Stormwind God

Vol 2 Chapter 1738: Dumuk

Dark Gate September 30, 26, Stormwind City, Duke Marcus House.

"This level ... hasn't survived it anyway!" Duke sorrowful, and with his hands trembling with despair, gently took off the last piece of clothing on someone else's wife.

That smooth body, that pink skin, just like this ...

"Duke! Have you changed your diapers?" Aurelia shouted from next door.

"Change! Immediately!" Duke responded desperately, then looked at his own three-month-old, and looked at his giggling girl Inelis Marcus.

Duke has lived for two lives, never like he is now, and feels that his ritual passage is so amazing.

He raised his head, his face turned forty-five degrees, and finally a drop of [True Crocodile Tears] was dripping from the corner of his eye, with the most moving magnetic sound rays, he sent a deep call to the fellow people of the earth far beyond countless time spaces.

"Well! Sao Nian, don't think that there is always a free lunch. Get on the bus, if you feel soft and don't jump, then you will have to make up the ticket."

This is definitely the deepest experience of Duke.

Since crossing, Duke has always felt that Azeroth is not too kind to him.

Although it hangs at the beginning, it can be resurrected!

Then send the girl, the system wizard, let Duke ascend to the throne all the way.

It stands to reason, Duke should have no complaints.

After so long, Duke felt like ... it seemed like a routine.

If you shoot Azeroth's sister and pat yourself on the buttocks and run away, maybe Azeroth's will on the planet can't really treat him like that.

But with Cubs, everything is different.

That's really connected to the fate of this planet.


For this icing, it was necessary to swallow the shells and burn the Legion for Azeroth.

Really so tired!

"Sister, don't you say you don't need Duke to change your diapers?" Sylvanas' voice came from outside the door.

"Just test him."

The door opened, and a group of brides in white wedding dresses came in, watching the Duke holding cotton diapers with the ferocity of eating melons to know the truth.


Duke failed to escape the knife after all.

Although it was a stab to stretch his head, he also knew that this day would come sooner or later, but when this day really came, Duke felt a sigh of sigh.

Sometimes, Duke even maliciously guessed that if Nesario is not cold, let [Cataclysm] and then [Wrath of the Lich King] kill him at this point in time. Will he have a chance to continue to escape reality and escape? Forced marriage.

The villains didn't do anything, Duke had no reason.

Crucially, Duke accidentally killed someone.

It seemed to be stimulated by the complete fall of Arthas, whether it was Kalia or Sylvanas. After that day, they often came together to find Duke.

Duke often couldn't help it, and it was fatal.

It seems that the accident happened at the same time.

Carlia has been pregnant for more than four months, and it is almost time to hide it. In fact, after knowing that Kalia was there, and insisting on giving birth, Duke knew that this knife could not be avoided.

Although Aurelia and Vereesa are the leaders of Silver Dawn, the impact is not so great, but Kalia and Sylvanas are queens and the queens of the great country. If they are pregnant before marriage, they will pass on not good.

After discussion, Duke's harem unanimously decided to let Duke marry Sylvanas, Kalya, Ilucia, and Jaina all at once.

In fact, if the impact is not considered bad, the windrunner sister, three sisters, Tyrande and hoof would like to marry together.

Aurelia and Winresa did not marry Duke with Sylvanas in order to avoid the influence of the royal power of the Sin'dorei kingdom.

Tyrande was a high priest and a sage-like being among the night elves, and he did not dare to mess up before he stepped down. However, Vandal * Deer Helmet has been jumping very fast recently.

Hoofs ... Seriously, most of the humans in the Alliance, although they have begun to accept Erlena-like Draenei, have not yet fully accepted such a large interracial marriage. In comparison, blood elves that are more similar to human skin color are easier to accept. So I can only go wrong.

Marrying four women at once as flat wives is a special queen, which is a great shock to the tradition of monogamy in Azeroth.

Even honest people like Tirion said that this was a little shocking to the people of Azeroth.

Fortunately, Duke has a way to deal with it.

"Duke Marcus is in a mortal relationship with four queens, but he is now a demigod."

"As an immortal being in the world of Azeroth, can it be compared with mortals?"

"Her Majesty Hill, Her Majesty Barov, and Her Majesty Proudmoore are women who have been given eternal life. We should not bind them with the rules of the world."

"God to God, mortal to mortal."

With some confusion, the trend inside the league finally subsided.

Originally, Duke also promised that the Burning Legion would be killed in about ten years. After the decisive battle with the Burning Legion, if Azeroth wins, he will resign from the command of the Alliance, and his wives will abdicate to avoid the formation of an eternal kingdom.

The rest of the Union countries did not have much opinion.

"If you can still maintain your current brilliance, it doesn't matter if the Alliance continues to give you the helm. Dwarves are not a short-lived race anyway," said Magni.

"That's the opinion of the dwarf," the great artisan Gelbin nodded.

"As long as your eternal life doesn't bring corruption." Varian pouted.

"As long as the alliance does not become an empire, the participating nations or races in the alliance can still decide whether to withdraw according to their own wishes. That's OK." Danas Tolbain was straightforward.

Now that everyone has no opinion, ignoring Duke's faint voice of ‘flame is not extinguished, no home”, the Duke Harem happily decided that the four queens would marry Duke.

Just tomorrow, October 1st!

"Come, look at our wedding dress, who is more beautiful?" Queen Greek held Duke's hand and dragged her over. The third sister, Winessa, took over the job of diapers.

I have to say that all four queens are beautiful.

The biggest selling point of Queen Queen ’s wedding dress is her long legs, a bit like a white skirt of a ranger skirt. The real opacity is the top half, and the bottom half is completely thin white gauze, so that the long legs are exposed.

Kalia is pure white, and still has a girlish waistline at the moment, making her look as beautiful as Snow White.

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