Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 498: 0 ghost haunting!

The blade of light was scorching, and a cold mane was stroked in the darkness, without any sound.

The cold blade was close to Tang Luo's neck.

Took a step to the side at will, moving in motion, and refining, just like practicing hundreds of times.

Tang Luo easily avoided the sneak attack from the dark behind him, and the attack disappeared, and the attackers behind him disappeared.

The rate of disappearance of tadpoles is not fast. As you can see, this is a big man with a height of more than two meters.

He wore a green, blood-stained "apron", wearing gloves, a pair of loose pants, and a typical butcher dress.

But the head is not a human head, but a pig's head.

Alas, this evil spirit, Tang Luo, they found it near a slaughterhouse.

Do n’t get me wrong, it ’s not the kind of slaughterhouse that was really chopped down with a pig-knife. The ground is blood-stained and smelly. There are all kinds of hanging bodies. The last one is there.

But the hanging pork is clean.

The horror film is full of dirty places, and the blood and water on the ground flows into the sewer which has been blocked up at a very slow speed.

All sorts of cluttered tables in the morgue.

There are various corpses hanging on it, making it difficult to distinguish between animals and humans.

The key is a butcher who keeps his hands on his back, facing down.

All of the above has nothing to do with this slaughterhouse.

People are local star companies, industrial assembly line processes, machinery to kill pigs, no need to kill pigs.

电 Use a special machine for electricity.

上 When I was on TV, according to the person in charge, the pig was instantly violent, and the pig would not feel any pain.

It sounds like an experiment ...

Except for a few necessary treatment places, most places are clean and employees have strict requirements for dress.

In theory, how can such a place be haunted?

However, the evil spirits in this world never explained to anyone. A pig head butcher suddenly appeared, and within a few minutes, the factory owner was slaughtered.

The way of killing this evil spirit is extremely simple, appearing behind, falling down with a knife, nodding.

Then appeared behind another, slashing his head.

Teleport, kill, teleport, kill again, in one go, there is no gap.

And the person who "appears behind" will be numb with coldness, unable to do it in a blink of an eye, only to die.

条件 The conditions for killing evil spirits are also very broad. Unlike hide-and-seek ghosts, they must be killed when they "can't catch people when they are ghosts" or "violate the rules."

As long as a strange red light in the pig's head sees a person, the evil spirit will immediately appear behind it, killing the killer.

Really stare at who died.

I want to say that the only limitation is that only one person can be killed at a time, but the evil spirit can kill one person too quickly, completely breaking through the space limitation.

Even time, all it takes is a few tenths of a second.

杀 After killing all the people in sight, the pig-headed ghost walked at a speed that the old man walked, and chose to walk in a random direction.

When he encountered an insurmountable obstacle, he slashed open as soon as he fell.

Da has the meaning of "the world makes way for me".

It is a pity that before the time to kill the whole world, this thing met Tang Luo them.

The moment he saw Tang Luo, the evil spirit appeared behind Tang Luo, and fell down with a knife. After being avoided by Tang Luo, he disappeared on his own.

After about 30 minutes, I reappeared again, again.

消失 disappeared after failure.

Sometimes Tang Luo will take the initiative to punch a punch, and hitting it is no different from hitting the entity.

But the effect is almost the same as the one-shot failure. What I want to say is that the reappearance time is longer.

So most of them please, Tang Luo just moved a little, hid, and sometimes shot.

Before solving the deadly bug of Tang Luo, the evil spirit didn't mean to ask other people for trouble.

Or, his "location system" has been locked on Tang Luo.

Even when the sword fell, Zhu Bajie or Ao Yulie were not attacked in his sight.

随着 Over time, the appearance of the pig head and the human ghost also changed.

也 The same is true of other evil spirits ...

其实 In fact, more than two months have passed since the last ghostly incident.

In the past two months, the world of this mission has not been calm at all, and it is obvious that the world is slipping towards hell.

In other words, **** is coming.

Some countries with strong national strength have maintained basic order. For small countries that have not been crippled, the order collapses and falls apart.

存在 The existence of evil spirits is also known by more and more people.

For two months, Tang Luo and they were not idle. Wherever there are legends of evil spirits, there are them.

The pig's head is just one of them.

At night, I did not enter the detective agency or rest in the cursed house. This rather small space is not suitable for Tang Luo with two disciples and Xiaotian Dog.

At this moment, Tang Luo is standing on top of a tall building.

He looked at the city under his feet. The once bustling has ended, and the vastness of darkness.

的 The light in a part of the area is not so much to represent hope as it is to be indulged before death, and drunk and dreamy.

Yuntian knew when an unsolved evil spirit appeared, and the death was unknown.

Tang Luo is empty behind him, and the three of the pigs are still investigating evil spirits. The main goal is to find a way to go to hell.

The ghost town, Tang Luo, they have also been to several, almost the same.

