Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 412: The family is worth it

"Master, shouldn't I send a post?" Maeda Wang took a few steps forward and finally couldn't help looking at Tang Luo and Ao Yulie behind him. --w-w-w.S`L`Z`W`W.c-o-m. -

Sending a worship post for Mao himself and sending it halfway were caught up by the two!

Even if he was going to run, it wouldn't be like that.

You must be fully prepared. How can you run away with your own brain?

And a little person like him shouldn't come together to stare.

"Yeah, you send it, we will go to the palace last month after you send it." Ao Yulie said, of course, plus expectations.

A Woman in Moon Palace? Is it a female donor, a female bodhisattva, or a female fairy?

Behind him, he wore a panlong stick obliquely, and a black flame demon sword hung around his waist.

Coupled with two people from the rivers and lakes, word-of-mouth holy soldiers are very attractive.

Along the way, many people were talking in a low voice, and also caused some exclamation.

For example, "Ah, that's Jade Dragon Boy, right! Jade Dragon Boy, right!"

"He looked at me! He looked at me! I announced that I would like Yulong to be alone from today!"

"I declare your declaration valid."

"You said yesterday that you only like pity."

"Well, if the pityboy also gives me a glance, I will continue to like him."

"Why not four boys, that white hair is so handsome ..."

"Shut up, it's four degrees ... The monk is the master of Yulong. Don't look young, it's because the internal force is deep in beauty and skill, maybe your grandpa is older."

"Ah, I really want to learn what martial arts."

"That means that Yulong will be the same as he is now, and will he still be handsome?"

——The above come from all kinds of heroines, as well as ladies who are not ladies at all, and Xiaojiabiyu who is not a small family.

"Three big boys, look at their demeanor.

"Sadly followed a demon--"

Before the "monk" finished speaking, he was covered by his mouth and dragged away.

You do n’t want us to die!

Everyone knows that the other person ’s master is a demon monk, who does n’t even hate Tianmen, and dare to say bad things?

Do you think you can't hear someone whispering behind you?

Masters listen to people's corners as easily as they listen to sows, do you know? I do n’t know if I dare to blindly compare, and dragged on and said.

This is the romantic atmosphere of the rivers and lakes.

"Go to the door when you're done ..." Maeda Wang was aggressive, what an operation.

If I do post, shouldn't it be an explanation of the situation, after the other party has responded, then make an appointment for time and place?

I sent a post and came to the site on the spot. What kind of worship is it?

It doesn't count as a breakout.

In places like Moon Palace, a large number of people from rivers and lakes come here every day.

Naturally, it is impossible for any cat or dog to visit Moon Palace.

Of the four holy places, the Moon Palace is the second most difficult place to visit.

The first needless to say, naturally is Feijianmen.

Because there are only two disciples, outsiders don't even know where the martial arts are. It is heard that on a certain top, both the master and apprentice will only go back to worship the patriarchs once a year.

The martial arts address is more like a ruin.

The sword boy is okay, travelling everywhere, his whereabouts are not secret.

The Sword God of the Fallen Kingdom is a dragon with a superb style.

Any master of this level is in these two states. Either live in a certain place or stay in town without leaving the house. When it comes out, it means that something big is happening in the rivers and lakes, or something is about to happen, which is more accurate than the weather forecast.

Either travel around and leave rumors about God-man everywhere.

Moon Palace Palace Master belongs to the former.

In order to show respect for the four holy places-mainly afraid of scaring the remaining three holy places, it would not be beautiful if they ran with the holy soldiers.

So worship is very necessary.

"Worship the post first, and then come home. This is etiquette, you don't understand." Ao Yulie said to Maeda Wang.

Maeda looked a uglier smile than crying, walked, you fist big, you're right.

They no longer care about the two behind them and concentrate on delivering the letter.

In this bustling capital, there is a large lake named Moon Lake, and there is an island shaped like a crescent moon in the lake.

Moon Palace is built on this island.

This island has no name, the moon palace is the island, and the island is the moon palace.

Because of the relationship between the Moon Palace, this capital also has the title of "Daughter City". There are many women on the streets.

Near the lake, it is extremely lively.

There are many restaurants and inns, there are many martial arts halls, and even martial arts have opened "admissions points" here.

It would be a good thing to get one or two good seedlings brushed down from the Moon Palace.

The fact that the Moon Palace doesn't look up does not mean that other rivers and lakes do not look down.

The Moon Palace opens its doors wide every year and recruits disciples once, depending on the situation.

The time for recruiting disciples this month is one month later, but many people have already arrived in advance to avoid missing the opportunity.

There are also many people who want to communicate with the Moon Palace in advance through various means.

Moon Palace has no way to communicate with the outside world, at least not on the surface.

Just a small pier by the lake, a flat boat with up to five people on one leaf stopped beside the pier.

There is also a simple two-story small building on the dock called Wangyue Pavilion, which can be understood as the external office of Yueyue Palace.

However, the "clerk" is not what everyone thinks, or the heroic beauty, or the charming "moon palace fairy".

But a few aunts.

Are all women beautiful in the martial arts school?

Thinking too much, how can the huge moon palace be all beautiful women? All sorts of chores need to be done by handymen.

The five junior members of the Yuegong Palace can give a lot of ignorant, self-proclaimed young heroes a heart shadow that can't be erased for life.

In Wangyue Pavilion, a few aunts with embarrassed backs and dazzling eyebrows cope with a steady stream of people.

