Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 542: Special Life Shard

Step Back and Let the Teacher Come Chapter 542 Special Life-Fragment Sound Novels Listen Online


Tang Luo gently pulled the white plastic gloves against the skin, rebounded to the palm, and made a crisp sound.

"Don't worry, it will end soon."

He said, his voice was soothing, and Tang Luo was wearing a white coat and a mask at this moment.

At first glance, it looks like a doctor about to undergo surgery, but the untreated white hair is a bit messy.

The sound was mild, but his eyes were cold, like a biting cold wind.

This made him suddenly become a "mad scientist" from a doctor.

For patients lying on the operating table (in fact, a table covered with white cloth), it is undoubtedly a very bad experience.

Xue Nianzhi, who was already in awe of Tang Luo, shuddered even more.

That's right, lying on the operating table is the kind of half-demon fox Xue Nianzhi who wears the most close-fitting, generally divided into women's clothing stores that you can understand.

And a few months ago, she actually became a demon walking.

The real world is not calm and peaceful. In addition to the walking of gods and demons, there are also extraordinary existences.

There are charms and monsters, but in most cases the landscape is not obvious.

In addition to the purpose of approaching the establishment of science, in addition to restricting the walking of the gods and demons in Huaxia, there is an important reason to solve the commotion and trouble caused by extraordinary forces.

Tang Luo once asked Qin Menglan to watch Xue Nianzhi for a while.

Later, after approaching science and investigating, it was found that one of Xue Nian's family was an innocent person and a demon.

As a half-demon, the biggest "for evil" is to use his own special ability to teach a few brothers.

After an in-depth investigation, it was found that these bright-looking sons and brothers were inferior, so they approached science and made them feel what is called the iron fist punishment of justice.

In the final conclusion, approaching science believes that Xue Nianzhi is an ideal and moral modernization with four good monsters.

There is no need to do anything, just follow up with the scientific report regularly to report the movements.

Special approval was allowed to become refined after the founding of the People's Republic of China.

The same is true of Xue Nianzhi's mother.

By the way, her mother had encountered very dangerous monsters before, and they also existed ... Of course, they no longer exist.

Non-existent reason:

At that time, when the Escapist did not retreat, he accidentally found that the blood of the monster was very strong, and determined that this was not a good monster, so he went to the heavens.

Xue Nianzhi's mother was so fearful that Tang Luo made a wrong judgment.

In fact, the monster is a weak chicken.

Equators spent a lot of time cleaning up the monster.

In short, Xue Nianzhi's life is still very peaceful. In addition to her mother's daily reminder of marriage, she is already thirty, and the pressure for marriage is increasing.

Then, the pressured Xue Nianzhi suddenly became a demon walking.

This breaks the uncertain "rule" that only humans can walk as gods.

Became the first half-demon in the history of the demon walking (known).

Then, Xue Nianzhi became the first demon who was out of step with the shards of life, which was not good, but instead let the demon whose strength decreased.

In the last mission, Xue Nianzhi obtained a life piece.

After using it, she repelled with the blood of the fox demon hidden in her body, and her blood power was actually resisting the power of the shard of life.

Therefore, Xue Nianzhi found Tang Luo.

Want to take out the life piece.

Her current location is an "operating room" on the Dragon King, which is actually a clean and empty room.

The only table covered with white cloth was the operating table.

To be honest, it's hard to reassure with a weird feeling.

With Tang Luo's image, it is even more difficult to reassure.

After Tang Luo's speech was about to end soon, Xue Nianzhi rolled his eyes and passed out.

"Master, she's fainted, can we still be hot ..." Ao Yulie, a helpless assistant, came forward and said, "Remove the life piece."

"I don't need you to say it," Tang Luo said with a thoughtful expression.

Will Xue Nianzhi's courage be so small? Not normal.

Xiaotian dog is not here now, and has not caused any coercion to this half-demon fox.

Even though Xue Nianzhi is not a demon walking, not a demon, as a normal adult, his courage should not be so small.

He is outside the name of mercy, and he does not know how many people have been holy monks.

What's scary, her reaction is abnormal!

"Master, what's wrong?" Ao Yulie asked, as Tang Luo was dazed at the fainted little fox.


Ying Biao setting, Tang Luo laughed and said to Ao Yulie, "Be prepared, maybe something will happen."

Suddenly, Ao Yulie took a big step back and was ready to run or fight at any time.

The latter is very unlikely.

Facing Xue Nianzhi in a coma, Tang Luo stretched out his right hand and gestured with four fingers close together and straightened, touching his fingertips to the position of Xue Nianzhi's heart.

Feeling the beating of the heart, the undulations of the chest, and the flow of blood.

In the coma, Xue Nianzhi was not "stable", his heart beat faster than normal, and his breath was quite chaotic.

It was as if dreaming of something terrible and deeply in a nightmare.

