Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 572: Give him a chance

"Joke! Pull up a city! Do you believe it? Do you believe it?"

The representative of the Sith family, Kohler Sith, had a loud voice, and the person sitting next to him could even see this guy's saliva star spurting out and disappearing into the air.

"It's not just the exorcist saying so, many people are saying the same." Someone said.

"Don't forget, the exorcist can do illusions!" Kohler Sith waved his hand firmly.

The rest did not speak, frowning, and the words of illusion were not impossible.

It has been a month since Tang Luo took the exorcists to destroy the gods.

Last time, the seven-member parliament established the basic policy of making Tang Luo a "leave hero."

The seven-member council and many forces behind it naturally pay close attention to the movement of exorcists and deities.

And the news that came back was stunned, pulled up the city, destroyed the demons and gods in the pit, and then put the city back?

Who are you lying to?

Do you think it was a child playing with mud, digging a small stone out of the soil, and then putting it back?

Who would believe such a bizarre thing?

The Holy Group has fought for thousands of years, and even the most powerful destroyer has never made such an exaggerated move.

Therefore, it must be false, the illusion of exorcist!

It is not impossible for the exorcist to create such an exaggerated situation with illusion.

Lawmakers are well aware that one of the exorcists who has the ability to act as an illusion can play tricks on the truth and easily deceive ordinary people.

What you see is not necessarily true, let alone just the news.

But other lawmakers are just leaning, not as vowed as Kohler.

Speaking of which, the guy behind Kohler seems to have the support of somebody, and is now extremely active.

I don't know who it is, it gave Kohler a lot of confidence.

Also, he just recently renovated the family's ancestral castle palace, and that cost is not affordable to anyone.

The people behind them are wealthy and surprising.

The six councillors had smooth expressions, but had a lot of activities in their hearts. After returning, they had to discuss with the people behind them.

The annexation of the Sith family must be allowed first, or can the number of seats in parliament be increased to satisfy the expanding desires of the major forces?

"If it's not true, why did they come up with this one?" Someone whispered.

"Oh, why should we deal with this man and make him a hero? Isn't it because of his wolf ambitions?" Kohler Sith said.

The rest nodded slowly and understood Tang Luo's intention.

Among the aliens summoned this time, there was a peerless genius with great strength and better than the five generals, and even those incomparable generals were convinced by him.

Armed with sharp weapons, killing his heart.

Such a powerful strength is bound to have a plot.

Such strangers have also seen a lot of saints. Tang Luo is the strongest one and the most serious one.

He not only proposed that special sacred heart, but also integrated the exorcist into his hands.

This is something that has never happened in the history of the Order.

As a "knife", the exorcist has never had an "autonomous consciousness". Why are there five generals?

Naturally, it is to prevent the exorcist from having a unified voice and will.

The seven-member council (the forces behind it) is holding the knife, but now things are different.

Tang Luo, together with the exorcist, made fakes, which made a huge momentum and ambitions.

This leader must be destroyed!

The holy group can only have the voice of their "seven-member council", and the exorcist only needs to be a knife.

Kohler Sith was so active in dealing with Tang Luo that he can understand that he was helped. If Tang Luo can be sacrificed to the flag, he will surely gain a foothold again.

The parliamentary position of the Sith family can continue.

If future generations don't fight for it, they can be a mascot with peace of mind, and there will be no problem in enjoying prosperity for decades.

Unlike everyone here, although in the name of the XX family, in fact they are no longer from that family.

Some are green, and some are too far away to replace the line.

"Where is Tang Luo now? What?" Someone asked.

Not every member of the council can get detailed information in the first place.

Since Kohler "concerns" Tang Luo so much, and regards it as a goal, he naturally uses him more.

Kohler Sith didn't disappoint either, he said: "He didn't go back to the headquarters of the congregation, but went looking for the last deities."

After the war, the exorcists separated, nourishing the wounds, rest, rest, destroy the demon, continue to destroy the devil, and those who seek the sacred heart will put the task back on the agenda.

The five generals rushed back to the headquarters and gave a complete report of what happened to form precious information.

Tang Luo went to look for the last deity Abel.

When it comes to the last deity, the expressions of parliamentarians are different.

The expressions of two members of the council were very calm, but it turned out to be abnormal because they were too calm.

As Tang Luo "said", he was called Abel and had some influence with the Holy Order.

