Stormwind God

Chapter 1369: Let go and do it, Sao Nian!

Duke raised his hand: "Varian, she's Sartura's sister. Although weaker, I can't find a better helper for you."

Varian suddenly understood: "Are you planning to call the Zerg to the Outland?"

Of course, with humans and protoss, how could there be a zerg?

This sentence, Duke almost burst out. Ugh! Long before World of Warcraft, there was StarCraft first!

Keke! In other words, when the Draenei wore full-body plate armor, they were absolutely like the protoss in StarCraft. Not to mention human beings now.

Duke fed the black technology for more than 20 years. How does Nima fight in the alliance now?

The infantry had two wings, the tank opened its way, then the self-propelled gun followed, and it stood on the ground.

The cannon opened, and banged his mother!

It would be perfect if it could really get to the Star Wars of the Burning Legion.

Although the Alliance now also has air combat ships such as Skybreaker, but the rivets stitched with steel plates that are larger than human fists are all low-level stuff!

As for race, there is not so much attention.

There are now three female worms left in the Qiraji, all under the base of Ahn'Qiraj, becoming Duke's servants. As long as there is enough meat, energy can continuously build a terrible army of bugs.

In the harsh environment of the Outland, the precious things of Warhorse can't be played. The bugs are just right, and they die without pain.

Varian was happier to see Shatura than to see his queen, and he was smart enough to think of Duke's intentions.

Varian excitedly salutes Duke with an Alliance salute: "His Commander, please direct."

Since Varian wanted to do business, Duke followed him.

"I have something more important in Azeroth, it's a big conspiracy about the Burning Legion. I can't reveal too much now."

Smart people are easy to talk to, and Duke took a look, Varian understood.

There is only one Kil'jaeden left for Duke to worry about so many Burning Legs.


Scammer Kil'jaeden!

If it was this guy, then Duke would take it for granted.

Varian nodded, understanding.

Duke continued: "The all-out war in the outer world has not started so quickly. The Alliance has just gone through a series of battles. No matter what manpower or material resources, we cannot support a full-scale war in a short time. Our enemy is not only Illidan. So I hope that your first step is to open the road from the dark gate to Fort Glory together with the tribe, build two railways, and build a fortress of five hundred people at the end of each field of vision along the way to ensure our supply. The ultimate goal It is to level the entire Hellfire Peninsula. "

Varian's pupils narrowed slightly.

What Duke meant was to wipe out all hostile forces and strong men, including the Hellfire Citadel of hundreds of thousands of evil orcs, and the Abyss Lord Magtheridon and Demon Mech.

"How many troops can I have."

"How much troops are invested in the early days depends on the supply. Before the Dark Gate has not expanded, including the Honor Fort's advancers, there will be no more than 50,000 alliances and 3,000 mechanized vehicles."

"Then what? If I get the Hellfire Peninsula and the Alliance hasn't mobilized, what am I going to do?" Varian asked.

Duke gazed at Varian's eyes. All he saw was firmness and confidence. Duke sighed and pointed to the southwest of Hellfire Peninsula: "Assuming you completed your task perfectly, then on the one hand, strengthen the position, on the other hand On the other hand, you can pass here. If my information is correct, here is a road called the Thorns Trail that leads directly to the Terokkar Forest. From here to the west, you can reach Shattrath City. "

"City of Shattrath? The main city of the Draenei?" Varian frowned. "Isn't intelligence saying that it was besieged by the orcs more than 20 years ago and turned into ruins?"

"It used to be true, until a group of 'Sha'tars' arrived."

The name of Sha'tari means 'born in the light', and it is a group of Naru people who came to the outside world to kill the Burning Legion. The Naaru settled in the ruins of Shattrath City.

A small group of surviving draenei priests persisted in the sacraments in the ruins of the temple in the city. As news of the arrival of Sha'tari gradually spread, these priests, known as Aldo, were quickly reborn. Reconstruction of Shattrath City began quickly. Had it not been for another intruder, the reconstruction would have been completed very quickly.

Here, the original history has taken a beautiful turn.

This attack was indeed from Illidan Stormrage's forces.

It is just that in history, Kaizi, who had run into an egg, sent a large group of blood elves to destroy the city.

Now it becomes Gagoma, the visitor over Hell Fortress, and leads 10,000 orcs to surround these Shattrath remnants.

As the Legion of Orcs crossed the bridge near Shattrath City, the bishops and believers of Aldo also lined up to defend the dome of light.

But then, when the fierce battle started less than a quarter of an hour, the draenei suddenly ushered in a support army.

When Prince Kael'thas heard that the Draenei were about to kneel, at the request of Velen, he sent his troops in Fort Glory. As a result, when the Blood Elf Legion was entangled, it directly from behind, put a large fireworks with a lot of magic, and the evil Orcs were ashes.

When the Draenei greeted these reinforcements joyously, something unexpected happened:

The blood elves fell to their knees before the Draenei. The leader of the legion, an elder blood elven named Vorettaar, stormed into the dome of light and asked the Naaru leader Adar to meet him.

After meeting the Naru people, Vorettaar knelt down and said, "I have seen your illusions, the Naru people. Only you can save my people. My followers and I are willing to help you Service. "

Well, some of Kaizi's people have changed jobs!

Kael'thas of this life was not the blood elven prince who had gone into trouble in history. Although Duke gave him full power to deal with the alliance's diplomacy in the outer world, and even the right to declare war against the Draenei, or to return to these 'traitors', Kaizi said: "If the belief in the Holy Light can reduce their magic addiction, Then I respect their choice. "

Correct! The advance troops came to Outland and did not receive the nourishment of the Sunwell for several years. The magic addiction broke out again under Kael'thas. Although not fatal, it seriously affected the combat effectiveness of this blood elf army.

As a result, the blood elves of this vein joined the Shattrath City powers, claiming to be 'astrologers'.

Varian rubbed his eyebrows: "The forces in the Outland are really complicated!"

"Are you afraid?" Duke smiled.

"A little scared!" Varian was frank.

"Very well, you can only grow truly if you have the fear in your heart. Let it go. Even if you blow up the Outland again, I have a way to help you make up the pot."

Varian laughed.

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