Stormwind God

Chapter 1468: Divine Skill-Six Worms

Whether it's the ice or the sturdy dark temple stone walls and corridors, it seems to this mysterious creature to be underwater, and it can't stop it at all.

And listen to more than one.

What the **** is this?

Vasi's men were a little panicked.

Just then they heard Wicklow's announcement.

"Come on! Oro's sons and daughters! Divide the little demon who can't help it!"

When those creatures sneaking underground suddenly rushed out from the ceiling, walls and the ground at the same time, Vasi and her men finally remembered where they had seen these terrible creatures-the Alliance used it when the battle of the ruins of the twin towers began. These earthworm-like creatures come to make holes.

This time it was used as a war weapon, and the effect was amazing.

When Ao Zizi moved forward, she opened her mouth. Thousands of teeth in her big mouth kissed a twist, and a big hole was dug under the ground. A light flick of six crab-footed legs behind the mouthpiece can push the body to move faster.

Eventually, the cracks on the solid rock spread to the frozen ice layer of the demon emperor, causing the ice layer to explode, and then exploded and cracked, splashing forward in all directions.

Naintus, who had just been flew by the sword emperor and was dizzy, seemed to see an illusion. One eye saw countless triangular teeth as if they had grown from every corner of the world. In scarlet mouthparts Against the muscles, he swooped at himself.

"Don't try to kill me—" Naintus waved his conch, and several spinal needles shot into one of the peristaltic mouthpieces.

This time, the Spine Needle of All Trials is no longer effective. Naintus could clearly hear the sound of his spinal needle breaking. The broken spinal needle was then swallowed inwards into the teeth along with ice and stones.

Naintus was finally frightened. The most correct way to deal with this kind of underground creature is to avoid it first, and then look at the flank of the collimator to launch an attack.

But now the creeping mouthparts are exposed in the six directions of up, down, left, right, front, and back. Just this battle will make him die, let alone the twin emperors are watching.

Naintus attempted a breakout and was really bombarded by the sword king. Feeling the stink coming from his nose, Naintus was finally desperate.

"Do not--"

He waved his conical weapon like a cone frantically, but was swallowed by the right arm of the Orozzi conch with the right arm the next second. Followed by the left arm, then the tail ...

Each Aurorite bite bite a part of Naintus's limb.

At this time, the twin emperor's eyes bloomed with cruel light.

"In the Qiraji Empire, deal with disobedient subordinates ..."

"We sometimes pull out all its limbs, leaving it with only its trunk, and then wait for it to die in pain and despair."

Throughout the ages, everything has been the same. In terms of abuse, it seems that there is no border between the world and the world!

Duke was a little bit sore, his facial muscles twitched, and he didn't stop.

There were five horses and corpses in the ancient days of the dynasty. Who knew that this time the twin emperors actually came out with six worms.

Don't ask why the male Naga obviously has a long tail on his lower body and why he wants six insects. Duke didn't know about it. Until today, Duke didn't know that the male Naga actually had a physiological structure similar to a snake.

"Hey! I didn't tell you to get so dirty?" Duke couldn't help but help.

The Emperor Twins also had an eggache. I didn't expect to slap the horse on the horse's legs: "Then ... terminate the execution?"

Duke rolled his eyes and looked at all six limbs deeply embedded in sharp teeth, desperately convulsing, and desperately grieveed Naintus.

God **** will end now! Do n’t stop now, will Naintus be grateful for Vazki?

Do not!

For a narrow-minded guy, no matter what kind of favors he gives, it is not enough to erase his resentment. Only let this hate be buried in my heart until one day take root again.

Duke sighed: "Go ahead! It's up to you, Seleja."

"Yes ..." Vaschi bowed her head deeply.

Duke turned and disappeared into the dark aisle, and his background was a fleshy bodyless torso.

Sword Emperor: "You, pull it out quickly after eating it. The blood of high-end demons will contaminate you. Drink Shattas holy water immediately after eating."

Devil Emperor: "Hey! Naintus! Your soul belongs to the magic net ..."

As soon as Naintus died, all Naga in the entire underground passage immediately chose to surrender.

It is not shameful to offer loyalty to their queen, anyway, it was only previously forcibly restrained by high warlord Naintus.

Fighting began throughout the Dark Temple complex.

At the Altama platform.

"Support! We need support! A big doom guard!"

The skin is brown with a bit of orange doom guard, wielding a huge broad sword, easily killing several orc warrior professionals.

However, in the next time, it had to face a former compatriot--the doomsday guard who was circling around two black chains that turned clockwise.

"Traitor!" The Doomguard scolded.

"I ... don't ... want ..." The face of Doomguard, who was enslaved by the warlock, was so embarrassed that his attempts to resist the warlock's control failed repeatedly. It could only wave his great sword in despair to his fellow countrymen.

The group of demons who were enslaved in the fortress of the Legion was now one of the core siege weapons of the tribe.

Ruins of Calapo in the south.

Facing the impact of doomsday guards, the alliance's approach is quite different.

It was also the defensive fighter who went up to carry the first wave.

The bearer, of course, waited for help from his companions.

Without such good luck, some of them were hit and flew to the ground for dozens of meters. Even worse, even the shield with his head was cut in half by a sword and became a corpse directly.

This is a double test of skill and equipment.

Being able to survive this trial of blood and fire, they will be able to reap the most valuable combat experience and purified enemy equipment.

And they are not fighting on their own. Many new weapons from the Alliance are also on display.

[Tekken] type single-person rocket launcher, an anti-large demon individual weapon developed by Alliance Commander Duke himself, propelled by a simple diesel burner, loaded with a one-pound semi-solid high-purity Shatas holy water. Within 20 meters, there is almost no deviation, and within 50 meters, good character will still hit.

As long as it hits, the elite demons will die.

Alliance soldiers have said it all!

In the amateur infantry alliance, basically every 10-man squad will be equipped with two [Tekken] and ten rockets.

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