Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 230: Can you run?

Blocked by Tang Luo, Snow White could not be seen.

Gladstone's face instantly narrowed, his red eyes stared at Tang Luo, his knife trembling, and he could not wait for his flesh.

"Calm down," Sneek said next to Glaston.

The white-haired man looked fearless, and the small village formed in the forest behind him.

I'm afraid it's not a simple role, and rash conflict is not the best policy.

"Calm, do you tell me to calm down?" Gladstone turned to look at Sneek suddenly.

Snake's eyes were startled by those red eyes.

"That cat killed my Mia, how can I calm down?" Gladstone didn't say how he really felt.

The moment he saw the woman in the crystal coffin, all his instincts were screaming wildly, asking him to become one with the woman.

So much so that the nine beauties who spent years collecting and making all of a sudden turned into native chicken shrews.

Even if they were torn again in front of Glaston, Glaston wouldn't frown.

At best, his strength has been affected.

Half of Gladstone's strength is on those puppets.

"Mia?" Tang Luo looked at Xiaotian Dog, "Do you eat a man?"

Xiaotian Dog shook her head again and again, she wasn't, she didn't, she just ate a puppet.

Tang Luo just asked casually, didn't care.

"I'm coming," Sneek said, looking at Don Low and heading straight to the subject. "Exchange?"

"Swap?" Tang Luo asked. "What?"

The prince next to him walked with his demon and really let him wait.

However, it wasn't just waiting for the rabbits, but "inadvertently inserting willows and willows into the shade", which was attracted by Xiaotian and Amy Ruida.

The result is the same, it is a good thing anyway.

Charles over there looked at Gladstone, he was confused and yelled: "It's you asshole!"

He recalled that he had actually seen Glaston a few years ago.

It was a friendly visit between neighbouring countries, and Gladstone visited Taoscent once.

There was a cordial exchange of talks with Rudolph and Oriana, and Charles accompanied him.

That time, Charles had some impressions, and Glaston's gaze at Oriana made Charles feel very uncomfortable.

Full of aggression, like a hair-loving little wolf dog.

Although Charles didn't like Oriana, it was also the family's own thing after the royal family closed the door.

Have you the prince next door?

Gladstone hadn't expected it, and for a moment he didn't even notice it, even Rudolph didn't notice it, but was observed by the little prince.

The hatred ended inexplicably, typically starting with "What are you doing?"

Gladstone glanced at Charles, frowning, and wondering for a while who this dirty, shabby outfit was.

Man, he is always too lazy to remember.

For a beautiful woman, Gladstone can keep it in mind and never forget it.

Charles is not stupid, at least now smarter than before.

Seeing Glaston frowning and thinking, he knew that he had forgotten himself, and his heart burst into flames.

In the face of Tang Luo, one-handed opponent who played him as a ball, Charles was able to suppress the anger. In the face of others, the crime of anger would not be suppressed.

A roaring blast sounded.

Charles, who was still there, jumped up and jumped into the air, his hand interrupted the sword and fell towards Glaston.

The strong sense of oppression made the white horse under Glaston hissing uneasily, and his forefoot couldn't help rising.

Snooker over there, didn't expect to just start trading, and did not say what to exchange, they just fought.

Moreover, a little fart kid was doing it, and his heart was extremely displeased. Sneek raised his hands so stupidly that he chose tit-for-tat?

A black gas twisted and rushed towards Charles, coming first.

You can hit him before Charles cuts Glaston. This black gas is poisonous, and it has no impact. The real way to hurt people is poison.

If Charles dodged, the poison would not hurt him.

If Charles is going to get hurt in both ways, Snake won't suffer at all-it won't be Snake anyway.

Even if half of Gladstone's strength is on the puppet, he won't be stung by this sword.

Charles was angry, and of course he wouldn't keep his hand because of a black gas, regardless of a sword.

Gladstone narrowed his eyes, gave up his white horse directly, and leaped back.

Charles has always been more than powerful and insufficient. Now it is difficult to change the attack direction in mid-air.

The broken sword fell straight, blood splattered, and the horse let out a wailing noise, and fell to the ground, and soon there was no sound.

One sword slashed the white horse of Gladstone without hurting Gladstone.

Instead, his face flashed of black gas, poisoned by Snake's poison.

I can't see anything for the time being, time is slowly accumulating, and this little boy is very comfortable.

You can't lose a horse for a hostage.

A cold smile appeared in Sneek's heart.

