Stormwind God

Chapter 1056: The end of the ancient war

Originally when Ronin opened his mouth, Alexstrass wanted to say, ‘We all wanted to grab him and rip it to pieces, but the black dragon was so hidden that even our own dragon could not find him. ’However, when Luo Ning took out the dragon scale, the four dragon kings collectively lost their voice.

Of course, dragons can recognize their own dragons.

The four dragon kings recognized at a glance that it was definitely Nasario's scales, not other black dragons.

At this point in time, the king of the blue dragon, Marigos, stared at the red eyes and locked Ronin: "Our blue dragons fight with the whole family to cover me and the whole army is overwhelmed. Even my spouse, Sin Dagosa, is fighting. Dead, even so, I ca n’t hurt the great traitor of Nesario, and even this **** has n’t been able to tear off any scales. How did you do that? ”

Luo Ning was speechless. Did he tell Marigot at this point in time that this master, my master, who had killed Deathwing ten thousand years later, entrusted me?

Facing Marigot who was in a state of madness, Malfurion suddenly stood half a step ahead, blocking the sight of the blue dragon king and Ronin.

"You get out of here! There's nothing for you here! Little elf!" Marigos stared with a beard!

Malfurion shook his head slowly, he suddenly remembered a lot. The one who thinks the most is ‘None’—the mysterious void lord who claims to be Du Kang. In all fairness, he was also angry, because Du Kang took over his love. But he was helpless, and the situation of the war was at stake.

If you do n’t do anything, the fate of the entire world will be irreversible!

Before he was rescued by Dasreima, Du Kang said to him personally that the key to reversing the situation was the "Dragon Soul", and he wanted to find a way to "reasonably" let the "Dragon Soul" fall Into the hands of his brother Illidan.

As for what the plan was, Du Kang refused to say. Malfurion had no idea what his brother had planned!

Malfurion refused to believe that Du Kang, even to Roddick, who had already made countless feats, but couldn't believe it. After all, the humans on the Kalimdor continent are just a group of barbaric races with long hairs and no hair even without their own language.

Either Roddick or the mysterious female thief, they obviously come from an unknown world that is more civilized and has a more systematic induction and application of knowledge and power.

Malfurion made up his mind and got [Soul of the Dragon]. After studying it at least, he would deal with the situation.

In any case, the situation could not be worse. Even if Sargeras does not come, the coalition will be consumed by the army of Archimonde!

Taking a deep breath, Malfurion lifted his chest and looked up at the stars.

"In fact, we still have a top-secret plan. Many people have already paid a price that even the Dragons cannot imagine. I'm right, Goddess Elune!"

"Yes!" The will of the moon goddess Elune came: "I believe in my child, she and he will not let me down!"

The goddess of the moon, Elune, as a true god, speaks more heavily than these demigods present. Since even Elune has justified Malfurion and Ronin, although they do n’t know what the plan is, everyone ’s curiosity is about to explode, but the goddess does n’t say that no one dares to ask the goddess!

All can only agree to bow down.

The coalition of the Anti-Burning Legion finally sent a small team consisting of mortal strongmen such as Malfurion, Krassus, and Ronin to explore the nest of Nesario.

While Nesario nearly absorbed his power because he absorbed too much power, he had to let goblin inlay his body with a large number of high-strength metal plates to fix his body. Malfurion successfully stole the [Dragon Soul] No, this thing should be called [Soul of Demon] now.

It was also discovered that those ancient gods who once occupied the planet Azeroth and plunged the entire planet into chaos and madness were the masterminds that encouraged Nesario to betray. Enzos and other ancient gods were not sealed into the earth until they were suppressed by the pantheon's creation gods. Unexpectedly, they also took the opportunity to make waves.

After Malfurion succeeded, he turned around on the spot, and wanted to inform everyone of the shock as soon as possible.


This very powerful squad was attacked.

The combination of Illidan, Azsara's Guard Captain Varosen, and Eredar Twins successfully grabbed [Soul of the Demon] in Malfurion.

Malfurion was astonished, but he also had the deepest fear of that Du Kang-this mysterious powerhouse had already designed everything. What could be more reassuring than something snatched from the **** battle of a dead enemy?

Looking at Illidan, who was in a state of madness, but did not know he was actually a pawn, Malfurion was speechless for a long time.

Back in Azshara City, seeing [Soul of Demon] being held by the twins, step by step towards the portal at the top of the palace. Although expressionless, Illidan's heart was pounding.

For the first time he didn't want to turn the disc into the hands of a demon.

He knelt on the ground and looked up at the hot body, the glamorous twins, and gritted his teeth: "Two adults, I am more free to use the magic in the masterpiece of the black dragon than you. With the gift of the master to me, I now You know it. "

To strengthen his persuasion, Illidan raised his headscarf over his eyes. Eredar's twins frowned into his eyes.

But who are the twins?

Kil'jaeden's deputy, one of the most treacherous and devious beings among the demons, Gemini smiled.

"You make sense, but it makes no sense."

"But our great lord, Lord Sargeras, as the true owner of the disc, should not be up to him to decide who will use the disc and strengthen the power of the portal here?"

The twins make good sense, but Illidan was speechless.

Through the dark portal at the top of the palace, the Demon King exclaimed, "Eligible to use this fetish being, it can only be ... I--"

Even with greater reluctance, Illidan could only follow other demonic lords, bow deeply, and kneel down.

At the same time, in the twisted void, an extremely large, lunar-sized giant stone was suspended there.

This is a palace in Sargeras, and this time is ready to follow Sargeras to teleport to the demon army assembly site of Azeroth.

There are thousands of layers, and each layer is at least 20 meters in a huge three-dimensional fortress. Almost every corner is filled with rubbing demons.

The total number of demons here is calculated in ‘100 million’.

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