Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 767: Is this all your strength?

Liu Wuxiu felt that he and Valentine must have a lot in common.

Maybe you can chop chicken heads and burn yellow paper and become brothers. You don't want to be born on the same day and the same month, but you should die on the same day.

Everyone is naturally an ally.

The three war spirits of Valentine, just like Zhuge Liang, although they look very spoof, the fighting power is very strong.

Lincoln, the vampire hunter, had the upper hand over drunken drunks alone. Here is why the drunken drunks were injured.

But even if they are not injured, they are estimated to be between five and five.

The bomb in Nobel's hands, like no money, was thrown frantically, and the smoke and fire drowned Qin Wushuang completely.

The vibration and roar of the explosion kept echoing.

It just happens to be confined to the entire park. It didn't spread out, but affected every enemy on the battlefield.

Qin Wushuang should be able to rely on his big shield to protect himself, but temporarily unable to burst out of the fire, and was suppressed by Nobel.

On the other hand, the falling cherry axe was in Washington, and the situation was somewhat unexpected by Valentine.

Washington did not show a strong melee fighting ability like Lincoln, he just stood next to Valentine, with one hand outstretched, swinging from time to time.

The axe flew in the air, spinning and chopping Tang Luo's head.

Tang Luoxuan changed the umbrella, the umbrella surface blocked the flying axe and blocked it.

The flying axe bounced back into the air and chopped down at Tang Luo from another angle.

Once again separated by a mysterious umbrella.

Tang Luo just stood there, moving the umbrella of the metamorphosis at will, and every time he just stopped the falling cherry axe just right.

The speed of falling the cherry axe is also getting faster and faster, and it quickly turns into a residual image. Only when it is blocked, when it flew out of the turn and flew back, it was slightly on the line.

Can make people see the axe clearly.

But even so, Tangluo remained motionless, standing like a pine, and easily blocked by a metaphysical umbrella.

The whistling sound became louder and louder, forming a sharp howling sound that almost suppressed the explosion.

The falling cherry axe turned into a flying axe storm, and the whirlwind formed completely covered Tang Luo.

The surrounding ground became drenched.

However, even if the falling cherry axe formed a storm sweeping over.

Tang Luo didn't even change the speed of his movements.

It still seems not to be slow, not to be in a hurry, and every move, either with an umbrella face or with an edge, is just right to stop the falling cherry axe.

The falling cherry axe is just the wind blade brought out, which is enough to cut the ground, but the real axe blade cannot leave any marks on the umbrella of mysterious transformation.

"Strong," Valentine whispered.

Washington nodded, beckoned, and the falling cherry axe flew back into his hands.

Tang Luo still maintains the posture of parachuting, and the surrounding ground has become a pothole that is three or four meters deep.

Where he stood, a cylinder was formed under his feet.

"What's your name?" Falling Cherry Axe Washington looked at Tang Luo and asked.

"Lu Bu."

Washington nodded, seemingly remembering Tang Luo's pseudonym, and then threw his axe into the sky: "Scatter, Qianben Sakura ..."


Tang Luo's expression was wonderful.

Is it wrong for you to get a thousand cherry blossoms in Washington?

First of all, you are the Father of the Sword of Mary, and secondly, your cherry blossom axe is cutting a cherry tree!

How come cherry blossoms?

Tang Luo's internal protest was invalid, and the axe in the air was scattered, turning into a large number of cherry petals.

For a moment, the whole scene became beautiful, and even the phantom of a cherry tree appeared around it.

Yes, the phantom appeared turned into a cherry tree.

It seems that Sakura is independent.

The petals of the cherry blossoms fell to Tang Luo, and they looked harmless.

Tang Luo reached out and caught a cherry blossom petal.

"Huh?" The calm expression on Washington's face calmed and faded away.

Qianben Sakura is extremely sharp and indestructible. Even the body of the war spirit is as fragile as tofu.

But the other party ...

The cherry petals in Tang Luo's hands trembled gently, as if trying to get out of his fingers' control.

He smashed his fingers and the cherry petals shattered and fell.

Washington made a swift decision with one finger.

The sakura petals falling in the sky instantly formed a torrent, sweeping towards Tangluo.

The pink cherry petals became blood red in the middle.

The **** torrent fell on Tang Luo ... No, it was in front of Tang Luo.

The invisible diaphragm, the cylindrical defense, the attack of Qianben Sakura fell on the immortal black gold, and it had no effect, but it broke itself.

It's like the waves slap on the reef, turning itself into a white foam.

"……This guy."

Valentine's face became quite dignified.

Washington controlled Qianben Sakura into several strands, and rolled it to Tang Luo from different directions, completely engulfing it.

In the next breath, the indestructible cherry petals scattered in all directions, shattered in the air, and turned into a powder of heaven.

The surrounding space was filled with blood.

Washington beckoned, chopping down, and the powders re-assembled, looming into the shape of a large axe.

The big ax fell on the umbrella of the mysterious umbrella and collapsed again.

However, the current of power was roaring and roaring, the standing point under Tang Luo's feet shattered and collapsed.

Tang Luo pedaled in the air, suspended in midair, and began to walk towards Valentine and Washington.

Valentine stepped back involuntarily.

Lu Bu, who was not Lu Bu at all, brought a lot of pressure to him.

Not to mention, this defense is really far beyond expectations.


Without any hesitation, Valentine reached out to Washington, using the magic spell.

Washington was strengthened, he reached out, and the sky powder re-condensed into a complete cherry blossom axe and flew back into his hands.