Without a hit, Charles rushed to Gladstone without hesitation.

A puppet behind him moved quietly and raised his feet on Charles, with his hips still in the back, and the most sinister.

Charles had a serious lack of combat experience, and was knocked to the ground by a mighty puppet. Several of them rolled, feeling that his body was sore and numb with Snake's poison. He couldn't stand at all.

"it is good."

Snake said secretly in his heart.

It's a joy to scrap the arm of the white-haired man so quickly.

Where did he think that Tang Luo and Charles were not in the same group at all, not the companionship he imagined.

"Can we talk now?" Sneek motioned to Gladstone to be calm and restless, looking at Donlow.

"Always ok, what do you want to exchange with me?" Tang Luorao was interested.

"Snow White behind you," Sneek said, "give her to us."

"What exchange do you use?" Tang Luo asked.

"The two of them." Sneek pointed to Ami Rida, who was half asleep, and Charles lying on the ground. "They have poisoned me. If I don't detoxify, I will die."

"Is it your poison?" Tang Luo asked.

"Yes," Sneek said. "How about, think about it."

"Good," Tang Luo said.

"Yes?" Sneek wondered. What did it mean?

"It can be done," Tang Luo said, grabbing it, and grabbing the dragon.

He caught the broken sword that Charles just flew out of

"You don't care about their lives? Want--"

Only halfway through this sentence, Snake felt a sudden twist of the sky, as if stuffed into a washing machine, his eyes spinning wildly.

At last the sight was still, and he seemed to see a headless body.

The corpse seemed very familiar, it seemed-it was himself!

"My head was cut off?" Sneek watched the headless body fall slowly.

Above the skull, a pair of weird erect pupils stared wide and gradually lost their charm.

The neck fracture was just facing the ground, and his head was standing upright.

Sword bowed!

Tang Luo frowned slightly, looking at Xiaotian Dog: "God, has he run away?"

There is no merit to kill Snake.

Either find Snake is not a bad person, but the performance just now, the ruthlessness, and the lack of blood on the body all mean that this person is not a good person.

Either, Snake didn't die, and how to escape.

The dog ran over, snatched it next to Snake's head, and patted it with a paw to see an extra small hole on the ground.

A snake less than twenty centimeters in length and finger thickness just disappeared.


Huo Tian Dog yelled at Tang Luo, indicating that the thing was Snake.

The spirit snake got out.

One of Snake's skills can only be used once, passive.

When the body suffers a lethal blow, the consciousness can be completely transferred to the special snake that hides the warmth in the body, thereby gaining an extra life.

But from then on, if there is no other adventure, I am afraid to spend the whole life in the body of the snake.

In terms of life, it is no longer the original life, but the life of ordinary snakes.

Similar to drinking thirst to quench thirst.

But it ’s better to live than to die. Do n’t forget that walking is not ordinary people. When entering the mission world, danger and opportunity coexist.

Recovery is not whimsical.

Sneek is now desperately drilling into the ground to restore his body or something, and it is also something to consider after fleeing.

"Can you run it?"

Suddenly, Sneek "heared" something that seemed familiar.

He said that while Amy Ruida ran.

Later, I also found Amy Ruida ~ ~ Tang Luo raised his footsteps, fell, and the ground shook a bit.

Sneek felt the soft soil around him, and it became firm immediately, then squeezed from all directions towards him.

If it's a person, Snec feels a bit uncomfortable at most.

But now the fragile snake body--


Sneek turned into a vague pool of flesh underground.

"That's right." Feeling the increase in the power of merits, Tang Luo nodded slightly, and was sure that the wicked man was indeed saved.

Turning his head to glance at all the puppets, Gladstone surrounded him, Tang Luo smiled: "Look at this donor's dress, it must be the prince next door."

Glaston said: "Yes."

He played with Sneek, and both teams were on par with each other without a hole card.

But I figured it out, and I can't change the situation from the beginning of May to May. It just turned into a loss and even death.

The white-haired man killed Sneek in an instant.

Until death, Sneek couldn't even react.

Gladstone himself did not even see how the man shot, but only the afterimage.

The most important thing is that Sneek's last life-saving means seems to be easily broken by the opponent.

With such strength, Glaston is not an opponent!

The white horse was killed, and the one Snake was riding on was taken away when he started.

Gladstone can only hope that his identity as a prince will help.

At least hope he can get time for his escape.

As for Snow White in the crystal coffin, she had to look for another opportunity.

Gladstone will not give up.

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