Stormwind God

Chapter 1596: Airy letter to Du Mou Ke

"Slap!" A crisp ringing finger.

A gesture from the little human who had not been valued by Loken before caused a huge change in the situation.

In the sky surrounded by the circular arcade, a layer of earthy yellow light appeared on the floor of the temple full of hexagonal patterns in the gap between the giant columns.

These lights seemed to have life. As soon as they appeared, they went straight to Loken.

Every Guardian has a passive talent [Blessing of Titans].

This is to isolate the elements and physical strikes from the present world from the perspective of laws. This is the equivalent of a blessing to increase a lot of resistance. Invariably, it can only be described as metamorphosis.

A small earth-colored earth element attack fell on Loken's body at all, but at this moment there was an onslaught that almost condensed the power of less than half of Northrend earth elements. The super-high-purity earth element is very imaginary released by the little human Duke.

For a moment, Loken saw the illusion land tumbling up and down, and the innumerable sands formed the waves of sand and earth.

This turbulent earth-like element directly drowned Loken's not-so-small body, with only a scream left.

"Impossible ..." Torim, who murmured, was almost murmured.

The surging wave of earth elements smashed Loken's entire body out of the Temple of Wisdom in just a few steps. Unfortunately, with the waving of Loken's arm, a fiery red firelight bloomed in the Temple of Wisdom, which offset most of the earthy yellow light.

"You ... who are you !?" Loken's face kept on his chest and finally showed a terrified expression.

Duke's body fell backwards, and a huge existence just seemed to 'grow' from his feet, supporting Duke's entire body.

Loken noticed immediately that Duke's support was a huge palm wrapped in flames.

What makes his face change dramatically is that there is a space protective barrier that is frantically tearing the Temple of Wisdom, forcing a force that does not belong to the entire Temple into it.

"I veto your entry in the name of the King of Wisdom!" Loken knocked **** the ground.

Who knows, the smiling human just disappeared, replaced by a male human wearing a blue-rimmed mage robe on a white background, holding a chicken leg on the left, and a strange long sword with a long spiral spike in his right hand.

The two had similar but different appearances.

This time, the existence of this human appearance later exuded almost overwhelming terror.

Come, naturally Duke deity!

"I veto your veto in the name of the Guardian of Azeroth!" Duke stunned his staff, and the space-breaking power of the artifact [Etiyes] suddenly burst out.

Three illusive black crows screamed a cricket.

These calls were not only unpleasant, but they also broke Loken's ears more than the death knell. Because when the crow's cry spread, the space barriers he arranged in the Temple of Wisdom began to collapse one by one.

As the force that restrained the outsider's invasion weakened, the flame arm that supported Duke began to stretch longer and longer. Apparently the owner of the flame arm was crawling out of the portal that opened on the floor of the temple.

"No!" Loken held up his ten sturdy fingers, using gestures to match his spells, trying to fill the temple's space barrier again.

At this moment, there was a sudden shaking from below the temple.

"咚咚咚" is a deep and rhythmic bombardment, which seems to be shaking the foundation of the temple.

"Impossible, unless ..." Loken finally exclaimed.

A mysterious smile appeared on Duke's face: "Yes, that's the 'unless' in your mouth."

"Eh! Hh! Hh!" At this time, there is no need to detect or perceive. As long as it is not blind, it can be seen. On the mountain wall below the temple, a giant with the same shape as Loken is walking along the steep Climbing up the mountain wall.

Under normal circumstances, there is no place on the wall for giants to step on.

The visitor obviously has a more wonderful method. He will summon the earth elements in the mountain wall with every stroke. The earth responded to his call, arching out one by one handrails or stepping stones for the giant to stand on or borrow.

The giant seems to be moving slowly, but the handrails and stepping stones of the mountain wall will move upwards on their own, as if taking the giant to the elevator.

Do not!

This should be some kind of stunt similar to [shrink to inch]?

Loken's golden face became hot blue. As a predecessor among the guardians of Azeroth, he certainly knew who was coming, and finally squeezed out a name in his teeth: "Arcavon!"

Around the temple, the cold wind screamed.

In the huge suspended corridor connecting the Temple of Wisdom and the Rock Hall, countless ice and snow are converging, and a giant with a height of ten floors is forming a body belonging to him from nothing.

A thunder suddenly sounded in the sky.

A lightning giant appeared suddenly, and began to slowly descend to the temple ...

"No! Impossible! Who the **** are you? Why can you drive the four guards of Arcavon?" Loken was furious, staring at Duke with a smile on his face.

At this moment, Duke was sitting on the shoulder of the fire giant rising from the portal on the floor of the temple.

That's right, the four guardians of the treasure house, Alkavon, Emalon, Coralon and Turawong.

Duke put away the "Song of Light and Shadow", raised his index finger on his right hand, and shook it with great confusion.

"Stain! Stain! Stain! Stain! I just told the four watchers that Lokur, the guardian of Ulduar, had been eroded by Yoggsalon. He violated his duties to the Titans and began to give his companions Venomous hand ... Then I shared what I saw with them ... "

At this point, the biggest secret of Arcavon's treasure house was finally revealed.

The four guards, the guards are not equipment, but elements!

As the four major elements that make up the world, it has an important role that cannot be replaced.

The four guardians are under the guardian of Ulduar and the guardian dragon of the five colors. The four of them play a supporting role. They will provide enough elements for the guardian to support a series of operations such as Ulduar and the Temple of Dragon Sleep.

But on the other hand, the four guardians of the treasure house also have similar duties as the guardians.

If the laboratory left by Titan collapses, or the guarded ancient **** is in danger of breaking away, the four guardians also have the responsibility to eliminate the danger.

Now that Loken had been proven to betray Titan, the four guards jumped out to work and there was nothing wrong with it.

Of course, under normal circumstances, the four of them would never know what happened to Ulduar. After all, Loken has always been secretive and beautiful.

How can there be a message from Duke!

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