Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 390: Close the coffin board


The dog yelled, and waved its paws under the viaduct.

This huge stone pillar supporting the viaduct is different from other stone pillars, with a dragon carved on it.

Called Panlong Zhu, it is used to suppress evil spirits.

It is rumored that when the viaduct was constructed, it was going well elsewhere. During this period of construction, problems frequently occurred and there was no way to complete it.

In the end, I asked for guidance from an expert, and I got an extra panlong pole here, and then it was successfully completed.

Nothing happened.

However, about half a year ago, the frequency of car accidents rose somehow.

I asked an expert to do a survey and said that this is a turning point. Because of the long time, it caused a little "change".

I haven't said what the specific changes are, but such changes will affect the overall structure, and sometimes the naked eye will make a wrong judgment.

For example, when you are tired, it is easy to have a car accident, and it does n’t matter if you make some adjustments.

Regardless of these remarks, believe it or not, anyway, after the unknown adjustment, the number of car accidents has indeed dropped a lot and has returned to normal levels.

But the materials Tang Luo got from this recorder did not say so.

According to the data, what was held down by Pan Longzhu was about to break out. Those car accidents were just a small effect of the breath it leaked.

Today's security is just accumulating strength and is about to be truly born.

Among the materials collected by many record communicators, this is a relatively complete and detailed one.

If it is true, then Tang Luo has to find the source, the culprit is at his feet, as long as the other party is resolved, the incident is resolved.

But if it is false, Tang Luo will make a vain trip.

Tang Luo certainly does not want to be false, but the current situation is not optimistic. Standing here, he has not found any abnormalities or clues.

Maybe it's just one of many ghost stories, not a true weird event.

Gongde Yulian was suspended above his head, and was about to "sink into the ground." The fog markings on the back of his hand appeared, flickering, reminding Tang Luo that someone was looking for him.

"What's the matter?" Tang Luo entered the mist.

"Master, something is wrong." Ao Yulie's tone was slightly fierce, and he could see that he was a little excited.

"What happened to you?" Tang Luo asked.

No, really, there is an important matter that Ao Yulie has no way to solve, he will run away to inform the first time, instead of selling the jealousy.

"No, something has happened in the whole world! The worldview has collapsed at this moment!"

"speak English."

"Oh, the black hole HD photos are coming out, it's an eye."

"Ha?" Tang Luo frowned, a high-resolution photo of a black hole, an eye?

This is a bit of a mess.

What is a black hole? In a broad sense, a black hole is a celestial body with a curvature in space-time that is so large that light cannot escape from its event horizon.

Actually it's not dark and it's not holey.

It's just that the mass density has reached an unimaginable degree, and the gravitational force produced cannot even escape light.

In other words, it is impossible to see what this thing looks like.

Some time ago, this mission world finally successfully took pictures of black holes.

The photos are blurry. To be honest, it looks like a donut, and it is a bit like the iris outside the pupil of the human eye.

After a while of discussion, the heat disappeared, and the heat did not reach the heat, so this matter has passed.

However, the original team was still working hard and wanted to take high-resolution photos of black holes.

It has been re-broadcast some time ago, and a new, true high-definition photo will be announced soon.

The attention is still quite high, at least one level with the fog event and the Queen's birthday.

However, the original release date is not now.

It should be earlier. It may be related to the death of the empress. The team belongs to the scientific research team of this country. Although the members come from all over the world, the money comes from the funding of this country.

The gold lord's mascot died, and it was normal to postpone the release.

Among the recorders and communicators whom Tang Luo had contacted, some were investigating the "black hole secrets".

"Photos and videos have gone crazy now, and they can't be deleted." Ao Yulie said.

This time, the impact far exceeded the fog created by the Feng family, as well as the suit man incident.

"When did this happen?"

"Just an hour ago." Ao Yulie said, "I heard people say that when I went online, I was shocked."

One thing to note here is that it's been a while since I entered this mission world.

Tang Luo and Ao Yulie have always been black households, but Ao Yulie got himself a cell phone.

It ’s all right to pass the time on the Internet, and you can also pay attention to any big news.

Don't forget, their first weird incident was found online.

Even the things recorded by the recorder, all kinds of stories can be traced online.

Including the black hole is an eye, but also a brain hole opened by talented netizens after the original "Gaussian Blur" photo came out.

Unexpectedly, his mother-in-law came true!

The videos and photos were sent by the team-before they died.

When I saw a high-resolution photo of a black hole, I saw that it was not a black hole at all.

