Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 924: Chaos (8)

There was no sense of collision at all, and Cassia subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. Manipulation has been completely adapted for some reasons, but the idea has not kept up. The huge body, which is more than 100 meters long, made him think that it would be bad to hit it directly.

In terms of control balance, the tail is indeed very suitable, coupled with the huge power of the wings, in a very short time can provide enough power to fly freely in mid-air. Immediately turning a few times in mid-air, under the turning of the field of vision, Cassia was already above another empty boat. Other air boats began to attack, but they were originally used for assistance and transportation. Their mobility was limited to a straight heading, and the angle of attack was all hurried warnings.

At this time, Cassia retracted his wings and smashed it down from the pontoon to the cabin. The claws pierced into the steel shell of the cabin, and after a run-up on it, he returned to mid-air again. Dozens of aerial bombs flew from a distance. At this time, they locked Cassia and dragged the orange Huitail to approach at a rapid speed. Immediately changing direction, Cassia guided the bomb to another airship.

"Boom, boom," several times, the aerial bomb had to be detonated in advance. Even if you can simply correct the flight trajectory during the flight to hit the target, it is completely impossible for them to have the flexibility of dragons in the air domain.

At this time, the air wave was chasing, and Cassia felt that Cassiehe's fear was gradually disappearing. In mid-air, he avoided the cannon bullets fired from the airship ahead in a spiral tube-like route, and then a slight touch came from his body, and his vision may only be dimmed for a moment, and the steel-like body was no longer An empty boat pierced through.

There was a slight sound of a high-concentration hydrogen explosion behind him. At this moment, Cassia pulled out a steep angle and threw a big maneuver in mid-air. When the wings were completely bathed in sunlight, he had reached the height of several hundred meters on the airship. .

"Discard the empty boat, and all the crew hid in the forest." At the same time, the three commanders were standing on the ancient tree in the distance, looking at the scene in the sky, and gave orders in helpless but angrily. . The dragon is originally the king of the air. Those tough wings are not decorations. The huge power provided allows it to easily complete difficult maneuvers that are difficult for any red tube aircraft. In less than a minute, they saw three empty boats falling under the engulf of flames.

Higher in the sky, the scales of the young dragon shone with little cold light in the sun. Immediately, the commanders saw a cold black stream shadow falling down, directly smashing an empty boat through from top to bottom. Immediately afterwards, the young dragon seemed to ignore the inertia and gravity effects brought about by the accelerated fall. The moment the wings spread out, the body suddenly hovered over the canopy, and only a gust of wind fell.

The canopy of the tree was swaying green waves under the strong wind pulled by the wings of the young dragon. It once again became a black spot without any trajectory, breaking through the surrounding mist, and even a faintly visible path through it. . The extreme speed led the young dragon to rush to the nearby empty boat. In the blink of an eye, a fiercely burning bright red flame spewed from the empty boat, leaning downwards with a heavy body. The young dragon then turned back again and began to look for the next target. Its movements are as flexible as an artist's pen, and every line drawn is worthy of deep thought and aftertaste.

All the airboats were unable to organize effective attacks after receiving the order to evacuate, and the combatants on it first evacuated along the lowered ropes. After half a minute, all the personnel came to the ground, leaving only the empty boat to continue accelerating forward according to the program in the differential engine.

Seeing all the personnel falling into the forest, the three commanders finally breathed a sigh of relief. Since they can't complete the task, preventing excessive casualties is what they should worry about next.

"Everyone hid behind the trunk!" Then, an angry roar came out of their mouths. The young dragon had given up attacking those air boats, and then rushed to the sky again, turning into a black spot in the blink of an eye. I thought it was going to leave, but the next moment, in their cross pupils, the scales of the young dragon's whole body were being eroded by a dark red pattern at an extremely fast speed, as well as the dragon knight who only attached to the neck of the young dragon. The same is true.

The voice fell, and the young dragon with red lines on the whole body had already waved a pair of dark red wings and fell from the sky. The air became dry at this time. In this small area, the fog above the forest was centered on the trajectory of the young dragon's subduction, and dispersed towards the surroundings.

"Bang—" The air was heated and expanded by extremely high temperatures and screamed, and the layers of tree crowns below were sunken in the impact of the heat wave. The squally wind exploded immediately, with a burning dry heat, sweeping over the forest in this area. The blazing light has been spilled, covering everything nearby with a layer of light.

A white beam of light appeared with the dark red figure of the young dragon falling, like a physical object, directly hitting the ground. With the impact of high temperature, the mist burned out, and the flames used the ground as a baffle, overflowing directly to the surroundings, drowning everything around them at a very fast speed.

In less than two or three seconds, the flames rolled out from the blockade inside the forest. They are shaped like rewinding waves, layer by layer around the center, hitting and sputtering bright red flowers on the ancient trees. The thick layers of the canopy were directly burned into ashes, and the black ash was carried further away under the impact.

The commanders had already jumped down and waited until the heat wave swept over them before they climbed the old tree again.

Not far in front of him turned into a burning sea of ​​fire, still releasing a lot of heat. The bright orange red remained in the center. The ground and soil were melted into lava by high temperature, and at a distance, there were a circle of mottled glass-like rings. The airship that had not had time to fly out of that area fell to the ground under the impact of the heat thick smoke rose at this time, and in a blink of an eye it blocked the sky in a small area.

The young dragon's figure disappeared from their eyes, and under full flight, only certain types of airships and red tube planes were able to catch up with them.

With a heavy sigh, the commanders were fortunate that they were still some distance away from the flame-sweeping area, and most of the airship crew had left the area just now when they evacuated. At that temperature, if there is no special surgical development project, the result can only be the same as the old tree that has become coke in front of it. As if he didn't want to attack himself anymore, the three commanders thought. When the young dragon appeared in the sky, the identities of the two had changed. Without the airship, their weapons could not break the scales of the young dragon.

They fell from the old tree and started to go in as far as possible to rescue the injured on the edge.

On the other side, Cassia was panting on Cassie's black back. Although I tried my best to stop the desire to breathe, I couldn't restrain it in the end. The consumption is extremely huge, perhaps the breath just now was not complete, because Cassia felt that the energy could not keep up with the rate of consumption at the end, and this was the energy substance added in the bodies of both herself and Cassie. It became a brief collapse, and Cassiehei was in the same state, flying close to the sky over the forest, and the speed dropped a lot. But rather than being weak, Cassia could feel that Cassiehe was more happy. It is only the body that controls Cassie Hei just now like a real-time bystander, he has personally experienced everything that happened.

A minute or two later, Cassia grabbed the stab on Cassie's black head and pointed him in the direction of the truck.

"Taking this opportunity, I should teach Cassie more things." Cassia said to herself after a glance.

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