Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 778: Big Demon Xuanzang

Both palms collided in mid-air, shattering.

The rolled up "gale waves" make the surrounding gods and arhats turn into dry leaves flying in the gale, and they are in danger of being shredded anytime, anywhere.

Tang Luo smiled and patted him again.

Rulai's palm reappears, blocking the big fingerprints.

This time, it wasn't just a golden palm, but after Rulai's palm, there was also a full arm, golden cymbals.

Huge, huge golden Buddha standing between heaven and earth appeared.

A ring formed by white clouds behind my head.

There was a arrogant smile on the corner of Tang Luo's mouth, and his handprints pushed forward, violent power surging.

Rulai's tall golden body did not back away, but cracks appeared on the golden palms.

The next breath, shattered!

Nie Liuli's big hand prints banged on Rulai Jinshen's head.

The golden buddha's head, like the palm of his hand, shattered apart, but the shattered golden body didn't break apart.

On the contrary, after the gold body was broken, a huge Rulai composed entirely of "white clouds" was formed directly, and he continued to raise his hand and slap on Tang Luo.

Tang Luo clamored again, fighting against each other.

The palm of Rugao God composed by Baiyun was shattered by the big handprints, reunited in an instant, and landed on Tang Luo with the heavenly position.

Tang Luo raised his left hand to support Rulai's palm, and he didn't move back at all, never shaking his body.

He pinched his fingers together and shattered the huge palm above his head. Just now, the giant palm broke itself and shrouded Tang Luo.

This Baiyun's body is quite mysterious, and she has no strength in terms of strength.

Hitting the body is like falling into the real clouds and mist, and can not cause much real damage.

Tang Luo was surrounded by white clouds, and powerful forces were crushed from all sides to crush him in the palm of his hand.

His hands were torn to both sides, Tang Luo shattered his palm, flew over the body of Bai Yun, and shot it with one palm.

The same is the handprint of Nirvana, but it is not released.

In the palm of Tang Luo, black holes appear and rotate, forming a black vortex that attracts and devours everything.

"Rulai! Come up to die!"

The arrogant provocation sounded through the sky.

Masterprint revision mocking.

Taunt can be used on the fingers of resurrection, and naturally it can also be combined with the fingerprints to produce effects.

The lethality is not as good as the former, but the coverage is larger and more suitable for group attacks.

It is also suitable for dealing with such a behemoth that will dissipate.

Rulai Baiyun's body didn't show any signs of anger, but the huge palms raised endless surging power and shot at Tang Luo.

It proves that the "taunting handprint" is effective.

In both cases, Baiyun's giant palm was broken again, but this time, Baiyun didn't spread out and re-aggregate, but kept the shape of the hand palm faintly.

Huge cracks permeated the palm of the hand to the body, splitting the huge white cloud body apart.

Tang Luo also extended his left hand and handed out his fist.

Thousands of hands cannot be prevented.

The sky is full of palm shadows, punches, and shatters the body of Rulai.

And this is just the beginning.

The moment Baiyun's body disappeared, the western sky, Rulai Jinshen appeared again, and the golden iris behind his head exudes endless sharpness.

The black black water wave in the north, the water body emerges, and the black water behind the head forms a ring.

The flames in the south were soaring, the fire was burning, and the ring of flame distorted the space.

In the body of Oriental Aoki, the lush canopy swayed behind him, making a rustling sound.

"Does Rulai know the five elements?" Tang Luo muttered.

Although Rulai was regarded as a hypothetical enemy, it was hypothesized for a long time.

But Rulu specifically what exactly will happen, to be honest, Tang Luo is not very clear.

Sun Wukong felt the love and care of Rulai Shenzhang, but that's all.

Rulai and his fighting methods, in fact, is not a fight at all.

The real fight is the last hand.

Although I didn't want to admit it, Sun Wukong was defeated at the time, and the last struggle resistance was also suppressed by a piece of paper, ",,,,,,,,,".

This world is built on Sun Wukong's construction. From this point on, everything in the world is the "imagination" of Sun Wukong.

But how could things be so simple?

After all, Sun Wukong fought against Ru Rui. His "dream world" has certain reference value.

What's more, the formation of this world was obviously facilitated by outsiders.

So far, there is no clue whatsoever.

But as a hegemon in this world, if there is nothing special, Tang Luo will not believe it.

This battle is imperative for Tang Luo.

Definitely not for a simple meal, to lay the foundation for the future.

In the five elements of the Jin Mu water and fire body, one hand was erected on the chest, and one hand was photographed.

Facing such a terrible offensive, Tang Luo took out the metamorphosis, and the short stick changed the halberd.

Chaotian is a blow!

After the last mission, Tang Luo and Zhu Bajie discussed and transformed the metaphysical change.

Quite a lot of flowers and whistles were canceled, in fact, the effects are similar.

There are now four forms of mysterious change: sword, Fangtian painting halberd, umbrella and bow.

Fang Tianhua's halberd pierced the sky and shattered the palm of God.

At the same time, he used his fingers to pass away, and Tang Luo used one finger to destroy Rulai's golden body.

