Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 781: Make your decision

The monster suspected of running around is dead.

He was too late to say, Tang Luo was too lazy to care what this guy was going to say.

Hearing school also listens to interesting stories.

Grandpa grandpa for his life, Grandpa Tang for his life, he heard too much, and calluses were born in his ears.

"Master, we are disciples of Buddhism, why ca n’t we just marry a wife? Are there other rules besides these?"

On the way home, Sun Wu couldn't help asking.

"The Buddha passed through the intestines and meat, and the Buddha stayed in his heart." Tang Luo said, "We have no contraindications to the apprenticeship.

"Anyone can't beat me anyway, you can do whatever you want to do, and if something goes wrong, Master will take it for you, what are you afraid of?"

You used to carry it, now it's your turn.

Xun Sunwu swallowed back the words "Is it because I want to build my heart?"

This product is not a Buddhist. This product is not a Buddhist.

"That one……"


"Isn't it difficult to live forever?" Sun Wu asked.

"It's not difficult, it's simple," Tang Luo said.


真的 "Really, at least it's definitely not difficult for you." Tang Luo nodded.

"What about others?" Sun Wu asked.

Tangluo said: "It depends on the situation, depending on qualifications, perceptions, and roots. Some people can be as good as others for a year, and they can be cultivated for thousands of miles a day."

"Some people‘ repair as a unit of progress. ’”

After a little while.

Tang Luo took Sun Wu back to his door.

Sun Wu was originally not a person around the bustling city. As a foreigner, his real home was not close to the city. It was estimated that it would take about half a year for a normal person to walk around.

Sun Wu is different. He has a strong martial arts skill, has a fast speed and can travel both day and night.

I only need one month.

As for why Sun Wu came to this bustling capital city, it was naturally to earn money to make a living.

This year, a penny stumped the hero.

The plunder of the rich and the poor has long ceased to exist.

Large households now deposit their money in the money house, relying on their tokens, account numbers, and passwords to withdraw money. All three must be on the right, and three errors are reported, which are directly won on the spot.

To dare to grab the money bank is to fight against the entire court.

Unless you hide in the old forest in the deep mountains, you are bound to die.

Various martial arts masters, in addition to the gated factions of the land, the rest of the lone knights were too hungry, and they turned to the court to become the guards of the bank.

Sun Wu can't. He needs a little more money. He can't make so much money as a guard in a money house.

Most of the work that can earn so much is now written in the statutes.

He can only engage in competitions and make money with people. Although it is not very harmonious, he does not write in the statutes.

In addition, Zhang also gave Zhang Gongzi, who was a Zhang family in the capital, that the sturgeon monster paid a membership fee of 2,000 to set up the platform.

If Sun Wuneng wins a hundred games in a row, according to the situation in these days, he can earn 1,522, of which 1,200 are returned to Zhang Gongzi to pay off the membership fee owed.

The remaining five hundred should be able to sustain a little half a year.

I did not expect that a destiny-like master suddenly appeared, and Sun Wu felt that his fate had completely changed.

所以 "So you make money to treat your wife?" Tang Luo asked.

Sun Wu nodded: "Master, you are a **** ..."

"Little things, can save, but ..." Tang Luo interrupted Sun Wu's words, opened the door of the cabin, but did not go in immediately.

The inside is better than the family, and a pale woman lies half-lying and lying on the wooden bed. It can be seen that she is a beauty.

Even if we were sick, we would stay in bed for two thirds of the day. Weak, pale, and still kept a pretty face.

Cowardly Liu Fufeng's sick beauty.

"Xiangong, why are you back?" Sun Wu's wife saw Sun Wu return and was surprised.

Each sentence is divided into two paragraphs.

She is very weak and needs precious medicinal herbs to maintain her every day.

For a few days, I felt weak with my hands and feet. I could only stay in bed. The standard bottomless pit and gold-absorbing beast.

When the herbal medicines continued, they could barely take care of their daily lives, allowing Sun Wu to go out and make money.

"Mother, I have met a god! Your disease is finally saved!" Sun Wu was very excited.

The title of the two people made Tang Luo feel a little bitter.

秀 This show of affection is to be punished.

"Fairy?" Sun Wu's wife looked at Tang Luo, and her face suddenly changed. "He is not a fairy! He is not a fairy! He is a demon!

The reaction was fierce.

I was so fierce that after shouting these two sentences, I stunned myself.

"Mother!" Sun Wu was shocked and immediately passed on his work to his wife.

Until the breathing in her coma became steady, she gently lowered her.

He covered his wife with a quilt, and Sun Wu turned and walked outside. When he passed Tang Luo, he whispered "Come out."

Tang Luo glanced at Sun Wu's wife, followed the way out of the house, and closed the door very kindly.

"Why is my lady so excited to see you! What do you mean by demon!" Sun Wu himself was also more excited.

"What's your lady's name?" Tang Luo casually said.

"Bai Gujing."

"That's right." Tang Luo patted a hand, his smile was slightly strange.

"What's right?"

"Your lady, she's actually a monster, boneskin." Tang Luo said.

"Nonsense!" Sun Wu flatly rejected.

"It's true." Tang Luo folded his hands in front of him, "the monk doesn't slang."

At first glance, I knew that he was a good monk, and very convincing.

"Let's go! I won't worship you as a teacher!" Sun Wu didn't waver, not to mention things like "how to prove".

