Stormwind God

Chapter 1463: A reckless word

Duke felt an egg ache when he saw Gruul's **** gloves that made a squeaking noise.

The only good thing is that the goblin's forged steel technology is not enough. Gruul didn't use it for a while, and the steel armors in several positions burst because of poor quality.

Even so, the force of Gruul, the king of Goron, who possesses a demigod, still ramped up.

But Gruhr is stronger, and now he is also a league fighter.

Duke didn't hesitate and ordered: "Selega, make way for the Horde of the Horde."

"Okay, master."

Underwater Vasque raised her six arms high.

On the edge of the plain, a huge rift appeared on the edge of the muddy water,

The crowd saw a scene that would be unforgettable all their lives on the wide giant lake, and a white line visible to the naked eye appeared on the lake in the distance. The white line extends from the slightly higher plains through the open space between the plains and the building complex of the Dark Temple to the place where the doomsday walkers at the main entrance of the Dark Temple are located.

When Vasqi's six-armed arm swayed left and right, the thick white line should also be separated from Vasqi's movement left and right, forming a wide valley of water on the sea. The cliff-like walls on both sides of the deep valley are actually two parallel waterfalls.

No waterfall on earth can match these two great waterfalls created with extraordinary divine power. There cannot be such a high drop, nor can it be so long.

Many people couldn't help covering their mouths, fearing that their discomfort would lead to untimely sounds.

The power of overthrowing the oceans and rivers has completely surpassed the limits of ordinary people's imagination.

And this is just the cooperation between Duke and Vasiqi.

Duke supplies magic, while Vasque descends onto the outer realm, casting spells himself.

Large, seven small, eight behemoths running in the wet ‘underwater’. The crashing sound of the large metal armor in the running echoed continuously between the two waterfalls.

It seems that they are not running fast. Considering that they are astounding stride of ten meters, the distance of several kilometers feels like a short run.

Perhaps at this moment, the red warning signal has been lit up frequently in the doomsday system. In response to powerful creatures, Doomwalker raised his head subconsciously.

[Frenzy] Turning on, like a piston pump, the fist keeps reciprocating, which instantly increases the physical damage ability by 100%.

[Earthquake] The eruption, the earth cracked a huge crack instantly, spreading from its feet to the feet of Gruul.

If you change another enemy, it is estimated that you will have a small pit this time.

Gruul, the Dragon Slayer, came from a rock! I didn't see any action from him. He just stubbornly stumbled to the ground.

It was that moment.

The earth that had cracked like a deep valley suddenly closed again.

Fortunately, Doomwalker is a mechanical creature with no life and self-will, otherwise it will be half-dead by Gruul's big face full of sorrow.

At this time, the figures of the seven smaller ones stunned from behind Gruul.

In fact, their bodies are also quite huge. They are more than three stories tall and placed in front of humans, even orcs and ogres. They are absolute giants. It is only because their contrast is their daddy with a demigod that they are small.

Goloons rarely cooperate with each other, because they are already one of the most powerful individuals on the planet. Once they decided to cooperate with each other, the effect was quite amazing.

The seventh son of Gruul, headed by Dhun the Hungry, completed a spectacular score.

They rushed to the side of the doomsday almost indiscriminately, throwing their fists together.

Doomwalker chose the most effective counterattack. A pair of arms equipped with retreat slammed. Two of the children of Gruul were hit directly in the middle by huge metal arms.

The low-quality steel armor produced by the goblin once again showed its side-effects. It hardly resisted the impact, and issued a crisp crackle, then it shattered.

Glulock and Sgurlock * Smasher were smashed into the outer wall of the temple not far by a fist,

One is dead, and it is estimated that it will be almost undead, and the other is that the huge body is completely trapped, and it is impossible to pull out.

The casualties of the brothers did not bring sadness to the other five sons, but aroused their ferocity. They used the holes made by the armor-piercing shells of the new Alliance artillery to extend their claws, and forcibly tore the limbs of the doomswalkers with the incredible force that mortals cannot imagine.

Compared with the overwhelming battleships of the previous warships, it is actually less capable of breaking the firepower. At present, this violent destruction is the real threat to the doomsday walkers.

If you give it some time, it can kill Gruul's seven sons one by one.

The problem is, their boss has been killed.

There was no move, Gruul came up with a fist.

This punch was not simple. Just one fist went down, and the momentum raised was like a battleship hitting home at full speed.

It's not just the collapse of the exterior wall, it's a smash of the entire building.

Faced with an opponent that has overwhelmed his own power, the doomsday striker's counter-attack procedure told it that it could not be hardwired, but unfortunately, the entanglement of the other five sons finally made it hit the point.

The thick chest armor was severely deformed in a split second, and it was deeply recessed for at least five or six meters. Immediately, Gruul pulled it with both hands unreasonably, using a force of absolute horror to tear apart the doomswalker's breastplate, exposing the power stove with bright green light inside.

"Hahaha!" Gruul laughed wildly, smashing his fist.

Duke, who was far away from the podium, shouted, "Wait!"

Unfortunately for Gron, there is only one word in their battle dictionary!

Reckless to any enemy!

Recklessly unreasonable, reckless. As long as they can withstand them, they don't even mind recklessly penetrating the whole world.

At this moment, Doomwalker seems to have made a decision. The huge body made electronic sounds that sounded quite loud.

In the chest, the magic flame of the evil energy ran wild, and the power furnace became brighter and brighter.

This light reminds Duke of a very bad thing.

"Saar! Let Gruer run! Be careful!"

Thrall's order echoed through Gruul's ears through magical messaging.

However, Gruul, who was a bit irrational, slammed his fist on the power furnace that was so bright and astonishing.

After a few seconds, a bright green mushroom cloud rose in the direction of the main entrance of the Dark Temple.

Thrall ... stunned!

Lao Tzu told you to kill your opponent, but didn't tell you to send someone away!


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