As soon as the fire body disappeared, the last soil body also appeared slowly. The sense of oppression brought by it was like the earth rolled over, which was far better than other bodies.

The Celestial Gods, Buddhas, Arhats, and Bodhisattvas have all retreated far away.

The battlefields of Tangluo and Rulai spread to the gorgeous palace of the heaven.

Including Nantianmen and Lingxiao Baodian, they no longer exist.

The Jade Emperor was crying inside. At that time, the Monkey Monkey that Sun Wukong had troubled Tiangong, and the war damage was not so serious.

Fighting in this way, I am afraid that even the court will be beaten.

He asked to go to Xitian to invite Buddha, but it was not the result.

It should be said that it is indeed the master of the demon monkey.

Just as the emperor shed blood and cried, the distant vicinity of Tianting suddenly quieted down, and the forces looming from both sides of the battle disappeared.


"The Buddha won?"

The gods looked at each other, or the Bodhisattva and Luohan in the Daleiyin Temple reacted faster, and flew there with the golden light.

Immortals followed immediately.

Kankan approached, all "people" stopped.

Over the destroyed part of the heavens, the clouds and mists that created a wonderland are completely gone.

A huge void appeared, surrounded by dense cracks, spreading out, like "Sky" was punched out of a hole and was about to be broken.

Hmm ... not like it is.

But the real situation is the case. Tang Luo and Rulai fought big and really hit the back, which would cause irreversible serious damage to the world.

It will even completely destroy this world.

However, this is not a real dream, and when you break it, you wake up.

God knew what effect it would have on Sun Wukong, so Tang Luo chose to stop.

Rulai also closed the hands may be feeling the real disaster.

In the hollow, Rulai is still the "real Buddha statue" image of Liu Zhang's golden body.

"Can you tell me where Sun Wukong is now?" Tang Luo said.

"The demon monkey honed, I won't interfere, and I don't know where he is at this moment." Ru said.

"So you are useless?" Tang Luo chuckled.

Hearing the threatening words, Liuzhang Jinshen still had no expression, but his voice came: "The six reincarnations are under the supervision of the prefecture ..."

Rulai means that they did not know, but through the "reincarnation system" of the local government, Sun Wukong could be found.

The reincarnation of Tang Seng and Sun Wukong followed the normal course.

"What about the other learners?" Tang Luo asked.

Rulai, as always, kept her mouth still, and heard several places.

Zhu Bajie is in Gao Laozhuang, Sha Wujing is in Liushahe, and Xiao Bailong is sad in Yingying, which is no different from the original place.

"Very good," Tang Luo said, "see you next time in Lingshan."

Turning around and leaving, through the gods, they smiled at them, and the Emperor Jade smiled with horror.

Bodhi ancestor, so scary!

"Buddha ..."

After Tang Luo left, the Bodhisattva, Arhat, and Fairy came over.

The Jade Emperor looked at the messy heavenly court and said, "Why didn't the Buddha stay here? Now letting the tiger return to the mountain will cause great trouble in the future."

Rulai sighed a little, and said nothing, but a fissure emerged from the top of Liuzhang's body, and then "flowed down" and spread like a stream of water.

Suddenly, most of the body was spread.

The gods were horrified.

Xitian Daleiyin Temple, such as Buddha, the supreme guardian of heaven and earth.

In the engagement with Bodhi, just now it turned out to be this way?

"This demon is my enemy of Buddhism, my calamity." Said the Buddha.

"Who is he ..." Jade Emperor's voice was trembling.

"He has a lot of names. The Six Brahma Lords, Po Xun, Moro, He is at ease, Borobudur Shevati." The Buddha said, "Now he calls himself" Xuan Zang ", and that is the Great Demon Xuan stout."

"This, how should this be good?" Jade Emperor looked pale.

The same goes for the surrounding gods, arhats, and bodhisattvas.

Heaven demon Xuanzang, this is the enemy of all beings!

"Everything has a certain number. Xuan Zang is not invincible. He has cultivated his enemies of his own life, and he will eventually return." Buddha Buddha finally moved, his hands folded in front of him.


With the sound of the Buddha's horn, the crack on Liu Zhangjin's body exploded again, turning into powder, and disappearing with the wind.



Arhats and Bodhisattvas are distraught.

The Jade Emperor looked up at the hollow that had not been restored. Is the darkness coming?

What did the words left by the Buddha pass away?

Cultivate a lifetime of enemies ~ ~ Will the deceased finally return?

Could it be said that the key to dealing with this great devil lies with his apprentice Sun Wukong?

Therefore, when the Buddha left his life, was the Master of the Three Tibetans (different from Xuanzang the Great Demon) willing to use his own body to guarantee rebirth with the monster monkey?

Tang Luo didn't know what happened in the heavens.

Even if it is clear, you don't care.

You have conspiracy schemes, I see through your conspiracy schemes, you see through me through your conspiracy schemes?

Just kidding.

With that mental energy and energy to carry out the matryoshka battle, it would be better to punch directly with a punch and come straight away.

Real man 1v1 war, rely on fists to speak.

Only mother guns play plots.

That's right, definitely not because Tang Luo doesn't have enough wisdom.

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