Stormwind God

Chapter 1022: Lost Magic

Did the Ereda Twins doubt Duke?

The answer is yes!

Because something happened at this point in time, it was too sensitive.

The experience of countless times behind the enemy's work tells Gemini that it must have been leaked. Who is using this special method that is contrary to the night elf style to save the elf civilians.

However, no matter what the twins think, they will not really doubt Duke. Because Duke is working hard to open the portal.

Duke's knowledge of space transmission is so rich that even many fields are above their professional Eredar Warlock. As a result, portal issues are now completely dominated by Duke.

If someone tells Gemini that Duke is secretly hacking and evacuating the people, Gemini is the first to believe it. This is contradictory after all.

Evacuation is at best temporary.

The destruction and death brought by the Burning Legion are eternal.

What Duke did was accelerate the demise of the planet.

When Duke fully debugs the largest portal based on the Well of Eternity, and transmits Archimonde and even Sargeras, the overall situation is really set.

At this time, Duke's performance was completely a loyal loyal soldier of the Burning Legion.

The Geminis just asked, and then turned their attention to the upper elves who seemed to them the least reliable.

The empresses are mostly lunatics seeking power, and they don't care about the lives of the lower classes. As long as they have the power to break through their limits, their hungry hearts will be satisfied.

Looking at the foolish idiots who regarded Sargeras as the creator and the gods, Erida sneered at the same time.

"Stupid! Just hold your expectations and wait!" Oleses giggled non-stop.

"After the destruction of your planet, it is estimated that it will be the same expression as those idiots before." Queen Saloras has a clear contempt.

"Maybe, there is another Void Lord among these guys who claim to be upper elf."

"There is only one infernal affairs!"

Interestingly, Rao has contacted countless civilizations and destroyed countless planets. The Eredarians did not understand the meaning of the three words "Infernal Affairs" until this moment.

The Burning Legion's invasion continues.

Every night, at the most suitable time to open the portals, the portals are opened one by one. From small to small portals the size of the palace entrance, to large portals that are 20 meters wide and 60 meters high, the elite demons of the Burning Legion came out one after another.

Rarely, these demons did not immediately launch an offensive, but all were packed like canned sardines and densely housed in the royal palace of Azshara.

"Coward! This is completely cowardly coward behavior!" Mannoroth's roar rang the entire palace. On the top wall of a hundred meters, the sand was shaken and fell down. The abyss lord, wielding a double-headed sword, was like a showman, only daring to wave in place, and he did not dare to let the sword edge half an inch forward.

Because standing there is a seemingly small existence Duke!

"Stupid! Since even Lord Archimonde has made you accept my temperance. Both leaders have made opening the largest portal a top priority, so it is even more important to explain the importance of the planet Azeroth. , Far beyond your imagination of a pig-headed demon! "

Duke, a genuine vanity lord of the void, relentlessly trained the underdog of Mannoroth.

"But, look at these demons! Are they still great Burning Legion warriors? Not even dogs!" Dare not to challenge Duke's majesty, and Mannoroth is not stupid, and instead turns to war.

Duke glanced not far at the huge portal that was about to be completed under the dark artisans of the Burning Legion.

"Forget it, leave you here as a fool, and you can't guard the portal. Then you can take the abyss lords to do things, just do whatever you want, the more lively the better!"

Obviously Duke's words, anyone can hear the full sarcasm inside, but Manolos, as amnesty, took his younger brother to work.

"Kazak, Kazloga! Keep me here!" Duke said without looking back.



After two promises, the two doomsday guard lords who were killed 10,000 years later in Mount Hyjal were obeyed like loyal dogs at this point in time that was not killed 10,000 years ago. Duke ordered.

This scene is really joyful!

An hour later, the night elves throughout the Kaldorei Empire were alarmed.

They lifted their heads one by one, and in their perception, the world that had been extremely lively in the previous moment had entered a state of stillness for no reason.

No night wind, every leaf in the forest outside the window is low. There was no wind, no insects, but the loving light of the moon goddess Elune, pouring down from the branches in the form of moonlight, shining on the cheeks of the night elves.

The expensive magic lights that would never go out for no reason at night lost all their luster, and every fairy night city fell into a short and weird silence.

"what happened?"

"What about the magic of the Well of Eternity !?"

In the darkness, countless elves exclaimed.

But their astonishment and restlessness formed the biggest contrast with the tributaries of magic below the city, which had no trace of ripples.

At this moment, all the elves felt that the world they were familiar with was deviating. The magic that was so familiar and powerful once seemed to be frightened away from himself under the intimidation of the goddess of destiny.

In the midst of it, there seemed to be something sinister coming, and there seemed to be something terrifying waiting for them on the fork of fate. An invisible black hand, using its unmatched power, is secretly leading everything and controlling everything.

The elven arcanists subconsciously looked around, and found that many monsters were imprisoned with their magical imprisonment, from the smallest mana dragon to the oversized dragon beast, all ran out of the cell.

Unexpectedly, these monsters thought they would eat back the elves as soon as they were free, and retaliated against the owner who had imprisoned them.

Who would have thought that no matter what kind of monster they were, they trembled and even ran around in a panic. No one found that they were doing everything they could to stay away from Azshara ...

The hearts of all the elves who could sense the magic jumped violently. Because at this moment, all the wizards of the entire Kaldorei Empire were forcibly interrupted from their connection with the Well of Eternity at the same time.

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