Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 936: Eve (4)

Relying on a strong sense of direction to find the way forward, Cassia looked at several raised peaks in the distance to adjust the route. Snow will change the topography at any time, and in an environment where the scenery is roughly the same, these mountains can only be used as accurate references.

In the afternoon, the shadow of the airship can no longer be seen overhead, but the traces of snow vehicles that have not been smoothed by the snow can occasionally be seen on the ice. A layer of ice formed on her hair early, and as she breathed, Cassia felt her face stiffer. The temperature dropped further, and when it was about to get dark, the gathered clouds began to surge.

While sighing that he didn't seem to have the right time, Cassia finally understood why the airships and vehicles would generally choose to leave together. They are not large airships. At best, they are small and medium-sized airships that can transport a large amount of materials. The thunderstorms in the outside world will not have the slightest problem, but in the limit area, because of the invisible interference, the function will be regressed a lot, plus The harshness of the environment and climate has increased, and small and medium-sized airships cannot resist.

Speeding up her speed, Cassia wanted to find a place that could resist the blizzard as soon as possible before dark. The shortcomings of acting alone became apparent at this time. Even if Simia brought him a detailed map of the assessment area when he left the military school, how many of the locations noted above can still be used for more than two months. Survived in time, Cassia himself did not hold great expectations.

According to memory, he rushed to the nearest large cave where he could rest. The speed under the dark sky was even faster, and soon there was a wind, and in a world where all the water had turned into frost, the snow mist was like dust under the blazing sun, and like mold spores, the sky filled the sky.

Soon after, two bright beams of light shone from the side, and the sound of the steam engine finally spread. Cassia immediately stopped in place, approached his iron box, and drew the revolver.

With a sigh of relief, the revolver felt painful to the touch, and the temperature was much colder than the environment. After moving his body, Cassia looked at the approaching vehicle and saw its general direction. It should be anxious to return to the nearest station. At their speed, it would take almost ten hours before they could rush back.

Most of the vehicles in the snow are dedicated. The wheels have abandoned rubber and are completely processed with meteorite, and are equipped with anti-skid chains and some short spikes to enhance the grip. The structure at the front of the vehicle is similar to the structure used to remove snow on the railway by rearranging. Both have an arc-shaped triangular spire that can squeeze the snow to both sides.

The speed is very fast, and the two vehicles are driving side by side, separated by ten meters to avoid the snow shoveled by the spire. The extremely strong power and damping performance make the vehicle extremely stable, opening up two distinct lanes abruptly in the snow.

Cassia just quietly watched the two limo cars driving on the side, hoping that the rising snow mist could separate him from them. But it seemed that I found Cassia standing in place. The speed of the passing vehicle immediately slowed down, turned a small bend and drove straight, stopping forty to fifty meters away.

The strong beams of the headlights hit both sides of Cassia, and the snow suddenly became brighter. Cassia squinted slightly and watched one of the car's doors open, and steam came out like thick smoke. A man and a woman came out from the inside, all dressed in cold-proof clothing, clinging to the body, making them look much stronger.

The other car just opened the window, and under the light of the interior lights, there were two women and one man. Probably people in the same family, or friends that I know together, formed a team. At this time, they all looked at Cassia, their eyes stayed for less than a second, and they naturally turned to the iron box aside.

The box is not big, like an iron coffin. And the drawings that Cassia made at the beginning were made in the form of a coffin, just enough to fit himself and have more space left.

"Hey, friend, where are you going, do you need me to take you for a ride?" The man who got off the bus asked with a smile, "It's free, and it's guaranteed to get you to your destination. You see a blizzard is coming soon Now, you are alone, and there is no vehicle to travel, your movement will definitely be restricted afterwards."

Cassia sighed in relief, waved his hand, and smiled back: "Thank you very much, no, my car is not far away, and I will return to the nearest station soon. You leave first, the blizzard may be coming. , Maybe I can catch up with you in the lane you drive out."

The man made a rogue gesture, but the woman on the side gave him a light push. The man glanced at the woman, as if saying don't worry. The snow and fog were so full that Cassia couldn't see clearly. But there was a bad feeling in my heart.

"Friend, can I ask something?" The man said, taking a step forward and pointing his finger at the iron box. "What's in it? It should be the materials you prepared for this assessment?"

With a stiff face and a stiff smile, Cassia nodded: "Some firearms and ammunition, although they know that they can’t get good results, but everyone is preparing, I want to follow suit, at least not after the assessment is over. What regrets should be left to yourself."

"So, I know." The man nodded likewise, as if suddenly realized, "Then you have to speed up the time to catch up, then we can go back together."

Speaking of getting in the car, the engine started and buzzed. The man waved his hand from the window, and the vehicle turned and drove in the same direction. Soon, the vehicle went out more than 100 meters, and when the snow mist was about to encircle them, Cassia kicked the lower part of the iron box, letting it cut a dozen meters away.

Sliding on the snow is not fast enough than the speed of the bullets ~ As Cassia moved towards the rear, several crisp sounds hit his head like a lightning strike. The bullet ignited a white fountain where I was standing, and the muffled gunfire disappeared after a few seconds.

Cassia knew that the group of people just wanted to play, and there were beautiful wild flowers on the side of the road, so he picked it up and took a look. Stepping up to the side of the iron box a few steps, Cassia looked to the side, was shot seven or eight dents, and all the bullets penetrated the inside of the box, and was finally forced to stop by the steel pot containing dragon blood.

Looking up at the dense black clouds in the sky, the air currents brought by the wind are getting bigger and bigger. Cassia knew that he would not be able to reach the nearby cave before the blizzard. The sound of the snow vehicle engine is also disappearing from his perception.

"I should have thought of this kind of thing a long time ago, and I should add a layer of composite bulletproof material on it before I came here." Cassia looked for his own reason, a little annoyed, which he did not consider. But the fine wind made him feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable at the moment, and his scalp was a little numb. It seemed that something had penetrated into his body in the past few days, causing the blood to boil sharply just now. An unnatural blush appeared on his face that was somewhat pale from the cold. This was something Cassia hadn't noticed. The extreme geographical environment and unknown effects were always affecting him.

Looking at the two looming cars, the only thing that can recognize them now is the solid beam of the headlights.

When the wind became stronger, the snow mist continued to fly, and the snow on the ground was blown and began to smooth the scars on the smooth surface. In the snow, an iron box was left alone. Someone left it in place. Soon a small pile of snow piled up there.

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