Stormwind God

Chapter 1645: Let the fist talk

Every Azerothian is stunned!



Pride yourself!

Is this the observer sent by Titan?

Treat billions of souls as dregs!

Although everyone understands the truth, it is like humans regard ants and other insignificant lives as nothing, just as humans think that slaughtering livestock such as pigs, cattle and sheep is justified. After the explanations of the guardians, everyone knows the planet Azeroth Titan's life training ground, but ...

It's really unhappy with me!

Beasts still resist human hunting and slaughter because of their survival instincts, not to mention highly intelligent creatures! ?

Observing the ridicule of Olgalon's group, it was easy to stabilize the hatred in the audience.

For this kind of amusingness, Duke only wants to use the words ‘you are very thoughtful (you are stupid x)’ to describe.

The turbulent era of Azeroth was started from the Dark Gate incident. The Alliance has been in close cooperation and exchanges with the guardians of the Titan forces represented by the Temple of Dragon Sleep.

For the sake of defending dragons such as Aleksassa, as long as Olgalon is a guy who can speak well and communicate properly, the local Azerothian strongman present would not have been overly aggressive to him. the behavior of.

Now that Olgalon is dying himself, Duke can only hehe.

If it is said that the adult observer who sent the sword with a side sword has Kil'jaeden, and Yoggsaron is so fortified, this is reasonable, after all, the cattle are naturally qualified to walk sideways.

However, Duke is very clear that this guy's level is quite limited. If everyone is not worried about him, he will issue a purification order, which will restrict his hands and feet in disguise. It is estimated that this goods has long been ashes.

Now, magic feedback from Duke ’s left hand [Etiyes] tells Duke that the space blockade has been completed.

Oscar-winner Du Mou sank: "Olgalon, you have already calculated and evaluated Azeroth !?"

It was almost the moment Duke's voice fell, and all the strong men were shocked.

Before coming, Thorim repeatedly emphasized that Olgalon must be found before Olgalon completed his assessment of the condition of the planet and convinced him to change his mind and not to issue a purification order.

Now Duke asked suddenly, which made everyone's hearts hang on his throat.

Olgalon, with its stars lining up to form the inner bones, still has a rich expression on the semi-illusive muscles on its face.

"It's done! I'm quite disappointed with the evolution and results of this planet. After 25,000 years, not only have not cultivated the perfect creatures that the Titans expected to see, but more rotten, eroded, and ugly creatures have been born. What makes me even more incredible is that the guardians who should have abide by their duties until the moment of the destruction of the universe have also fallen! "

Olgalon said positively: "So just three minutes into the world, I came to the conclusion that the planet must be thoroughly purified. My report has been sent out, you humble indigenous creatures, waiting for the Pantheon to come again , And then completely disappear from this universe. "

Lie down!

The observer's words fell, and the Alliance Powers fry the pan first.

"Hell! Is it that you are so unreasonable and rash?" Lafayette Tirion is like a Buddha with fire.

"You just have to observe for three minutes. So simple has determined the survival and destruction of the entire planet's billions of souls?" Magni's beards were upright.

"What is the difference between you and a destroyer like Sargeras? If the Titans are like this, then we will not hesitate to fight the arrival of the Titans!" Sylvanas directly raised her [ Solidar * Wrath of the Stars], put the arrow cast by the power of the stars on the string, and aimed at Olgalon.

In the face of public anger, Olgalon showed no fear, and he stood proudly with his hand down: "Stupid indigenous creatures, you know nothing about the power and power of the Pantheon!"

The implication is that Titan wants to do everything for you.

At this time, Duke came out of the crowd: "Yes! Maybe we don't know much about the power of the Pantheon Titans. But we have dealt with the Burning Legion, and we know better that the Titan Warriors of the year, now the fallen Titansa of the Burning Legion Grasse has been in the universe for 25,000 years. He not only led the Burning Legion to destroy tens of millions of planets, but I also knew that he had a fierce fight with the Pantheon. "

When Duke said this, everyone finally saw that Olgalon's feet took a half step back.

Duke pressed the heaviest weight directly: "I just want to ask, if the Pantheon is still there, where are the Titans? They are so willing to let the fallen Titans who betrayed them escape in the universe? Or, The Pantheon ... is in fact destroyed !? "

Duke's words, for Olgalon, are not only heartfelt, but they are also outrageous!

Olgalon waved his hand: "Excessive! I am the supreme representative sent by the Titans. You have no right to ask me any questions!"

Duke sneered: "Oh, how many thousands of years have you never been in direct contact with the Pantheon? Presumably, it is 25,000 years? Titans really need to be there, so we don't need to worry about them. The trap killed Archimonde and Kil'jaeden and kicked Sargeras into the bottomless abyss. "

After all, Duke had one hand and three magical images immediately hung over Duke's head, presenting it in front of Olgalon as a movie clip.

They were Duke in Karazhan, who struck Medivh with Sargeras's soul in one sword; Duke struck Archimonde in the final blow at Mount Hyjal; Elune gave Kil'jaeden in the well of the sun. Half-length last hit ...

This magnificent and thrilling picture made Olgalon feel terrified when he saw it.

However, accustomed to overlooking sentient beings, the superior Olgalon is unwilling to admit his guilty conscience and weakness.

As an observer with self-will, he has long been accustomed to his position of transcendental beings, and asked him to acknowledge that the indigenous power of a planet actually has the power to beat the Burning Legion, and he is unwilling to.

He arrogantly argued, "Huh! How much of this fabricated image can be made. And how can the great Pantheon lose to the traitor like Sargeras !?"

His disdain completely angered the Azerothians.

The sneer on Duke's face was even worse: "Well then, negotiation broke down. Only force can be used!"

As soon as Duke raised his hand, he issued a simple command as if he were the boss of the black one: "Hit him--"

This time, to everyone's surprise, the first dragon was actually Onyxia!

"I know what **** guards are not good things!"


Duke stared.

Are you ... something wrong?

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