Stormwind God

Chapter 1465: Recapture and sneak in

Faced with high-ranking enemies, low-ranking soldiers can basically be said to have no resistance.

Isn't low-level soldiers worthless?

the answer is negative!

Low-level soldiers may be a consumable item in the eyes of many commanders, but without low-level combat experience, there will be no sublimation towards high-level.

In addition, the wide-area killing of the strong is not unlimited. A move to clean up enemies as large as ten football fields in the past looks very cool.

In terms of efficiency, this is simply a waste of energy to the maximum.

If there is no upper limit of energy, it can be squandered arbitrarily, of course it does not matter.

In fact, in most cases, whether it is elemental magic or evil energy, there is an upper limit. Generally speaking, it is the upper limit of the strong, and even more powerful is the place on the battlefield, which is not enough to bear the upper limit of the strong, such as Sargeras.

There are not many places that can withstand his old man's best shots, and the planet is finished in minutes. Legend has it that the genesis Titan was evolved from the planet's soul, which may have some truth.

If possible, Duke didn't want to use too much magic net energy here. Almost 80% of the magic transmitted from Azeroth will be consumed halfway, and half of the remaining 20% ​​will become a bit difficult to control because of the chaotic elements that are mixed with Draenor.

Fortunately, he has Vasi.

Vasqi is not a demigod of Draenor. After so many years of operation, Vasqi has a half home.

The water from Panya Reservoir pumped over half of it at a stretch, and finally flooded the lower level of the Dark Temple.

This is also a matter of compulsion.

As a traverser, plus the traitor of Illidan, Vasi, Duke knew that there were a large number of Naga troops under the Dark Temple.

Those are the mainstays of Vasiqi, and she is the one who has saved thousands of years. In fact, she also aired Duke many times, saying she wanted to take it back.

If he doesn't take it back, Vasiqi estimates that every night when he dreams back, he will remember this uneasy thing.

They are headed by High Overseer Naintus.

It stands to reason that it is Vassky's men, and it is not difficult to recover.

Duke, a rider, knew it was not easy.

Long before Vasqi became the commander of the Naga, Naintus was already Vasqi's most trusted confidant.

As one of Vasque's earliest two followers, he and Karatheres paved the way for Vasque to gain leadership of the community. After Vasque succeeded in becoming the queen of the Naga tribe, Naintus was named high-ranking warlord, responsible for all military affairs for Queen Vasque. Carasseres was named the Lord of the Deep Waters, responsible for the political and diplomatic affairs of Queen Vasquez.

However, this result has stirred up a contradiction between him and Catherace. It turned out that the noble-born Carasseles had always looked down on Naintus, a civilian-born, and the two had been fighting each other before Vasiqi became a queen.

Although the status of the two people is equal, Caraceres often mocks and devalues ​​Naintus's origin in public. Naintus has been reluctant to restrain himself from the humiliation and suppression of Carrasere.

However, as Karaseres was named the lord of the deep waters and became a queen's courtier, he was able to get along with the queen overnight; while Naintus was alone in the army, he was sidelined, and it was difficult to meet the queen; This finally caused Naintus' backlog of anger to erupt.

In order to regain the favor of the Queen and her status, Naintus began plotting a mutiny against the deepwater lord Karatheres.

History has turned a corner here secretly.

Originally, Illidan did not completely turn to Kil'jaeden, but chose to attack the Dark Temple in order to become the king of the outer realm.

Illidan took refuge more thoroughly in this life, so he occupied the Dark Temple without loss, and let the demons and evil orcs in the Temple smoothly take refuge.

However, because Kaizi's refusal was lost in this life, Illidan chose to instigate the relationship between Vasqi and the brave and naive Naintus in order to check and balance Vasqi.

Illidan demanded that Vasque stay half-time in the Dark Temple, in which he claimed that Naintus would stay.

Vasque dare not disobey Illidan's orders. Naintus remained there as a guardian of the Dark Temple.

For many years, Naintus' physical and personality changes due to long-term land life. Because there was no soaking in the sea for a long time, his scales lost the original water blue and began to turn gray. His eyes also began to turn red from prolonged contact with the breath of demons. He became irritable, irritable and even more cruel. The only thing that remained the same was his miss of the queen and his unbelievable anger at Catherace.

The problem is, Duke knew it, but Vasiqi didn't.

Or maybe she noticed it clearly, but her inertia of thinking still made her believe. As soon as she appeared, Naintus still had a great chance to pay her respect and worship, and then the army of Naga returned to her hand.

Maybe this is just being in the game without knowing it.

It's hard to blame Vasque, after all, these two of her men are guys who have been loyal to her for thousands of years. For a while, Rao was as alert as Vasque and could not be so sure about Naintus' change.

Duke took a sigh of sigh and turned his head: "Varian, the command is over to you."

"Uncle Duke, where are you going, you shouldn't ..." Varian was a little surprised. As a general manager, Duke should be in the middle of the army. Even if Duke is going to play, it should be after the other leader's appearance.

Duke smiled: "Perhaps Duke Marcus is important, but Mark Duku is not."

This ingenious remote control, Duke can really get as much as he wants.

After all, the phantom magic on Duke's face subsided and he turned into Mark again.

Varian squinted his fangs, but he couldn't help this uncle who was already expensive.

On the other side, in the dark temple waterway, there was a turbid body of water with evil energy, which made Vasiqi a headache. If an ordinary Naga warrior comes, it is estimated that it will be demonized in less than half an hour.

So this time I came here carefully selected, and each Naga brought several bottles of holy water in case of need.

One of the leaders of the deep-sea giant, Morogli * Tidewalker, dug a couple of times with his huge anchor to dig a cornerstone of a dark temple, exposing a deep underwater channel.

The unstable Hades first entered, and as the leader of the water element, it was definitely the best pathfinder.

Then came Deepwater Lord Karatheres, then Vasque, and finally Morogli entered.

The Dark Temple used to be the home of Vasque. The meticulous Vasque had already made the structure clear. It was probably for defensive purposes, but now it clearly comes in handy.

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