Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 492: hide and seek?

Li Liuyan is a very extreme magic flame.

强化 While strengthening, he also drove the "people" crazy to the death.

The reason why the barbarian wind bone sword was damaged was that it was burned with the flames of glass to reach its limit.

The final result of the refining of the Bazhu Bajie's refining will not be different from the drill-style bone sword.

But the part of the mysterious transformation that is really used for combat is not the body, but the aggregation of Tang Luo's power.

Lu Liuyan also belongs to Tang Luo's power.

The meaning of Bazhu Bajie is very clear. If it can be done, the mysterious change can become the "liuxuan change".

Not only the power is greatly enhanced, but also the enemy can have the illusion of "I can fight back".

Think about it, fight with others, fell on the body with a stab, and at the same time, felt a force starting to emerge, feeling invincible.

The incarnation shivered as the battle progressed.

Or, the weapons in his hands are getting sharper, stronger and more indestructible.

Do you still run away? Definitely don't run away.

Fight and fight!

The enemy is happy, Tang Luo can also move his hands and feet to stretch his bones.

Plan through, perfect!

"I try." Tang Luo said, the mysterious change began to change, and soon, a sawtooth sword appeared in the hands.

Different from the black sword just now, the sharp sword that appeared this time is slightly transparent, the overall appearance is golden, and it is not stable, and the shape is a bit fuzzy.

"... It takes time to practice," Tang Luo said.

Using the glass flame is not the same as the normal operation just now, because of the characteristics of the glass flame, you must be careful and perform micro operations.

"Just use it." Pig Bajie laughed.

Weapon of magic weapon, come to an end temporarily.

real world.

As Zeus and a group of gods and demons among the twelve main gods walked to death, the alliance of gods inevitably fell apart.

Although they still have a "sovereign **** Odin", the martial art myth is not a fuel-saving lamp.

The Equatorials started hunting Odin. After two encounters, Odin disappeared and terminated the contract of the Alliance of the Gods.

Use this method to get your own lifeline.

The contract is gone, and the original shaky alliance of the gods has officially collapsed. This western giant organization that has fought with the martial art myth for decades has become a dust of history.

Instead, organizations of all sizes, beginning to take the lead.

There must be a need for a group of gods to walk. It is impossible that without the alliance of gods, the western gods will be all alone after they walk.

In the case of Tang Luo's "Yu Meng", Western gods and walkers regard Huaxia as a restricted area.

It's okay to just go to Huaxia and do nothing, but if there are any bad ideas.

Other Western demon walking will hug everyone and kill people first. It doesn't matter if you want to commit suicide. Do you want to drag us into the water?

In addition, the news about "the shard of life pattern is poisonous" has also spread, and it has basically spread throughout the circle of gods and demons.

Let some gods walk with white hair and bald heads, but fail to get stronger.

Many gods and walkers contacted Tang Luo through Ao Yulie and said that they wanted to reserve a place for "removal of life pieces".

in case for need.

Tang Luo certainly will not refuse, Kong Ming and they are also devoted to the study of life-pattern fragments, trying to find a way to cope.

At least first determine which type of life piece is toxic.

According to Tang Luo, only a part of the life pieces are poisonous.

He also has a way to detect it differently.

Unfortunately, his detection method is destructive detection, which detects one less.

If you have the same kind of life pattern fragments, you can check for Tang Luo whether the life pattern fragments are poisonous.

This is the most reliable method at present, because the cost is a bit large, and it is not something that ordinary gods can walk.

Occasionally opened up, the past of a rather comfortable task.

Tang Luo, they ushered in the fifteenth task (special realistic tasks are not counted).

After the team is formed, no matter how many missions the team members have experienced in total, they are counted as the member with the most.

The game of Gods and Demons is not a complete one-time task. It is said that there will be "malice or mercy of gods and monsters.

But in general, the more the number of tasks, the more difficult the task is, which is beyond doubt.

Some gods walking often feel that the difficulty of the task varies greatly, and some tasks are absolutely dead and have no vitality.

Is actually a mistake in operation, which provokes what should not be provoked.

In fact, this is the case for many of Tang Luo's missions. Whether it is the first or second mission, it brings out dangers outside the mission.

十五 The fifteenth task, barely counted as a dividing line.

Can reach this level, even if it is not a fourth-order **** and demon walking strong, it is not far from this level.

Like Kong Ming, the missions have been completed more than fifteen times.

"Master, according to your task situation, I think your task should be more difficult than ordinary characters ..."

This is what Kong Ming told Tang Luo before, I don't know what the mission will look like again.

"Evil is born, the world is like hell, this world is slipping down to the abyss of **** ... stop **** from coming to earth!"

"Well, what happened?"

Tang Luo all showed a little surprised expression.

For a moment, it seemed that the mission suddenly changed a little?

