Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 12 The remnants of leaving the film

For the sake of his people's stomach, Xu Dong could only float on the water again and imitate the crocodile and wait for the rabbit. So why didn't Xu Dong just dive to catch fish?

Because there is no way to catch up!

Although Xu Dong can swim, he is still a land creature after all. How can he compete with ray-finned fish in the river?

Fish are very vigilant creatures. Xu Dong's previous prey obviously scared them. For a while, no stupid fish dared to approach Xu Dong.

But just because they don't dare doesn't mean that some kind of freshwater bully doesn't dare.

Under the river, a strange-looking creature was slowly squirming. Its body was covered with mud and algae. You wouldn't be able to spot it if you weren't paying attention.

But who is Xu Dong? He has a dragon body and a human soul, and combines the advantages of the two ancient and modern overlords. Naturally, he will not be fooled by such simple concealment methods.

This guy under the river is about one meter long, crawling close to the bottom of the river. His head is very wide and short, with almost no neck. It is like a semicircle covering the body. However, its body is also very round, and its limbs are The tail is small and looks like an oval.

This creature is the detached vertebral amphibian that currently dominates freshwater, but will soon be replaced by the nudiphyte phytosaurs - the salamander.

Among the lamellar amphibians, Trichoderma spp., it is the genus with the latest age, the highest degree of specialization, and the strangest appearance among the lamellar amphibians. It is also the most studied salamander.

The spondyloids should be regarded as the ancestors of modern frogs, toads, and salamanders. The ancestors of the spondyloids in the Permian and Triassic were not as tall as their descendants.

They are currently the kings of the freshwater ecosystem, and can easily reach four or five meters in size.

It's just that the Carnian era is too subtle. There is no 5-10-meter-long Serratodon in the early and middle Permian period, and there is no Anthosaurus that would have grown to 3 meters five million years later.

Most of them are earthy creatures about one meter like the newt.

Although they are fat and round, according to the popular science articles I read in my previous life, the specimens of the newt have intradermal osteogenesis, vertebrae, shoulder girdle and clavicle and interclavicle that make up the "heart mirror", which means that the child's newt is The whole body of the newt is covered with bony armor.

With Xu Dong's current strength, he can easily deal with the stupid big tuatara, but facing a monster like the newt, which is one meter long, weighs nearly 50 kilograms, and is covered in armor, it is still a dead end.

If possible, Xu Dong would have fled back to the shore long ago, but he knew that the terrestrial creature, the Little Red Dragon, could not swim the salamander. As soon as Xu Dong made an escape move, the salamander would immediately pounce. Come here and die faster.

For the current plan, we can only take one step at a time and wait for time to see if there will be any changes.

The salamander crawled on the bottom of the river for fear of disturbing Xu Dong and the fish swimming above.

Its camouflage can be said to have fooled other fish except Xudong. No, a herbivorous fish foolishly swam to the top of the head of the salamander to eat algae.

How could the little freshwater bully, the salamander, let go of the food delivered to the door? Its semicircular upper jaw popped open like a toilet seat, and it took the silly fish in its mouth in one bite.

The sudden attack of the salamander immediately alarmed the ray-finned fish in the river. They ran around in panic, stirring up the river full of sediment.

How could Xu Dong miss such a God-given opportunity? He immediately used all his strength to suck the milk. Oh, there are no mammals yet, so he opened the eggshell and swam hard to the shore.

The salamander swallows the herbivorous fish in its mouth and no longer hides its figure, showing off its status as a freshwater bully.

After eating two silly fish that escaped and lost direction and hit his mouth, the 50-pound guy stared at Xu Dong, who was swimming wildly on the river.

The newt said that he was tired of eating too many fish. Animals on land are quite rare, so he must try something new.

So Xu Dong became miserable. When he swam to a meter or two away from the river bank, the salamander had already caught up with him. The huge semicircular toilet head bounced off and rushed towards Xu Dong quickly.

Don't come over here!

Xu Dong was so frightened that he peed. He kept kicking his hind legs, and his two short forelimbs were also pulling desperately, just trying to swim a little faster.


Xu Dong's hind limbs stepped into the wet sand. Although it was still more than one meter away from the river bank, it was a shoal that spread into the river.

Normally, he might still dislike the wet sand and sticky feet, but now, the sand is his life-saving straw. As long as he can keep his feet on the ground, can you, the newt, catch up with me?

The little red dragons who were still piling sand on the river bank saw their leader coming back and thought they had something to eat again, so they quickly gathered together.

Unexpectedly, the cry from Xu Dong, who was running through the water, told them to retreat.

These twenty loyal little red dragons immediately moved out of the way after receiving the boss's order. This subconscious reaction saved their lives.

Xu Dong was followed by a big guy only one meter long.

Although the salamander lives in the water most of the time and even has gills, it is still an amphibian after all. How could it not be able to go ashore? It’s just that the group of ray-finned fish will not go ashore, so there is no need for him to go ashore.

However, for this rare meal of land animals, the salamander made a decision that went against its ancestors and set foot on land again.

The young man probably had a bit of a brain and couldn't turn his head at all. Instead of trying to catch the red dragons that had dispersed, he was focused on chasing Xu Dong.

But that's okay. With Xu Dong's speed, he is fully confident that he can get rid of the newt, but he doesn't want to let the big guy leave so easily now.

Weren't you very arrogant in the water just now? Seeing that you were still crazy when you arrived on land, Xu Dong used a leisurely speed to hang the Newt, not letting it catch up, but also giving it the illusion that it could catch up with more effort.

Xu Dong just led the newt in circles in the dry desert. By the time the newt reacted, it was completely trapped in the desert and could not find its way back.

Xu Dong's current claws cannot penetrate the bone armor of the salamander, so he has no choice but to leave it in the desert for a few days. When it dies due to lack of water, he will come back to collect its body and "bury it."

After dealing with the little bully in this section of the river, there are basically no creatures that can threaten the little red dragon. A twelve-centimeter carnivorous fish like the Mingshui Dire Fish is just a meal in front of Xu Dong.

Building a 20-meter-long sand path is destined to be a big project, and the food for the twenty little red dragons cannot be completely provided by fishing in Xudong.

Xu Dong, who has the soul of a terrifying upright ape, thought of a way to solve it once and for all.

A small tributary was dug out of the river, and a small pond was dug at the end of the tributary. Whenever new ray-finned fish swam by in groups, Xu Dong would scare them in the water. Every time, there would be a few silly fish that looked like nothing. Jumping into the trap like a fly on the head.

In this way, the Little Red Dragon clan no longer has to worry about food and can devote themselves wholeheartedly to paving roads.

Small theater of paleontology: Trichoderma, Phylum Chordata - Subphylum Vertebrates - Tetrapods - Dissociated Vertebrates - Holospondyloids - Trichoderma - Genus Trichoderma.

The salamander lived in the middle and late Triassic period and lived in water all its life. Its adults also have external gills. Even though the pseudosuchian phytosaurs dominated the freshwater ecology after the Carnian flood event, it still survived the Triassic mass extinction. Died together with the plant dragons.

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