At the same time, the scene in front of Tang Luo changed, and a huge translucent cherry tree appeared, like a mountain overwhelming.

Suddenly, the cherry tree enveloped Tang Luo in the trunk, and the huge power was completely transformed into a restraining force, limiting his actions.

Washington came over, holding the axe in both hands, swiping sharply.

The phantom cherry tree was cut off by the axe as if it were materialized.

Tang Luo could feel that this cherry tree blocking his own pace transferred the "harm" to himself with a mysterious power.

Washington is cutting cherry trees, and it is also cutting Donald's.

Compared with the flying axe and Sakura Sakura just now, this type of serious tree-cutting attack has increased its power several times.

There is also the credit of the spiritual curse.

"Come and help!"

Valentine yelled, and on the other side Lincoln let go of his breath, but always had the last breath to swallow the boy, and came to the other side of the cherry tree.

He also picked up the axe, he and Washington, you, me.

I look at you, look at you, from a powerful war spirit to a hardworking lumberjack.

Valentine looked at Nobel's side.

He was still carrying out his own rug-style, bombing all over, without any pause.

It proves that Qin Wushuang is still alive and well.

On the other side, Zhu Geliang was gradually depressed by Guan Yu and Qin Qiong, and he was in a disadvantage, adding a lot of scars to his body.

But there wasn't much joy on Guan Yu's face.

Suddenly, Zhuge Liang's crossbow in the hands of Zhuge Liang fired, and the arrow wall covered and pressed against Guan Yu and Qin Qiong, pushing them back.

"Chen Geliang said: The emperor's entrepreneurship was not half-way but he was in the middle of the road. Today's third point, Yizhou is exhausted.

Pushing back the two, Zhu Geliang even picked up the "School Watch", the vigorous voice sounded, and the substantial sound wave spread.

Both Guan Yu and Qin Qiong's faces changed, and they felt great pressure, combined with sonic damage and the vibration of Nobel explosion.

Like an invisible sledgehammer, they beat every part of their bodies at all times.

Yes, every part!

Guan Yu and Qin Qiong have ugly faces, you can imagine.

Zhuge Liang held his head upright, carrying a "table of masters", Guan Yu and Qin Qiong stood in place, posing defensively, and resisting omnipresent attacks.

"Brother Guan, this is not the way to go."

"Yes ..." Guan Yu nodded.

Beginning a watch with a real name, who can be worthy of a thousand years.

As the war spirit reappears, "Starting Table" has become Zhuge Liang's super killing trick.

"Then we?" Qin Qiong asked with an expression.

"No way, it can only be so." Guan Yu said, even though both of them still had no tricks to use.

But today's situation is still solved in another way, which is more suitable and secure.


Not far away, the sound of the real Sun Hongyun sounded, directly consuming two spiritual curses, strengthening Guan Yu and Qin Qiong.

The two of them rose up to the ground.


With a roar, Qinglong Yueyue and Shuangyue attacked at the same time.

However, the target of the attack was not Zhuge Liang, who was singing the "Masters", but each other!

Shuangpi pierced Guan Yu, Qinglong Yueyue knife pierced Qin Qiong.

"Guan Gong battles Qin Qiong!"

The two people shouted a famous saying together, the dazzling light burst out and enveloped them.

Vaguely, you can see the two figures spinning in the light and merged into the same vortex.

The light dissipated, and a tall man appeared who looked like Guan Yu with five points and Qin Qiong with five points.

Holding Qinglong Yueyue Knife with both hands, the end of the handle became a sharp blade.


The new generals formed by the combination of Guan Yu and Qin Qiong slashed at Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang's double crossbow stands overhead.

a bit!

The voice of Zhu Geliang's "Student List" came to an abrupt halt, taking two steps back.

The combined commander spins and leaps, and the second knife immediately splits.


Zhuge Lianbo stopped again, Zhuge Liang half-knelt, knees heavily hit the ground, kneeling out a lot of spider web cracks.

Third knife!

The dragon-shaped spirit encircled the blade, and the third blade fell.

Zhuge Lianbo was fragmented, and sawing this knife would split Zhuge Liang into two.

"The Dharma is boundless ..."

When the Buddha's name came, Zhuge Liang's body shook, his hands clasped on top of his head, and he pinched the blade.

Receiving empty blades!

Zhuge Liang's arms trembled slightly, the blue tendons violently raised, and he was lifting up a little.

The combined generals are pressing down, the two sides are fighting, and the surrounding air is solidified by their strength.

Lumberjack Lincoln and Washington looked up at the same time.

I did not expect that "Lu Bu" could help his companion in this case.

"Enhancement! Enhancement!" Valentine did not hesitate, and consumed two more magic spells ~ ~ to strengthen Washington and Lincoln respectively.


They held the axe with both hands, their bodies turned almost one hundred and eighty degrees, rounded and waved the axe.

In these two axes, cut the cherry tree and the "Lu Bu" inside it!

The mysterious umbrella standing on top of his head was lowered, and Tang Luo reached out and closed it.

With his actions, the phantom of the cherry tree shattered instantly, and the bursting force burst out.

As if the stormy waves rushed forward.

Lincoln and Washington flew upside down, and the axe in his hand flew up into the sky, while he was spinning in midair and fell heavily to the ground.

"This is all your strength?" The umbrella of mysterious change hangs down, and the tip of the umbrella gently touches the ground. Tang Luo looks at Valentine. "It's too weak."

A little disappointed look.

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