tail were inserted into the big tree where he was hiding. The door of the room opened at this time, and under the lights of the corridor, the three people who had been sitting still had come out, wearing uniform leather combat uniforms, and were holding their guns at Cassia and shooting continuously.

Leaning against the shelter of the big tree, Cassia jumped over the low metal fence and rushed straight to the entrance of the Imperial History University, but the speed remained within the limits of normal people. A few seconds later, two students dressed up came out under the lights of the road ahead. The moment they saw Cassia, the two simultaneously took out the pistols around their waists and raised them to shoot ~ At this moment, the pace seemed to be a few steps slower, and Cassia showed panic on her face. More than 20 rounds of anesthesia bombs spread out in midair in an instant, blocking all the directions that Cassia can move.

A dozen or so anesthetic needles hit Cassia, the tip of the needle pierced the skin, and the anesthetic was injected into his body instantly. Fleeing immediately became weak, his legs suddenly weakened, and Cassia fell into the flowerbed by the road. He was still struggling, kicking the grass indiscriminately with his hands and feet. However, the two immediately ran over, and the reloaded pistols shot in front of them. They stopped when they saw that the wide back was filled with anesthesia needles with tail wing.

"Caught a person who is suspected of coming to confirm the news." A whisper came from the sound of the rain.

"Come here to the transfer station, someone will pick up and interrogate the person in your hands. The transfer is to be careful not to be followed." After receiving new instructions, the two looked around. In less than half a minute, No students passed by here. The two were relieved. They took out the raincoat to cover Cassia, supported him with some difficulty, and touched his body by the way. After no heavy objects were found, one person dragged Cassia in a brief period of doubt, and after meeting with a few others, he usually came to the back door of a canteen.

A light truck for daily transportation of food and seasonings has already been waiting there. Several people lifted Cassia and threw it into the cargo box. Two people followed up and tied his hands and feet with steel cables. Soon after, the truck started, and under the faint buzzing sound, the small truck with food patterns took advantage of the night to leave the Imperial History School and drove to the outer direction.

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