There was also no good color on the face, and without looking at the various worship posts, he was thrown into a nearby basket.

When I send it back at night, people will see it and make a decision.

As for the kind of "Xiamen XXX, specifically to see the Moon Palace XXX", or the younger ones, get out of the picture.

Those who dare to get tangled up all the way down into the soil.

Why not throw it into the lake?

Of course, throwing it into the lake will dirty the environment of the Moon Palace.

It looks like a hostess downstairs in a girl's dormitory.

Maeda Wang crowded in the crowd, as if he had regained his commute days. Why did he become a demon and walk?

Think about it and feel sadness from it, unable to extricate yourself.

However, this is actually a good thing, at least to prove that in the eyes of non-minded people, his Maeda Wang is just a trivial little person.

Not as dazzling as Tang Luo and Ao Yulie.

If you have heard the rumors, if you observe for a while, most of them can determine the identity of the two.

Maeda Wang, who was difficult to extricate himself, took some time to come to the "aunt in charge of the house" and handed in the worship post.

Aunt didn't even glance at it, so she threw it in the nearby basket.

Maeda Wang immediately reminded: "That is the worship of Master Xuanzang."

The aunt responded quickly, reached out her hand, grabbed the placard in the air, looked at Maeda Wang and said, "What did you say?"

"This is the worship post of Master Xuan Zang, Master Xuan Zang and his disciple Yulong, come to visit the Moon Palace and look forward to pass."

Maeda looked humble and steady.

There is no perfunctory thing—it is one thing to prepare for a job change, and nothing else to do work.

"Sure enough." Aunt whispered, a **** turned over, and the whole man spun in midair.

Leave Wangyue Pavilion and fall into the flat boat docked behind.

The figure is light and agile, which contrasts sharply with the shape of the tiger's back.

Let a lot of young heroes startled, and then thoughtfully.

Before they had any illusions, they were awakened by the experienced elders nearby.

Wake up, young people, these aunts are real aunts, and there is no intentional ugly situation.

Don't tell me Yirong, Wugong and the like.

I know it can be done, but these aunts are aunts, not moon palace fairies.

You are still young and have never heard of the past twenty years ago.

Twenty years ago, imaginative young people like you were bewildered by physical fitness, and firmly believed that under the appearance of Yue Gongyan, there was a beauty girl.

Began to chase, and finally succeeded in holding her aunt.

Unexpectedly, the wedding night, I found that the aunt is the aunt, everything just stems from his imagination.

In shock and anger, I decided to give up all the time, the fish died, and I left.

Three days later, it was found by Yuegong. As a punishment for being abandoned all the time, he was forced to sing a song, "Cut Chicken, Cut Chicken, Cut Chicken."

How hard are the puppets of Yuegong?

Do you know how to cut apples? Just know.

So far, the man who knows, the man, feels a chill coming from His Majesty when it comes to the matter.

At the same time, he sighed that the young heroes are too young.

Maeda Wang, who was next to him, could not help hearing her legs.

This is Jianghu, a martial art composed entirely of women who wants to gain a foothold in the rivers and lakes and can become one of the holy places.

It's not just beauty, it's not just beauty.

Only ignorant young talents have any unrealistic illusions about Yue Gong.

Of course, a man is a teenager until his death.


Suddenly, there was a commotion on the other side.

Everyone stretched their necks and looked.

I saw two figures walking towards the moon palace in the middle of the sparkling Moon Lake.

They are not sick, they are stepping on the water, such as walking on flat ground, it is surprising.

Walking on the waves and walking on the water is not uncommon for rivers and lakes.

You can do it with a little lighter work, stepping on the snow without any traces, and tapping on the thin branches, passing by, are all basic operations.

However, these situations have one thing in common, and that is fast.

The situation that can really reflect superb power is standing on a slender branch and swinging in the wind.

Or as it is now.

Walking on the water, not ill, not as slow as walking on the ground.

There are not many rivers and lakes that can do this, and all of them are extremely light masters.

Who are these two people now?

"It's Yulong! Look at the stick he's carrying! And the knife!"

"So handsome and handsome back! It must be Jade Dragon Boy!"

"A few days ago I heard Xuanzang master and apprentice coming here, did not expect that he actually came to the Moon Palace?"

"Is it for the holy soldier?"

A Ye Wupeng boat sailed from the side of the Moon Palace. It was silent and extremely fast, and soon came to Tang Luo to stop. ~ ~ Standing on the shore, I could not hear the boat lady and that What did they say.

They saw the two getting on the boat, the boat shaking slightly and heading towards Yueyue Palace.

All the people in the rivers and lakes looked envious.

Jiang Hu I, if you can walk on the water like these two, let the moon palace come out to greet.

That's really worth the life of the Sajia.

The whisperer says

Thanks AT2001, Shrank, Betrayal to Heaven, Book Friend 20181107194617555, Uncle Against Gravity, 1303301, Dip, Bears who hate eating fish, Diana, Luo Yuyu, Fu San, Jiha No, Lord Zephyr, I will not tell you What am I thinking, I love Avril Lavigne, Soul Valley, Dr. Jinshan, Yanwu Muba, Red Dust like dreams, Xiaoyuyuyuyuyu, annual salary of 50 million, Feiyue Elves, book friends 150806142822015, horizontal and vertical regardless of 37 Twenty-one, Lin Sheng's reward for eating buns!

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