Stormwind God

Chapter 1458: Final Stage of Outland

This result made Valila very embarrassed. She thought she would become a woman's friend, killing a bad man to warn the world, who knew she had become a widow maker who murdered her husband.

Of course, this incident also frustrated Magni.

For this broken thing, Duke can only smile bitterly.

If things go on like this, a few years later, Magni will have an opportunity to be promoted to demigods. However, while Magny accidentally sealed God, Moira the anti-bone princess will try to seize power.

Of course, with my Du Mouke, do you want to turn things around? Hehe hehe!

Duke ignored the trivial matter.

He set his sights on the military map, where the markers marking the two armies of Varian and Vol'jin had moved from Blade's Edge Mountains to the Netherstorm region.

It seems that it is only a matter of time to resolve the entire outer domain north.

It is worth mentioning that when passing through the Blade's Edge region, the coalition forces did not fight against the Gorons.

I still remember that Duke went to Blade's Edge Mountain for the first time in the game. On the end of the dragon, you can see a lot of black dragon corpses pierced by sharp cone-shaped stone spikes like a skewer.

They were all dragons killed by Gruul the King.

Therefore, Gruul, who is a demigod, has a title of "Dragon Slayer". He lives in the depths of Gruul's Lair, north of Shandong on the blade, and his powerful fist will kill everyone who dares to challenge.

In the game, Gruul the Dragon Slayer is also the final boss of the 25-player copy [Gruul's Lair].

Gruul was born in the Outland and is a powerful creature of the demigod. Legend has it that Goron raised the ogres, but ruled them with force. The Gorons usually have tremendous strength and size. If you fly over the Blade's Edge Mountains, you will find several giant Gorons wandering in between. They are Gruul's sons.

The Gorons have been fighting with the orcs for thousands of years.

And Roar Lord Grom * Hellscream and his son are famous for strangling Gron.

Who knows, this time Thrall visited Gruul the Dragon Slayer himself. No one knows what Sal promised. All I knew was that Gruul ordered Gordon to give way, and guaranteed that the Allies would not interfere in the Allied battle with the Burning Legion during the battle in the outer area.

This made Duke a little unexpected.

To this end, Jaina specifically reminded Duke: "Be careful, the possibility of the Gorons to completely join the tribe is not small. Maybe they have feuds. Since the outer domain is about to be destroyed, in order to survive, Gruul makes concessions and joins the tribe. Not impossible. "

Duke laughed: "Since we can surrender to the Qiraji and recruit the Nanagar tribe, why can't the tribe own Goron. And their cooperation is not the first time."

In the second Dark Gate battle of this life, Orgrim persuaded part of Gron as minions of the Horde, and also participated in the attack on Silvermoon City.

Dark Gate March 3, 24.

If you just look at the military map of the outer world, everyone will think that this war has lost suspense. Because apart from a small penumbra of the Moon Valley, all regions of the Outland were planted with the Allied banner.

From the northernmost Netherstorm region to the southernmost Terokkar Forest.

From the westernmost Nagrand to the easternmost Hellfire Peninsula.

The Allies wiped out all Illidan's forces, and the rest were just some unwilling guys fighting guerrillas without harming the overall situation.

Outside the dark temple located on the easternmost side of Shadowmoon Valley: the northwest is the Sha'tar altar occupied by the Aldo forces of Shattrath City; the southwest is the temple of stars occupied by the astronomical forces, on the high ground in the west, originally Barr Inside the ruins, a huge tribal army camp was built.

Echoing with the Horde Barracks, the place of the Overwatch Cage, which should have been controlled by the Ashtongue Deathsworn, is now the Alliance Barracks.

Three hundred thousand elite tribal warriors are ready to go.

The same is true of the 150,000 league mixes.

Over the two barracks, countless flying battleships and raptor mounts covered the sky.

If it weren't for the entire Shadowmoon Valley because it was badly corrupted by evil energy, all food would have to be transferred from the Terokkar Forest area, coupled with insufficient equipment and other issues. It is estimated that the heartbroken tribe can pull out more than one million soldiers.

Even so, the momentum of more than half a million troops was already shocking.

To the north, there are large groups of tribes, with the clan as a unit, pieced together slightly loosely.

The burly orcs were wheezing and panting. The once rudimentary wooden sticks, stone axes, and bone spears are no longer visible. They are replaced by shiny metal axes, steel hammers that can easily crush big stones, and shiny scary shoulder spikes.

Behind the orc array, there are countless more tall and burly existences ...

By the way, as a traditional fighting race, the proportion of warrior professionals among orcs is also the highest.

To the south, the Alliance's infantry square is full of rigor and discipline at all times. The shiny shields and armors, even the tip of the gun neatly cut a sharp spear, anyone can feel, this is a legion made of steel, with strong will like iron, and tenacity.

To the west, there are diesel tanks lined up neatly on the plain with black smoke in the chimney. With a diesel trailer equipped with a huge artillery. With a single order, they will turn into a torrent of steel and drown the enemy.

To the east, closest to the front line of the Dark Temple, is a large, clear lake. Thousands of Naga swayed their long tails in the not-so-deep lake water, holding tridents or various weapons with special characteristics of water warfare, waiting quietly.

Everyone's eyes are now on the generals.

In order for everyone to see clearly, the three-dimensional projection controlled by 50 Morning Star Masters specifically casts a magnification of everything on the stage a hundred times so that everyone can see it clearly.

With the attention of more than a million eyes, the Alliance's Outland Commander Varian Wrynn and Tribal Chief Thrall joined forces to the stage.

The tribal warriors have boxing chests, and the soldiers of the alliance salute the military salute. They use their own methods to express their highest respect to the two leaders.

To everyone's surprise, the two leaders neither came to power nor said anything to each other, and they stood side by side quietly, seemingly waiting for someone.

At this moment, everyone saw a young mage stepping onto the stage.

In front of the lens zoomed in a hundred times, everyone clearly saw that the little-known little mage was changing his appearance every step when he stepped on the high platform.

"Really like Master Marcus ..."

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