Stormwind God

Chapter 1474: Blood boiling

Gultug * Crackhammer is a hard worker in the Blood Furnace. His father was once a well-known centurion in the tribe. Gultug, who was very young at that time, worshipped his father very much. He once dreamed that he led his compatriots like his father, crossed the dark door, and followed the chieftain black hand to conquer the world called Azeroth.

Unfortunately, Gultug's dream was broken.

His father was buried across the door with the black-handed chief and millions of strong orc warriors.

Whenever he wakes up from a midnight dream, the cruel reality still reminds him that he is just a laborer.

His weaker physique and height relative to the formal warrior doomed him to never want to become a glorious orc warrior through formal channels in his life.

He longed for strength, not as a force ready to be abandoned by the chief, but as a fighter. What his parents could not give him was the power that only the blood of the demon could give him.

However, a humble laborer like him may not be the candidate of the evil orc for a lifetime.

So he mixed into the laboratory of the evil orc one night and drank all the drinkable liquid in each bottle. He didn't know what would happen. He just felt that every inch of his skin was burning, and energy was in him. His body was turbulent, but he couldn't vent.

He felt that he was about to explode, saliva dripping from his mouth, and a drop of green smoke was emitted from the ground. He shook his head, feeling that his consciousness was gradually blurred. He looked up and found his father standing in front of him. A human officer raised his knife and split his father in half. Gulturg made a dull sound in his throat, and then threw it at the human officer. Blood flowed from his eyes, staining his eyes red.

However, it was just his hallucination, he emptied it, hit his head against the wall, and fainted.

Three days later, Gulturg was sent to Illidan's Stronghold Dark Temple as "the most successful sample of evil orcs". He was quilted with thick armor, and the nameplate on the armor was engraved with a few twisted Ereda texts Gulturg * Boil!

From that day, Gulturg began to enjoy the glory of power. His former compatriots were afraid of him, and the orcs who turned into evil orcs bowed down to him, and even the noble demons showed a frightened expression on him.

Gulturg was happy, even if he knew he was Illidan's experiment, running dog.

Until this day, Thrall stood before him.

"I am the son of Durotan, the former chief of the Salt Frostwolf clan, the current chief of the tribe, the chief of all orcs! Now in the name of the chief, I order you to surrender immediately, all the evil deeds you participated in are no longer held accountable, and are purifying After you drop the blood of the demon in your body, you will be given a corresponding position according to your strength. "

Gultug laughed, and the laughter was full of desolation: "My father responded to the chief's call and died in the world of Azeroth. I don't mind this, at least my father was real when he died. Warrior. I just want to ask, what qualifications do you have for the chief of the tribe that depends on the alliance for food?

"You ..." Orgrim heard trying to hack.

"Haha! Grab it without food! Grab it without land! This is the tribe! This is the orc! Go for a bite to be a human dog! Alas! This is not something I know tribe!"

Thrall's face was as black as ink.

It is true that his grand strategy for the tribe was correct. But this great policy is destined not to be understood by orcs full of traditional ideas.

Orcs who haven't seen the terrible levels of Alliance technology and War Machines will never know how terrible it will be when the Alliance becomes an enemy of the Horde.

To make matters worse, their poor wisdom and insights, coupled with deep-rooted mindsets, make them refuse to recognize the status quo.

Not a half-person. This is, to a large extent, the case for all orcs received from Draenor.

Thrall felt a sudden palpitation, but his sense of responsibility as chief warrior still drove him to carry this uneasiness and uncomfortableness and continue to lead the tribe forward.

Thrall sighed: "The world has changed."

"What happened? I only know that I lost the blood of the devil. I am just a hard worker who can be abandoned by the tribe at any time. But with it, I am the strong man who sees me and I am afraid! ! "

Not everyone is trapped in a tragedy because of the power of taboos. There are always winners.

It was this very low probability of success that drove more orcs willing to become evil orcs, at the expense of the minions of the Burning Legion.

Orgrim shouted in a hurry: "Chief Chief, don't explain to this lunatic. To explain, I'm also going through this guy and feeding him holy water slowly."

Thrall is an avid leader who can reconcile relations between races. However, his human side makes him lack of domineering, which has become weak and deceivable in the eyes of many traditional orcs.

Thrall was silent for three seconds before he said loudly, "Clean him up!"

The tauren chief Kane raised his neck high, and he gave a loud roar with a thick voice, and the shocking sound echoed in the dark palace.

"Evil Orc! Your brain needs to be sober and awake!" Kane was a charge, a totem pole as thick as a pillar of a house, smashing his head and covering his face.


Gultug's body, greatly strengthened by the evil energy, just raised a left arm with a hand armor and a spiked arm armor, and held Kane's tentative attack.

Yu Yu, who did n’t respond to Kane at all, held up her axe, and [Chaotic Strike] had already struck Kane's body like a shadow.

This intense attack was carried hard by Kane's Mount Hyjal plate.

In the confusion that followed, Kane was not immune.

who am I?

Where am I?

What do i do

The old cow fell into thinking life for eight seconds.

Originally this was a great opportunity for the old cow to play a poisonous hand, but Gultug disdained this.

A true tribal warrior, disdain to attack an enemy without resistance.

He left the old cow and launched a direct charge towards Thrall.

Regardless of sequence, Orgrim also launched [Charge] towards him.

The two swift shadows of "嘭" converged on the steps to a point. The two tall and burly bodies completed a confrontation of pure power and anger under the hedge.

If it is an ordinary person, it may have been shocked by this collision.

Orgrim was a forgotten.

Gulturg survived the dizziness with his superb physical fitness, which was obtained by injecting blood from demons.

His [arc cut] drew a **** red arc of light in the void, confronting Orgrim's weapon without any falsification.


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