"There are only a few of us. Master, will you not encounter other gods walking after forming a team?" Ao Yulie looked around.

There are no other gods walking, and some are still only three and a half masters and apprentices (the instrument spirit has not yet been born, and the colored glass clothes are half).

"No, we have also met other teams." Tang Luo said.

Wu Wenhanfei's team had performed missions with Tang Luo, but unfortunately became two or five.

After talking to this guy, he had a choice, and now he is a good person and still alive.

"A little less merit." Pig Bajie said.

任务 This task sounds extremely dangerous, but unfortunately there is no companion.

"It's the same to save the world." Tang Luo folded his hands, full of the breath of the monk.

The place where the three of them appeared was a quite lively pedestrian street. Their appearance was like the water droplets had melted into the stream without attracting anyone's attention.

In modern cities, we still can't see the "human prison" in the mission description.

"Evil is born, Master, the deputy book of life and death is very useful." Ao Yulie said.

"Um." Tang Luo took out the auxiliary book of life and death, and threw it to Ao Yulie. "Here it is."

Tong Ao Yulie stunned, why give it to him?

"In case of danger, I can save your life," Tang Luo said.

Wu Ao Yulie squatted to the corner to draw circles. Was it his fault that the strength was poor?

Tong Mingming is a relationship where you are too strong, Master.

I am not Ao Yulie who does not work hard, it ’s Master, you are recovering too fast, I ca n’t keep up.

"The heavens and the earth have thin vitality, almost no, strange." Zhu Bajie shook his head.

Xun Tiandi has a weak vitality, and it can also be called "the world without magic".

Similar to the real world, in this world, the probability of appearing strange things is relatively small.

Even if it is in the mountains and seas, it is not necessarily that a ghost appears when someone dies.

"No magic world", such a probability is almost equal to zero.

I killed two or three kittens. For example, some points in the real world are also related to the magic game.

到底 Where does the evil spirit come from?

The “big background” that “sees” now does not quite match the background story of the mission provided by the Shenmo game.

I ca n’t find the source, but it is not so simple to stop it.

"Probably the last prosperity before the end of the last days?" Said Ao Yulie, who had adjusted his mentality.

I highlight an optimism.

"Go home first," Tang Luo said, touching his shoulders with his eyes open and looking around.

In addition to the basic mission information, the three of them did not appear as black households this time, but were assigned basic identities.

身份 This status does not replace others, but "they".

Tang Xuanzhang, Zhu Bajie, Ao Yulie.

Three fox friends and dog friends opened a "omnipotent detective agency", three digging detectives, the main business project is to detect the track, catch the third, do all kinds of tentative activities on the edge of the law, earn a little money, a very small life Comfortable.

Tang Luo's mouth is also the location of their detective agency.

I was nearby, more than a hundred square meters, integrating the studio and the residence as a whole, three people lived just right.

I don't know why they left the three of them here instead of putting them in their detective agency.

"I'll change my name to‘ Demon Demon Demon Kaiguang Club ’later,” said Tang Luo as he walked.

"Okay." Ao Yulie turned and said, "I'll make a big sign ..."

Then he paused and stopped, his face was strange.

They just entered the mission world just now, they are very low-key and do not show the mountains and rivers. Now they are moving around, and the situation is different.

Is not an ordinary person, it is very conspicuous.

With the momentum of "no anger and prestige", pedestrians unawarely avoided and gave Tang Luo their way out.

It's the same as avoiding the bald tattooed macho ... the principle of the process is different, but the result is the same.

How could anyone run into it?

And, most importantly, why was Ao Yulie hit by someone?

He just turned his head to talk to Tang Luo, but was not stunned by somebody and dropped to the ground. How could he be hit by an ordinary pedestrian?

Tang Luo, they look at each other, here?

Tong Ao Yulie turned his head ~ ~ and looked at the person who had hit him. This is a normal man, and there is nothing strange about it.

After bumping into Ao Yulie, she also took two steps normally.

"Caught you." But what he said was not normal. I saw this person looking at Ao Yulie, showing a twisted expression of terror and ecstasy, "Now it's your turn to be a ghost."

I finished talking, then turned and ran.


How could Ao Yulie make the man run away unclearly, and grabbed the opponent's shoulder as soon as he reached out.

The moment I touched his shoulder, Ao Yulie's face changed, and she felt a cold chill coming from her fingertips.

The whole person is instantly stiff.

The man broke free Ao Yulie's weak hands and ran forward.

Zha Bajie stepped forward and appeared in front of the man, blocking his way.

The man slammed into a steel wall, bumped his head against the south wall, and fell on his back.

Tang Luo walked to Ao Yulie: "What's wrong ..."


Tong Aoyu spit out a large mouthful of blood, and the heavy death gas emanated from him.

I fell backwards and he opened his mouth and said three words: "hide and seek ..."

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