This time the pigs had to investigate an underworld marriage, and they didn't know what to expect.

After a while, the night was getting dark, and two figures appeared behind Tang Luo, ten meters away from him. It was Pig Bajie and Ao Yulie.

There is also a small dog.

怎么 样 "How's it going?" Tang Luo said.

"It's interesting, maybe he can really go deep into hell." Pig Bajie said.

This affair is quite weird.

Occurred in a village that is not particularly remote, while the dead are getting married, they also have large banquets and invite the theater crew to perform.

By the end of the trance, the number was less than half.

A group of people rejoiced and said that everyone entered the bliss world together and came out again.

After repeated several times, the news spread.

Don't watch Tang Luo they go in and out of the ghost realm many times, just like going home.

But most people enter the ghost realm, but they will die cleanly, leaving the body with good luck, not even the body with bad luck.

A group of people claim to have entered the paradise world, is it a ghost realm?

Can I return after entering the realm of ghosts? I definitely need to investigate.

"Let's go and try." Tang Luo stepped in the void.

The three pig pigs followed behind him, and they still kept a distance of ten meters from Tang Luo and did not approach.

"Master, those things have no effect on you?" Ao Yulie asked after breaking his silence after a while.

There are also some concerns in Bazhu Bajie's eyes.

"No, don't worry." Tang Luo laughed. "The Vajra glass Buddha bones for the teacher are not Bai Lian, how can it be more than a hundred times? Besides, there is merit Yulian."

Much merits have been accumulated in Yulian Yulian.

I spent some time in the small village, in the early morning, the darkest hour of the day.

That small village is lively.

There is a stage in an open space, and rows of old long reclining chairs and open-air auditoriums.

Many people on the chair, with a lot of interest, shook their heads and watched the children of Liyuan on the stage chanting tunes of unknown meaning.

The sound of gurgling came out in the night breeze, with a strange feeling.

The open-air stage, the auditorium did not pull any electric lights, but directly lit a candle, long candlesticks stood in various places.

The beacon fire flickered in the wind, flickering.

Further to the outside, there are actually many small vendors, mobile stalls that sell fried, chicken, pearl milk tea, small intestine rolls, tofu oil and so on.

There are also all kinds of messy gadgets, such as those that are thin and thin, and they will glow when shaken vigorously, which can be made into a light stick for bracelets.

There are many children gathered around me.

Xu Guang looked at the stage and the "audience", and the whole scene showed a terrifying and weird feeling.

But looking at the street vendor customers outside, it seems that it is full of life, laughter and laughter, there is no danger at all.

Hmm, it just seems like that.

Don't forget the current time, at four in the morning,

连 There is not even a trace of light in the sky.

Which opera team will sing at 4 am, who will come out to watch the show at this time, and what kind of stalls will be at this kind of stall?

It ’s still four-thirty in Los Angeles when Kobe sees it!

These people are very "hardworking".

And the drama performed on the stage is the underworld marriage.

A white-faced bride walked staggeringly and got into a sedan chair.

He then lifted up and kept turning circles on the stage. The first person led the way, sprinkled red "copper coins," and sang strange songs.

At first glance, it was very soft and even hypnotic.

But a little longer, you will feel extremely harsh, and people who are sleepy will be stimulated by this wake up and unable to fall asleep.

Even, a little excited.

Tangluo's three men stood high, floating in the air, watching this strange dislocation scene.

I watched for a while, and was preparing to go on, and Tang Luo's downward motion suddenly stopped.

Lu Zhubajie and Ao Yulie and Xiaotian Dog looked at Tang Luo at the same time.

I saw a pale ghost hand on Tang Luo's right arm wrist. UU 看书 www. is tied with his fingers.

There was a pig's head behind him, and he waved his rusty pig-knife.

At the ankle, accompanied by crying, the two ghost-eyed babies covered with iron and black, holding Tang Luo's feet firmly, pulling him down firmly.

On top of the head, a rope dangled to form a lasso, which straddled time and space and instantly hung around Tang Luo's neck.

A little further up, a sudden eye appeared, accompanied by the surrounding darkness, constantly turning, staring at Tang Luo.

In front of her uncle, her hair fluttered, she was in a red dress, she could not see her looks, she could only "see" a beautiful woman with red lips, open her arms, and be a lover's kiss.

The sound of gurgling water, looming from the Tang Luo body.

On his shoulders, a ghost head that looked very similar to Tang Luo appeared and grinned at him.

Wet a wet tissue with water to cover Tangluo's nose and mouth.

All of a sudden, there are all kinds of evil spirits around, humanoid, almost humanoid, simple object form, and there are no appearances, intangible and inferior evil spirits.

Dense and dense, with Tang Luo as the center, a distance of up to ten meters, more than a hundred evil spirits appeared at the same time.

Tangluo turned into a place for the ghosts to revel in an instant.

Hundred ghosts ridden!

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