But one eye.

With one indifferent eye, all these people collapsed.

This feeling is like a sudden change from a person into a really small ant, and I can't bear it at all.

Think about it, I don't know how many light years away a black hole is.

It's not a black hole, but an eye, an eye staring at "you".

At first glance, there is a very obvious sense of gaze.

It's watching me! It's watching us!

There was no emotion in that eye. It was not curiosity, disgust, or joy, just watching it so simply.

It's as if a person glanced across the ground with a group of ants on the ground.

He saw this group of ants, he didn't make any emotional fluctuations, just swept over so easily.

But for the "short-lived" ant, this glance is even longer.

Shaped like long-term gaze.

Before the complete collapse and suicide, these researchers sent all the information, photos, and monitoring of the laboratory from joy to surprise, to horror, to the final crash scene.

It can be understood as "Everyone comes together and we cannot collapse", or it can be understood as "The truth must be announced."

In short, things broke out so abruptly.

It spreads like a virus, and fear spreads like a virus.

As for the problem of believe it or not, unless you see how many hands have been transmitted, the picture is green, and the N hand picture is more blurred than the first black hole photo.

Others, even if it is a glimpse of shock in the video, as long as you see that eye, you will understand that this is true.

This is one eye that is "looking at you"!

There is no way to lie to yourself, you can even feel that some kind of sight falls on yourself.

No matter where you are, the sight and gaze of that eye will not be blocked.

Of course, if you look up at the sky, you won't find anything.

Now the spread has just begun. Chaos has begun to take shape.

After listening to Ao Yulie's description, Tang Luo pondered for a moment: "Go to the recorder investigating the black hole."

"It's found, one step late, he committed suicide half an hour ago." Ao Yulie said, "Master, do you say that black holes are really some kind of existent eyes? Fairy Buddha, demon?"

"Probably not." Tang Luo was very calm. "I asked the dog to come to you. You can find Lu Xiuqi and be optimistic about him. I will come to you after I solve the matter here."

"Okay, Master." Ao Yulie nodded.

Withdrawing from the fog, Tang Luo patted Xiao Tian Tian's head and motioned her to go to Ao Yulie.

The dog jumped to the ground, and a few ups and downs disappeared.

Tang Luo entered into an intangible state, sinking into the ground and sinking constantly.

"Are there any holes?"

After sinking for a while, the surroundings suddenly opened up. Tang Luo appeared in an underground burial chamber, a man-made, complex mausoleum!

After years of change, it has sunk into the ground.

Many places have collapsed and been damaged, and some of them are still intact.

Barely let North Bayi innocently come in and walk around.

There are corridors that have been tortuous at first, but have become more tortuous due to the collapse, and there are dangerous rooms filled with various institutions.

Because of the age-old relationship, many institutions have been damaged, and some of them have brought greater danger.

For example, what used to be a stone dropping operation will now collapse into an entire passage.

In order to successfully enter the main tomb, it takes a lot of courage, perseverance, ability, and luck.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Tang Luo.

Because where he fell was the main burial chamber of this burial chamber, he could see the bronze coffin inside at a glance.

The bronze coffin is larger than a normal coffin.

Tang Luo stood, barely on par with the bronze coffin.

The dull impact sounded from the bronze coffin, which was not loud, but clearly audible in the quiet main tomb room.

Inside, there is something to come out!

Generally speaking, these are the most tense moments. As a "grave robber", you should rest for two seconds at this time, and then slowly back down.

Before she really left, a mule jumped over the coffin board.

Tang Luo was not a grave robber, so he stepped forward, raised his hand against the edge of the coffin board, and pushed it aside.

The sound of friction sounded ~ ~ Guanghua flashed slightly. It seemed that some seals were broken, and the bronze coffin board was pushed away by Tang Luo.

Nothing special happened, a zombie jumped out of it.

Red eyes, dry body, completely indistinguishable between men and women, the corpse qi permeated with its appearance.

The entire main tomb suddenly turned into a Jedi of life.

The zombie stood on the edge of a bronze coffin, his head raised, as if to be screaming.

Then he suddenly lowered his head and looked at Tang Luo, who was standing next to the bronze coffin.

The fierce eyes were abnormal, the red light flashed twice, and it went dim.

His body slowly slumped, and he jumped back into the bronze coffin, raised the coffin board with both hands, and closed it silently.

If I don't come out, I will fall asleep again as a corpse, and everyone will be as if nothing happened.

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