Stormwind God

Chapter 1036: [Arcane Missile-Storm]

The moment before, the army of night elves was like a lamb to be slaughtered, shaking in front of an endless army of demons.

Lord Ravenkeys' face was iron-blue. He overestimated the power of the elves after losing magic, and underestimated the power of the Burning Legion.

On either battlefield, one of them is deadly, let alone both.

If it's not all gone, then it's a real shit.

In just one hour of battle, eight elves or above were killed, and countless little nobles were killed.

This also includes Latusius, leader of the Moon Guard.

Latusius is a very powerful elf. The two martial arts are both powerful and invincible. Opposing him was a dome guarding lord who was over five meters tall and had a tan-colored body.

In pure martial arts, Latusius even faintly overwhelmed the demon lord, and the problem was with his physique. No matter how strong Latusius was, he was still a night elf. Evolving from a troll to a night elven, the elves acquired the powerful spellcasting ability they had dreamed of at the cost of losing the perverted regeneration ability of the trolls.

The Doom Lord can withstand dozens of mortals that seem to be serious enough to be fatal, but unfortunately the night elves can only take one.

So powerful demons tend to have more chances of making mistakes than elves.

Latusius made a fatal mistake, and at first he kept watching and told himself not to use magic. When the battle entered the most fierce phase, he forgot this, subconsciously spotted a gap, and read the mantra. When the spell had no effect, he realized that without the magical support of the Well of Eternity, he couldn't have such a powerful magic instantly.

This killed him.

The backwash from the magic circuit slowed his movements. As a result, he was directly seized by the demon lord on the opposite side and used his fist blade like a green crescent to directly split Latusius into two sections.

The death of the Guardians of the Moon was a huge blow to the guardians of the Moon who had turned to Lord Ravenkeys. Fortunately, Illidan's brave battle made up for all of this.

Holding a scimitar rarely used by elves, Illidan rushed forward very quickly. With a fast pace that was almost impossible to capture with the naked eye, he chopped around the giant doomsday lord like a butterfly.

If Illidan was just a fly-like guy, maybe he was the same as Latusius, and he would be slapped dead with a slap. But Illidan was able to mix in the moon guard because of his magic martial arts.

[Mana Burning]!

This magical skill that makes all professionals in the legal system feel so bad is an enemy of the mage. Simply burning off the mana of the Doom Lord, Illidan also pays great attention to destroying the magic node between the opponent's magic circuit and the circuit.

Disrupting the connection between multiple magic circuits directly leads to the imbalance of the opponent's magic power, and the damage is multiplied.

Finally, after several rounds, Illidan shouted!

"Go to death! Demon"

He cut off the head of this prominent low-ranking doomsday lord. As a trophy, he took back the enemies' pair of twinkling yellow-green fancy blades.

"Essinos ...? Haha! In the future, you will call [Essinos Blade] Alright! Hahaha"

Illidan held two unreconstructed artifacts [Essinos Blades] in one hand, and held up the awkward skull of Doomsday Lord Essinos, and shouted to the sky, "The enemy's Lord Essinos Killed by my Illidan Stormrage "

"Oh, oh," the night elves around were suddenly morale.

The more disadvantaged, the more heroes are needed. Illidan could have become a hero on this battlefield, even if the battle was lost.

But when Illidan was full of joy and thought he could get Tyrande's favor after returning, a change that caught him by surprise was born.

Good for all elves!

What a bad thing for Illidan!

Because, with an invisible and unpredictable wave, it swept across the audience suddenly. An unstoppable ecstasy appeared on the face of every elven.

The demon, who was showing cruel bloodthirsty faces, did not understand at first that these thin, long ears that were almost fighting to save their lives suddenly seemed to be fighting chicken blood.

Soon they understood!

More than half of the elves' hands glow with magical light!

That's right, the well's magic supply to the branch is restored!

Magic is the real theme in this piece of innate and man-made branches of the Eternal Well's magic branch, which is covered with half of the big 6 Kalim.

It is also the biggest reason why Kaldorei can dominate half of the big 6 and make all other races such as trolls and zergs into dogs.

The next moment, the whole atmosphere was shaken by the pouring of various magical powers.

"咻咻 咻"

Countless magical rays of light are like a meteor shower that cuts through the sky, and hits the demon head of the Burning Leg with a brain. Rao has quite a few **** dogs in the Burning Legion, but what about that? Countless ice cones fell from the sky. When the elementalized materialization became a physical attack, it was also the moment when the **** dog rushed to the street.

Illidan would have been the only star on the battlefield, but now there is another Ronin!


Luo Ning was promoted!

Just on this chaotic battlefield.

As a stronger and more determined mage, Luo Ning is never lacking talent, not patience, but opportunity.

Compared to Cadore, who is accustomed to borrowing external forces, he has always insisted on fighting with his own magic. This is determined by the objective fact that future human mages do not have a good source of magic. Therefore, he who specializes in arcane skills, as a basic magic circuit, plays thicker than any mage of his age.

In order to fight on the battlefield, Ronin kept clearing all the magic in his body, relying on the magic recovery power brought by the best equipment, he almost ran out of mana as soon as he recovered. In this extreme squeeze, he intentionally or unintentionally increased his control over magic.

Because it is lacking, it requires more efficient use of magic power.

Because the magic is not easy to recover, it is more cost-effective to pursue magic and magic, and throw the most suitable magic on the enemy that can affect the overall situation.

Longing on the edge of the advance, Luo Ning, together with the night elves, waited for the magic of the Well of Eternity, and he alone transferred the magic power that could be used by the 100,000 Earth Mage!

In the midair behind Luo Ning, thousands of magic arrays with bright purple and blue lights suddenly lit up.

His magical glory eclipsed Raven Case's entire wizarding group.

If it is said that the magic rain of the division is a gentle drizzle, then the power of Luo Ning's move is the extinct rain that is enough to destroy the whole world in the storm of doomsday!

[Arcane Missile Storm]! 8

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