Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 575: Don't rush to death

The poisonous gas in the back room, the first killing trick, is also the killing trick that Kohler Sis gave them.

Being able to successfully use it basically laid the victory, at least originally they thought so.

Unexpectedly, there were still gunfire and the second killing trick was also used.

But it doesn't matter. Poisoning is weak. Terrain factors and intertwined firepower nets are enough to tear it apart.

This second kill is enough ...

Then, everyone fell from their chairs one by one, and they were embarrassed.

Their third kill and the final hole cards were also lifted.

Even the people in the fortress did not know. The members of the parliament had arranged the dead and secretly buried powerful explosives.

If the situation is wrong, then no longer care about any losses, and treat the entire branch as Tang Luo's grave.

Bury it completely.

After a few decades, the sacred heart is dug up.

This third killing move, to be honest, members of the congress do not want to use it at all. It is not easy to establish such a branch, and there is also a waste of weapons and vitality.

It's enough to make them feel distressed for a long time with the gold daddy behind them.

Rebuilding is not an overnight operation, and the loss of manpower is not small. Many people are rare talents.

For a while, Kohler and other people slowly sat back in their chairs and yelled: "Use the entire branch to bury him, it's cheaper for him!"

"Damn outsider!"

Others have no good color. Win is won, but it is almost near the point of disastrous victory, and the loss is not small.

Uncomfortable chest tightness, both for the reasons of the tremor and the psychological factors.

Kohler they looked at the dense fog and fire, and even the outline of the original branch could not be seen, and it was completely ruined.

There will be a jedi there for the time being, and there is no rush to send someone to the autopsy.

Moreover, most of the corpses are not found, and it is possible to find half-burnt objects?

Find the divine heart and take it back.

"Now that Tangluo has been resolved," Kohler said. "There is another thing that I want to discuss with you."

"Say it."

The rest sat with the performance of "you're finished talking and we're going home to sleep".

I was really shocked.

Speaking of which, Kohler is a good guy. He's really lucky. The masked bodyguard seems a bit capable?

Maybe it was he who protected Kohler just now.

Just cover your face and maybe ruin your appearance, so it's not easy to take it out.

"The thing is, I'll leave it to the holy order in the future. Do you think so?"


The expressions on other people's faces were wonderful.

"Are you upset and crazy?"

"No, who did you go with?"

"Not bad, as long as you kneel down and lick my shoes."

The members of the parliament reacted differently, with strangeness, surprise, mockery, but no belief.

Kohler sneered, stood up and turned to one knee: "Master."


The eyes narrowed, and the bodyguards had reached into their clothes. When they came out, they had guns in their hands and aimed at Kohler and the "master".

Although it is just a pistol, there are no problems for a dozen people to reach the two at the same time.

"Get up."

The masked man said, taking off the black cloth and hat on his face, revealing his true look.

"It's you!"


Two councillors exclaimed, this person they knew, met a few times, received a lot of money, and personally saw his body.

It was Abel who fell on the stairs!

The man who Tang Luoqin has designated as the deities did not expect that he was still alive. Well, about Abel is still alive.

Everyone is not particularly surprised. It's just a substitute. It's not an impossible operation. Everyone is not familiar with Abel. It is normal to be cheated.

Everyone was surprised that Abel would appear here.

At the same time an idea was born, Abel was a god!

They were deceived by Kohler, and the tendency to believe in the deities was made up by Tang Luo and the exorcist, so they were not afraid.

Tang Luo, who would hurt his own blade, folded it.

Anyway, there are more than thirty other aliens who act as exorcists, which is definitely not comparable to Tang Luo, but it is enough.

In addition, the strength of the five generals is also stronger than before.

Today the situation of the Holy Order is much better. It has been more than half a year ago when it was necessary to summon strangers to supplement the living force.

But now you can see that the divine race really exists!

This is a little bad.

Worst of all, the deities appeared directly in front of them.

The moment they shouted Abel's identity, the bodyguards shot without hesitation.

They followed the legislators and knew that there was no small secret and they acted very decisively.