Having determined his position, Tang Luo slammed down with his right hand.

The red blood bloomed like a flower on a white "tablecloth" and stained the red tablecloth.

Xue Nianzhi's eyes opened suddenly, Tang Luo covered his other hand and whispered in his ear: "Sleep."

No more actions, not even basic twitching, Xue Nianzhi closed his eyes obediently.


Ao Yulie turned his head away, where did you learn this kind of metamorphosis-killer "healing style"?

Sure enough, the driver is still old?

Ao Yulie also has a lot of arrogant postures, and now compares with Tang Luo, he still has the pattern.

Pull your hands out casually, and rub them casually on the tablecloth, so as not to let the blood keep dripping.

Tang Luo still put a hand on Xue Nian.

After about a minute.

Ao Yulie looked serious: "No fragments of life?"

"... Um." Tang Luo nodded. "No fragmentation."

"Not dead? How is it possible?" Ao Yulie said, shaking his head again immediately.

Based on Tang Luo's rich experience, how can it be impossible for even a little demon fox?

Having said that let her die is definitely death.

So why didn't the shards of life appear?

Tick-tick-tick, not blood, but the sound of the clock and seconds hand hanging in the room, two minutes passed, and the fragment of life was still missing.


Tang Luo smiled, arbitrarily put his hand on Xue Nianzhi's eyes, spread his fingers open, and gently pressed down to save his soul.

A strange world appeared in front of Tang Luo.

I heard the sorrows and screams of some people in my ears.

The dark chaos wandered around Tang Luo with fear.

Tang Luo reached out and grabbed the chaos around him, ending his soul.

A shard of life appeared in his hands, and Kai Guang, the wound on Xue Nianzhi's body healed quickly, and she was soon returned by Tang Lola from the abyss of death.

She opened her eyes blank.

"Take a break, you are still weak," Tang Luo said.

Just like all major surgery, removing the life piece fragments does not guarantee that you will be alive after you leave the operating table. It will take time to recover.

After all, just to save people and restore them to a state of leaps and bounds, the merits required are different.

Save a little bit.

"Um." Xue Nianzhi responded, his back wet a bit uncomfortable.

But she was hard to say.

Tang Luo has left with the fragment of the life pattern that he just got, and Ao Yulie left: "Someone will take care of you." Then leave.

Soon, two female crew members came in.

Half an hour later, after being slightly tired, Xue Nianzhi thanked Tang Luo and left the Dragon King happily without going to sea.

As for the remuneration paid, it is naturally the life piece taken out.

In the room, Tang Luo, who was already dressed normally, trapped himself on the sofa, and on the coffee table in front of him was a small piece of life.

The size of the life piece is very small, only the size of an adult's fingernail, which is the smallest life piece that Tang Luo has ever seen.

Other than that, there is nothing special.

But Zhu Bajie, Ao Yulie, and Xiaotian dog all looked at this life piece with curiosity.

Tang Luo said that this fragment of life was strange.

As for something weird ...

Tang Luo picked up the life piece: "I'm not 100% sure. Try it first and I'll tell you later."

Holding the life piece, the normal holding mode, is not directly eaten, but there is no difference.

A sea of ​​consciousness.

Tangluo hovered in the air: "Come out."

The surroundings were empty and there was no slight reaction, and even the injection of pure energy for healing did not occur.

"Oh ~ ~ No action has been seen from Tang Luo. The surroundings changed suddenly, and a black mist appeared in front of him.

The overall shape looks like a spherical sea urchin at first glance, hazy.

Tang Luo completely ignored the spikes above, and reached for it.

The black "sea urchin" suddenly shrank into a ball and collapsed in most of Tang Luo's palms.



Seeing that she was about to be pinched by Tang Luo, a voice of beg for help was heard from the sea urchin.

"Sure enough." Tang Luo smiled and let go.

According to the well-known information provided by the monk Xuanzang, there are two types of life pieces.

One is pure power, and the other is a shard of life, which is "toxic", and it contains some obscure and ignorant consciousness.

And now, there is a third type of life piece.

The strength of this life-frame fragment is almost unsearchable, which is equivalent to not having it.

But the hidden consciousness is no longer ignorant, and it is entirely at the level of independent intelligent individuals.

The second type of life piece can only be called "possibly poisonous".

This fragment of life is a deadly poison.

"Who are you and where did you come from?" Tang Luo asked two very philosophical questions.

"I am the master of fear, ignorant stupid ants ... ah ah ah ah"

The initial black sea urchin was not a spike, it was about the size of a bowling ball. Tang Luo pinched it and became a cantaloupe.

It is now the size of a ping pong ball.

This is not enough, anyway, what Tang Luo wants is just what useful information this stuff can say, leaving "a breath" to speak.

So, soon the Lord of Fear became the size of a glass globe.

Only one step away from death, so that I can speak well.

Step back and let the teacher come

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