I directly want to sever the relationship between father and son with Tang Luo.

"Come." Tang Luo took out the gold hoop. "As long as you wear this, you will restore the memories and strength of the past, and become a powerful Qitian Sun Wukong. You will also remember that I am your master. By then, you will know, The teacher is not lying to you. "


Wu Sunwu did not speak.

不过 "But after putting on the gold hoop, the love and hatred of the world is nothing to do with you. Once you are in love, the gold hoop on your head will tighten, making you want to die."

Tang Luo random talk about the setting of the Westward Journey.

Sun Wu was silent, stretched out his hand, and took over the golden hoop in Tang Luo's hand.

"Wait!" Tang Luo stopped, "Do you have anything else to say before putting on the gold hoop?"

Now that I have set up, I must say the complete thing.

If Sun Wuneng comes to "love you for 10,000 years", then Tang Luo will rename him Supreme Treasure.

"Yes." Sun Wu held the gold hoop, took a deep breath, and exerted the greatest strength of his life. He threw the gold hoop suddenly, "Pick your trash!"

Sun Wu exhausted all his strength and the golden hoop flew out.

"Oh, Goku, you have to believe as a teacher."

I just imagined that the golden hoop flew out thousands of meters and asked Tang Luo to find him, and the situation for him to win time did not happen.

Tang Luo just waved casually, and the golden hoop in the air obediently flew back to his hands.

"I'm not Goku!" Sun Wu repelled, his expression gradually narrowed.

"This is your place ..." Tangluo said halfway, and stopped abruptly. "Forget it, since you don't want it now, let it be, we will have a good-bye day."

Wu Sunwu watched Tang Luo step in the air, flew into the sky, and soon disappeared.

He stood still, silent, as if something sounded in his mind and heart.

He told him to roar, to shred false reality, to destroy everything in front of him.

With both feet stepping on the ground, a crack had appeared unconsciously and spread.

Sun Wu's clothes had no wind and hair. Something was "breaking through the shell."

Eventually, the turbulent breath on him calmed down again, and Sun Wukong turned to walk to the hut.

High in the air, Tang Luo spinning the golden hoop, took a deep look, and left.


He smashed a big hammer and smashed a slate. Tang Seng stood up and patted his chest, indicating that he was fine.

群众 The crowd around me applauded and threw a poor reward two or two.

表演 I performed a broken stone on my chest by myself, and felt a little desolate. With the piecemeal reward, it was even more desolate.

Sun Wukong didn't get mixed up, and Tang Monk didn't get mixed up.

It is not vain to say that calamity is perilous.

"Who wants to try it!" Tang Seng lay on the ground again, picked up a slate and put it on his chest. "As long as ten pennies, you can smash it!"

Immediately someone with good things stepped forward, and two seconds later, he retreated in a laugh.

The hammer is too heavy, barely able to lift it, but can't lift it!

I didn't lift it anymore, it was a fart.

"Let me do it."

Tang Luo came out of the crowd, and put down a piece of silver at will.

"Too much." Tang Seng smiled fiercely, similar to Lu Zhi, instead of closing the relationship between people, he stopped crying at night.

"It's okay." Tang Luo waved his hand, picking up the hammer is a hammer.


The monk Tang eyes widened and took a breath.

It hurts, it hurts.

"Yes." Tang Luo threw away the hammer. "This donor is wrong. This master, I see that you are full of heaven and your bones are amazed. At a glance, you know that you are a cultivating wizard. I have a "Xuanzhang God's Palm" here, which has something to do with you, cheaper, and I will sell it to you for twelve silver. "

The monk lying on the ground was aggressive.

What kind of situation have you encountered in the same circle?

He barely got up: "Master ... brother, what do you mean by that?"

Everyone is a disciple of Buddha, as long as the difference in status is not too large, they are generally called "brothers and brothers" according to their age.

From the appearance, she is definitely Tang Luo.

Tang Ke Tang Luo previously called Tang Seng as a "master brother" and showed great strength.

Therefore, Tang Seng can only call Tang Luo as a brother ~ ~ Originally, Tang Seng also planned to strive for reason, saying that he started to enter the Buddhist gate early in his orphan period and grew up in a temple.

But the opponent's hammer was too painful.

"Amitabha Buddha." Tang Luo folded his hands and made a noise.

Suddenly, his body suddenly rose, and Yulian emerged underneath him.

Even the Buddha's illusive golden body emerged, standing between heaven and earth, showing the image of immortal Buddha.

The onlookers next to the puppet knelt without saying a word, saying that they were immortals.

Believe it or not, this will teach you on the spot and become a believer.

"I was defeated by the Buddha."

The sound of the day of Huanghuang Huang came out of Tangluo.

"This territory is thick, the land is thick, the things are wide, the people are thick, and more greedy and more murderous. Ignorance, big scales, small scales, killing animals. Create boundless iniquity, full of sin and evil, resulting in the plague of hell, so forever fall into the gloom, suffering from the many torments and tortures, changing animals. There is Many of the forms of the woolen horns will repay the debt and feed the meat. They will never fall into the nose, and they must not rise above them, for this reason. "

A few words made Tang Seng cold sweat.

幸 "Fortunately, God has good virtues, and King Dingyu went to Xitian to get the true scriptures of the" Three Tibetans, "preach the world, and save all beings."

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