Stormwind God

Vol 2 Chapter 1733: Dividing the Loot after the War (Part 2)

There is a one-handed axe called [Apocalypse of Lordaeron * Axe of Lordaeron], this axe is actually good. Unfortunately, there is an ugly skull on the axe. There are not many soldiers and death knights in the League of Legends. If it is the past, it can only be digested by the Paladin and used as a memorial.

This time, the tribe still sent someone.

Although Warlock joined in a private capacity, he is an old-fashioned warrior, Duke, who is extremely dedicated and has loyalty to the tribe. He has lived from the Dark Gate to the Legion in the original history. Still gave him enough face.

There were two axes, and they were all given to their father and son.

Yes, Saurfang was rescued.

Even though Dranosh had to endure the stigma of being defeated and once controlled, he managed to return to the Horde as a death knight.

It can be expected that Thrall, who was originally intended to be his next chief, had no choice but to choose his successor among other candidates.

Anyway, at least Warlock doesn't have to lose his son completely.

Taking the [Axe of Kingship], Warlock urged to return to Thrall to plead guilty, hoping that the chieftain would forgive him for breaking the order and go to war without permission, and their father and son left.

In fact, if it wasn't for the fact that the [Axe of Kingship] had brought so much improvement to their father and son, Warlock didn't even face to take the axe.

Taking the axe, Warock bowed deeply to Duke: "Duke Marcus, I am not dealing with you for the first time. But every time I fight with you, I can feel your wisdom, courage and generosity .You are a perfect leader. If you can, I hope that there will be more opportunities to fight with you in the future. Hope that the tribe and alliance will never have another day of war. "

Warlock was sincere, and with that sincerity, there was a touch of bitterness. As the de facto commander-in-chief of the tribe, he had already seen a gloomy sign.

He knew, and Duke knew.

Everyone didn't click through.

Duke smiled: "I think there will be such a day."

It seemed to others that this was just Duke's polite words. Only the two female devil hiding in the shadows raised their mouths, and that was a silent sneer.

Delanos next to him was still full of dreaming feelings.

He who devoted himself to the Lich King died under the sword of Frostmourne. I thought that his twisted heart would suffer forever. Unexpectedly, the heroes led by Duke overturned Alsace. What saved him from the quagmire of despair was the Grom he once worshipped.

Even worse, Grom is now a direct report of Duke.

The entanglement in the heart, after allowing Dranosh to restore his mind and freedom, he could not accept this reality for a long time.

In the end, he also bowed towards Duke.

"Duke Marcus. I never like you. This doesn't mean I don't recognize you. This time ..." Dranosh swelled with a dead face. At this time, Varok slammed it. Cold back. After all, Dranosh said, "I thank you! Let me be good when I owe you three lives. I ... I will definitely find a chance to repay your kindness. Rest assured, I am already an undead, and I will not Grom becomes your servant like that! "

After all, Dranosh turned around and left.

"Sorry, he's actually ..." Varok was embarrassed.

Duke shook his head: "It's okay, I understand. He's just upright and unwilling to express his feelings."

Warlock forced a single boxing chest.

If the orcs bow down and salute, it is out of gratitude. Then single boxing chest means maximum recognition of the opponent.

Warlock and his son left.

After they left, Naxxramas's remaining Alliance powerhouses immediately became lively.

Kael'thas discussed with Jaina, and he took [Blood Surge * Kel'Thuzad's Sword of Pain], and Jaina took away the most memorable staff [Yakus Antonidas's Scepter].

Without discussing the special meaning, the magic power bonus of the two magic weapons is the same. The only difference is that [Sword of Pain] provides more magical crit chances, while [Scepter] has a higher endurance and spiritual bonus, and a higher ability to accelerate spells.

The former is more defensive, and the latter is more stable.

This choice also shows two different paths.

Kael'thas' embarrassing former prince's identity destined him to continue to have a place in the throne meeting, and he must have legal strength no less than or second to Duke.

Jaina only needs to follow the steps and become Duke's follower in the future.

Of course, the biggest point is that the owner of the sacred staff is the relic of the magic teacher Antonidas of Jaina's previous life. In this life, if Duke didn't intervene, maybe Jaina would follow the trajectory of history and become a disciple of Antonidas.

Seeing the six delicate runes around the top of the staff, the shape is very similar to the magic wand of Trident, Jaina whispered, "I don't know why, I always have a familiar feeling."

"Perhaps fate!" What could Duke say? Only bitter smile.

Tyrande picked a staff, which was made from [Nordahir's Polluted Twig]. After purification, it becomes [the sacred twig of Nordrassil]. Although it is a staff, the most important bonuses are the agility, endurance, crit and acceleration level.

This time Tyrande was rude without the Raptor Druid joining the Heroes.

When the top-level epic two-handed sword such as [Grossa * Silver Hand Knights' Sword] was also given to Mara Fortagan, and did not directly participate in the second-line powerhouse of the Lich King's crusade, Everyone knows that the highlight is here.

Dozens of pieces exuding powerful energy fluctuations were gathered in the middle of the hall of Naxxramas's arsenal. Almost every league of heroes above the epic hero level is allowed to come and watch.

Not the same as defeating Yogg Saron. At that time, there was the mountain of the Lich King, and everyone had no intention to hold a grand celebration.

This time the ceremony was more solemn and grand.

Because Duke told them that these fragments could be combined into a powerful artifact.

Another top artifact!

Although the League of Legends, this is not the first time to obtain an artifact.

But every time a new artifact is born, it always attracts the attention of all good people.

Heroes who already have artifacts look calm, according to the default rules, they will not turn. Unless every member of the League of Heroes has at least one artifact.

At this time, I was very excited, only those guys who did not have an artifact.

Duke examined it pretendingly, and then announced, "This ... is a two-handed axe!"

Uh, for whom?

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