When the bullet came, Abel chuckled, but he didn't see any movement, and the bullets that hit him and Kohler stopped in the air.

The next second, all the bullets flew back, and the bodyguards fell.


"Really a god!"

The members of the parliament have been tested, knowing that they are finished this time.

In the past, they often let one or two exorcists follow to protect them from being attacked by demons.

Although the identity is kept as secret as possible, there is no guarantee that it will not be known to the demons, and the loss to the Holy Group caused by killing them is no less than that of killing the exorcist.

But this time to kill Tang Luo, they were worried that those exorcists would hurt them, so they didn't let them follow.

Even if these few exorcists are loyal to the seven-member council, beware.

Unexpectedly, a divine descendant appeared!

"Coller Sith! You are a human sinner! You must not die!" Some people yelled, and left and right were dead.

"You're not as good as a pig!"

"The whole family is dead!"

"I X you XXX, XXXXX!"

These people really scolded people, really rude, the first two sentences Kohler could still sneer at right, the sorrow of the defeated dog.

Hearing behind, I was so angry that I couldn't wait to rush to fight with these guys.

"you guys!"

Kohler pulled out the gun he had with him. The members of the parliament did not respond slowly, and they just drew guns.

After a round of gunshots, one injured his arm, fell to the ground and rolled while turning pain into strength, and continued to scold Kohler.

Everyone's shooting skills are really poor.

"Master." Kohler looked at Abel.

Abel didn't look at Kohler, and said in a chair, "Are you ordering me?"

The voice was calm, but it was like a knife, running across everyone's throat, giving them the feeling that they were dead.

Kohler immediately knelt down: "Don't dare!"

Those scolds also came to an abrupt end.

Abel didn't speak, and Kohler exuded a lot of sweat on his forehead. He wasn't afraid of Abel scolding him, and scolding him to prove that he was going to be used.

He was worried that Abel would kill him directly.

Is his identity really so useless in the eyes of the Protoss?

But if that's the case, why does he have to contact himself?

Is it ...

The Aboriginal God is afraid of Thanglow!

Kohler all wanted to understand immediately, and hated himself for not thinking about it at first ... No, his talent should be conceivable, but he was stunned by the promise of two people and the threat of death. Out of mind.

Yes, there are divine descendants, and of course the other four divine descendants who died in the hands of Tang Luo are also true.

Tang Luo can kill four deities, and naturally he can also kill Abel.

That's why Abel had to use their hands to get rid of Tang Luo's confidant.

Human weapons are not effective against demons, and they have a good effect on exorcists.

In terms of destructive power alone, demons are not as good as human hot weapons.

But even if Kohler thought of it at the beginning, he would probably make the same choice now.

It might just be thrown away like a used rag now, Kohler couldn't help regretting it.

"Forget it, get up, you still have some use," Abel said.

Kohler breathed a sigh of relief, his body softening, and he went straight from kneeling to lying.

He was not afraid of shame, and shame was a good thing in front of Abel.

"Yes, I think you're still useful."

Abel had just finished saying that, a voice came from the window.

Abel's face changed drastically, not knowing when, there was a white-haired man in blood-stained clothes, with one foot bent on the window sill, and one foot hanging freely, still shaking.

Looked like a lively look.


Abel growled, reaching out to Don Lowe.

Majestic strength poured out from him.

Protoss · Resistance!

Abel's power of resistance ~ ~ Absolute defense, as long as he is willing, any attack in the world will not hurt him.

Plus almost, nature is due to the existence of a divine heart.

But even if it was a sacred weapon, it was extremely difficult to break Abel's defense.

Cyrah is the sickle of killing, and Abel is the shield of defense.

Of course, Abel can also spread the defense range when needed, and the attack formed is also extremely amazing.

"Not dead! How could he not die!"

Abel couldn't believe that there would be an exorcist who could survive this explosion, but not a demon!

"Don't rush to death, I have something to ask you." Tang Luo drew his hand on Aalap's knees and pointed at Abel.

The diffuse absolute defense force shattered instantly, and Abel spit out a large bloodstream and flew out, embedded in the wall of the room.

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