Stormwind God

Vol 2 Chapter 1776: Cataclysmic changes

"Um." Tyrande promised.

At first they both wanted to be gentle, but soon they were woken up by the crowd.


"The big traitor Xavius ​​finally lies down!"


Yes, in fact, there was an episode last night, the nightmare king Xavies was killed.

In the original history, after knowing that the ambassador was Xavius, and Ysera was captured by Xavius ​​because he rescued him, Malfurion re-drafted a plan to deal with Xavius. The King of Nightmare and rescues the people who are in a nightmare.

He brought in Broll and Hamuul, and at the same time brought together people who were not affected by the nightmare to attract the king of dreams, and implemented a typical attack.

The offensive unit is composed of the Alliance's Varian and the tribal tauren chief Kane's son Bain. Not only that, but also red, blue, and green dragons have joined the war, and even maintain a neutral goblin, wild dog head People, bear monsters and even some forest beasts have become part of the rebel army.

After entering into the Emerald Dream, Malfurion found the place where Ysera was imprisoned. To this end, he sacrificed the powerful green dragon Ilanicus. The strong energy brought by the sacrifice of the green dragon destroyed Ysera's cage. , Rescue Ysera.

Then beat Savis again. This requires attacking both his soul and his soul, otherwise Xavius ​​will continue to respawn.

Xavius ​​is very strong. Even with the help of Ysera, he still loses the power of Xavius. In the end, Malfurion relied on the power of Azeroth. For a moment, the entire Azeroth rained. The heavy rain began to wash the green evil mist, and some corrupted people began to wake up.

The last thing was to collectively die Savis.


The original history is the moment when Malfurion is the highest light of this super druid.

Unfortunately, there is Duke in this life.

Although Duke sang "I just watch you silently pretending to be" to his own girl all day long, in fact, he is the most deprecated.

It's okay to see others die, but not to pretend.

Especially those who are his woman in this life, the original match of others in the original history ...

Now that Duke rescued Ysera, he also dug a pit for Xavius.

With Duke's warning, Ysera not only was not captured, but set up a vision in a dream, forcing the real body of Xavius.

Originally, Xavies also hoped that Vandal could steal the leadership of Teldrassil, and then use the power of the fallen world tree to play a grand nightmare version to engage in wind and rain.

Those who only like to play conspiracies have limited strength. When the conspiracy was pierced, Savis' failure was doomed.

It was not as powerful as it was in the original history, and Xavius ​​made up for it. When Xavius ​​and his main Nightmare Minions were forced out of the Emerald Dream, Malfurion made a direct move, and the storm in the sky attacked the body of Savis and the Minions of the Nightmare King.

With Malfurion in the real world and Ysera in the Emerald Dream double the power of Xavius, this is the best time for the orc Sora in the Emerald Dream, Sora lifted Brox to chop Sa Grasse's artifact waved towards Harvey's Soul Tree. At the same time, the multiple combined attacks of the real world and the dream world completely eliminated Xavius.

Xavius ​​kept asking Enzos, his supporter, for help before he was completely destroyed, but the famous and merciless Enzos did not respond to him.

As a result, a conspiracy and danger that should have been very grand was eliminated before it was fully launched.

Duke still didn't shoot!

In the end, dream power is not what he is good at.

Second, to deal with a Xavius ​​and ask him to take a demigod in person, a little bit lost.

Who is Xavius?

In the war of ancient times, Duke flickered as a younger brother, and he was aggressive, and then he didn't know where he was pitted. After doing this for thousands of years, he didn't even dare to go directly to Duke.

For those who don't even have the courage, Duke does it himself to reduce the force.

Duke stayed with the night elves for three days, and he got tired of Tyrande half-openly every day. Tyrande's adopted daughter, Shantis, was about to run away before Duke left.

Because the Black Iron Dwarf couldn't stay.

A little funny, the previous life took the opportunity to steal the dwarf princess Moira the supreme power of the dwarf, this life is quite hard.

Although she and her dad's enemies left the black iron baby, she successfully lifted Magni's beard anti-gravity, but the black iron dwarf she led went from bad to worse. Until the cataclysm happened, the black iron dwarf finally couldn't mix. Go on.

It's simple, because Duke has lost the Molten Heart.

By the hand of Heidahia's water element, the Duke of Hedassis, Duke drowned the entire Molten Heart and let the former burning plains come back to life, which is a bitter use of the molten heart's supposed endless flame casting Black Iron Dwarf of Weapons and Life.

The magnificent Black Rock Mountain has now turned into a fountain due to the geological changes of the cataclysm.

The earth's crust changed, squeezing hundreds of millions of tons of water that had accumulated in the original molten heart, and spewed out of the ground without a thought.

If your black iron dwarf digs as many mines in Black Rock Mountain as possible, can you escape the flood?

Where are there so many precision water barriers, protective doors or whatever?

Within a few days of the cataclysm, Dwarven Sentinel at Ironforge on the frontline of the Scorching Canyon reported the discovery of a large number of dark iron dwarves.

For the sake of Moira, Muradin, who became the regent, wanted to be invisible.

Who knows that the black iron dwarfs are getting more and more, and eventually they have risked more than 200,000 people and marched towards the barren land in the northeast.

Muradin couldn't sit still.

To the north of the barren land is Locke Modan, the most affected area in this catastrophe. As the largest food producing place for the Copperbeard dwarf, Locke Modan ’s status after the disaster appears extremely important.

The black iron dwarf clan came out, apparently looking for food.

The barren land, as its name suggests, does not feed more than 200,000 dark iron dwarves in the place where the birds do not shit.

Where else can they go?

Not just to Rock Modan.

The Bronzebeard dwarf has been reconciled to the Wildhammer dwarf, but not to the black iron dwarf. More than 200,000 laissez faire ... It is likely that more than this number of dark iron dwarfs rushed into Rock Modan, and the bronze-bearded dwarf was forced.

Ghosts know what will happen to hundreds of thousands of old enemies.

Muradin called the Alliance directly for help and fought a classic ambush.

It is not appropriate to say war, because when the Black Iron Dwarf was suddenly surrounded by more than 100,000 mechanized troops, looking at the gun barrel of the black tank of the diesel tank, and then looking at the huge flying warship hovering in the sky, he was caught on the spot.

"I'm Moira in the name of the Dark Iron Dwarf ... requesting a three-hammer meeting!" Said the short and fat anti-skeleton woman of the Tongxu family.

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