The news about the Aboriginal God was of course the result of the war and passed back to the holy order.

After getting the news, the two lawmakers were taken aback. Is that Abel the same Abel they knew? Why is this still happening? Is he a dangerous deity?

No hard work was needed, the congregation quickly locked Abel, and it only took a few days.

But that Abel died.

He died a few days ago. He died of wrestling when he went down the stairs, broke his neck, and died.

The death was neat and ridiculous, making people wonder if it was a fake death.

In short, the clue is broken here.

So Tang Luo was looking for that Abel himself.

After speaking of Tang Luo's whereabouts, Kohler looked around: "Did you think ..." The pause was just right, giving people time to ask questions.

But the other six people didn't give face at all, and all remained silent.

He even looked at Kohler Simon with a stingy look.

You found the backing only to ensure the continuity of the family. Give you a few colors and start a dyeing workshop to dominate the situation?

Make your spring and autumn dreams go!

"Mum-! A bunch of **** isn't something, and when a dog feels superior, too!" Kohler cursed in his heart.

This remark was naturally harsher.

Although there are many shareholder dads behind the lawmakers, they are also at the level of executive CEOs.

Suppressed by anger, Kohler continued: "Did you feel that there might not be any gods at all?"

"What do you mean?"

Kohler is amazing.

"Is there any record of the deities in all these years of the Holy Order? Even if it may be involved, the side description is just a few words?" Kohler said.

The crowd shook their heads slightly. Before that, the holy order was blank.

"How did the protoss come from? Have we really seen the protoss? Have we just seen the body of the so-called protoss Abel? There is no difference at all from ordinary people." Kohler asked for three consecutive times.

The others looked slightly surprised.

No one has ever seen a divine descent. The existence of a divine descent is only in the mouth of Tang Luo and a few generals and other exorcists!

So to speak ...

"I suspect that from the beginning of the Protoss, to the war that followed, maybe it was a big lie!"

Kohler said, "It's a Tang Luo, made a round, deceived everyone."

The previous sentence was still skeptical, and the next sentence was directly qualitative.

"Is this possible?"

"It's possible."

A group of people whispered.

"I suggest that Don Luo be called back immediately to solve him," Kohler said. "In the name of giving him a divine heart, deceive him."

"Cheat here?"

"Just here."

Kohler nodded.

The place where several people are located is naturally not the headquarters of the exorcism group. Although Buyes said last time that he could prison himself, they would not rest assured.

The meeting place was changed to a division of the Holy Order.

This branch belongs to the sinful place of the Holy Order, and many unsightly things are done here.

In terms of defense and confidentiality, this division goes far beyond headquarters.

No fly can fly in or fly out.

"Are you so anxious?" Someone said they were not ready.

"Then drag it." Kohler was too lazy to explain and stood up. "We will get together again the day after tomorrow, and we will disperse without a unified opinion. It is not bad for me to be a mascot."

After that, he turned and left.

The others looked at each other, and then left each other. Kohler made some sense, but Chi changed.

Leaving the branch, Kohler got into his luxury carriage, his eyes flickered.

Returning to the temporary rented apartment, Kohler came to the study room and knocked respectfully on the door. A voice came in: "Come in."

Kohler Sith opened the door and walked in.

No man looking up behind the desk asked, "How's it going?"

"Until January, Don Luo will be killed!" Kohler said.

"Very well, you are qualified to follow the Lord and embrace the new world with me." The man behind the desk then looked up and said, "Under God, you will be the first person."

Not others, it was Abel who was "dead", and he was already mingled with the Sith family.

"Thank you Lord God!" Kohler knelt down, hoeing.

"Okay ~ ~ Go, don't be discovered by anyone." Abel said.

Kohler resigned respectfully, his eyes filled with suppressed excitement.

Most people do dogs! And he Kohler Simon can be the first person under the new world deities!

It is self-evident.

Walking into the garden, Kohler was enjoying afternoon tea, squinting his eyes and thinking about the good life in the future.

Without notice, the two gardeners next to him stared at him with a strange look.

"Unexpectedly, Brother Er."

"Yeah, there is such a coincidence." Pig Bajie said, "I said why this boy suddenly left us, and didn't cooperate anymore. It turned out to be a stone and jumping into the sea."

"It's miserable."

Ao Yulie shook his head. "Give him a chance. He's useless."

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