Stormwind God

Chapter 1365: Velen the Immortal

Fighting the Patriotic War was okay. It was a battle that could not frown even when the pants were off. But all of a sudden, in order to kill the evil, it is necessary to cross the interstellar and send a larger army to another world. It is conceivable that it will definitely cause widespread controversy within the alliance.

Duke said a moment now, no doubt he can breathe a sigh of relief below.

Duke turned his face to Varian: "You just wanted to ask me, why should you ally with the tribe?"

"Um. Exactly."

"Excuse me, whose territory is Draenor?"

When everyone heard it, they suddenly realized.

Even after experiencing that terrible big bang, according to information, there are still many orcs living on the broken planet Draenor.

Duke continued: "If the tribe is just this tribe of Azeroth, even if it is an orc, a tauren, a troll, a goblin, and a forgotten group of five clans, how many people can they add up to 200,000, It ’s heavenly! Let alone 200,000. I count the tribe as having a million people. I do n’t even think about it. However, it is different in Draenor. "

Queen Greek, who was just getting the booty, strode over: "How many tribes does Draenor have?"

"Adult soldiers, no less than three million. Now the latest information is that Illidan serves as the minions of the Burning Legion, and joins the Abyss Lord Magtheridon in an attempt to turn all orcs into evil orcs. This means that once Illidan succeeds , We are going to face 10 million enhanced orcs. "Duke added the words:" At least! "

This time, the whole audience was exhausting.

Duke asked, "Is anyone wondering, 'At least we control the door of darkness.'?"

Kalia shook her head: "Just as we chose to destroy the worm's nest to prevent more insects from harming the world. We will not let go of those who try to destroy Azeroth this time."

Defense alone is never reliable.

Negative defense is the choice of the weak. The real line of defense is never the strongholds built on the gates, but the more powerful army.

"Call" Duke Changshu breathed a sigh of relief. Without a guy like Terenas who is obstructing the rotation of the planet, it is cool. The entire league is under his control, and he is not worried about who is holding back. At this time, he said leisurely: "So I agreed to form an alliance with the tribe. The biggest hope is to let Thrall reconnect with Draenor's orcs and let him organize the orcs against Illidan's legion."

"Will ..." Duke knew, and Magny wanted to say whether he would return to the mountain.

Duke shook his head.

If according to the history of urine, Thrall will return to Nagrand in the outer world as usual, and after entering the division, he will step into the natural way and change from a pure warrior to a true shaman.

Such a sal would be a more selfless and harmless leader.

"The power of the Outland is not just the Orcs. I have ordered Kael'thas to deal with a race that calls himself the" Draenei. "If possible, I would like to involve the Draenei in the alliance because these Draenei Belief is the same way of light as we are! "Speaking of this, Duke gently hammered Tirion's breastplate with his fist.

Among the many races of Azeroth, like dwarves, dwarfs and elves, it is more for the benefit of forming alliances with humans. Draeneians, however, rarely joined the alliance with religion and ideas.

In Duke's eyes, the addition of the Draenei should be more natural.

And the draenei boss, but that Velen!

The venerable Velen, also known as the "Immortal," has witnessed countless worlds destroyed by the Burning Legion, and is one of the few who can remember all of them.

Velen's origins are beyond test, and in his hometown of Argus, he was a respectable leader. Twenty-five thousand years ago, Dark Titan Sargeras promised endless power to Velen's people, but he wisely refused. He foresaw endless disasters from accepting such power.

However, Ereda's other two leaders, Kilgardan and Archimonde, agreed with Sargeras.

Velen realized that he had no place in Argus. He and his brave followers rose up against the dark Titans and escaped Argus with the help of the mysterious light creature Naaru.

These brave exiles began to call themselves draenei, or "exiled", who knew that Kil'jaeden, who had taken refuge in Sargeras, had organized an army of demons to bite these Germans for the past 25,000 years Lenny kept it.

Velen fought for thousands of years with the Demon Legion, leading his people to the world inhabited by barbaric orcs. It became a sanctuary for this group of wanderers. They named this new world Draenor.

By the way, the orcs don't recognize the name 'Drano'. Basically, they all just call their homes ‘our world’.

Velen and his people have lived a relatively peaceful and stable life in Draenor for hundreds of years. Although they knew it was only a matter of time before the Burning Legion found them, they worked hard to live in peace with other races here.

Unfortunately, because an egg named Ner'zhul hurt the shaman, Kil'jaeden's will was found in the void, and then flickered, so there were various conflicts between the orcs and Draenei.

Under the flicker of Ner'zhul, the orc clans gathered together to form the old tribe, which directly broke through the draenei's largest settlement in Draenor, the holy city of Shattrath.

The sorrowful Draenei once had no place to stay and were hurried to Zangarmarsh. Many Draenei even lost their minds and became lonely ghosts and wandering in the swamp.

Now Duke is extremely certain that Velen, the ancient prophet, knows very well that the Draenei will face new threats.

The immortal must protect his people, otherwise the entire Draenei nation will be devoured by darkness.

The emergence of the alliance is exactly the greatest opportunity for the Draenei to survive and reproduce.

"Kael'thas wrote to say that Dylani's leader Velen wanted to see me," Duke said.

"Are you going?" Jaina asked.

"Go, of course, but not now. The league needs rest and time ..." Having said that, Duke patted Varian on the shoulder: "Varian, go for me first and reach a preliminary consensus with Velen , Okay? I'm still busy with the magic net. "

"Okay, Uncle Duke." Varian's eyes flashed sharp. He knew it was a rare opportunity to sharpen himself and prove himself.

After a brief discussion, Duke first returned to Naxxramas, then summoned the twin emperors.

Slammed and threw a tentacle of Cthun on the ground.

"Well, two people, is there any hesitation now?"

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