Strange story player

Chapter 110 Coincidence of identity

"I see."

Down the well, Qin Manjiang and Mei Sijun spoke at the same time.

The two looked at each other, and Mei Sijun spoke first: "The road is made of gravel, and the two actors on the road with bleeding from all their orifices have a strange foothold."

"Both of them had a larger stone under their feet, and there seemed to be something on it." Qin Manjiang continued.

"It's the word ugly," Mei Sijun said without hesitation. "These two people have three-faced makeup. They clearly have clown makeup, but they are singing the lyrics of a female actor. They are going the wrong way."

Qin Manjiang knew the roles of the five operas "Sheng Dan Jing Mo Chou", but he did not know the specific differences among them.

He just saw the dripping blood at the feet of the two people who were bleeding from their seven orifices. They were just "acting" in that group and did not dare to go out of that area. This made him suspicious. He took a closer look. , only to discover the abnormality of the gravel under his feet.

Some of the gravels are larger, and the lines on them are indeed words, as Mei Sijun said.

"On the gravel road in front of us, there are four larger stones. Come and see," Mei Sijun squatted down and said to Qin Manjiang enthusiastically, "This is a new character, which refers to a new character. It is usually the leading actor in a drama. , and later evolved into branches such as Laosheng, Xiaosheng, and Wusheng."

Qin Manjiang followed his finger and saw that the pattern on the larger stone was crooked, but it was indeed a new character.

Then, Mei Sijun pointed to another stone: "This is the word Jing, which refers to Jing Xing. The images of Guan Gong and Bao Zheng in the drama both have big painted faces. This is also the characteristic of Jing Xing. The characters they play are extraordinary, heroic and majestic." character."

"This is the word "mo", which refers to the last line. It usually plays a secondary role, and the character's social status is generally relatively low. But on the stage, everyone is useful, and the last line can also bring out the brilliance of other characters."

Although Qin Manjiang didn't understand drama, he also noticed the strangeness of the gravel road through observation. He knew that stepping on these stones meant that he had chosen an identity to enter this road.

He deliberately interrupted Mei Sijun's explanation. After all, time was tight and this was not the place to talk. However, Mei Sijun's unfinished meaning and high-spirited look made Qin Manjiang's thoughts of interrupting quietly extinguish.

In such a world haunted by evil spirits, he is at home like a fish in water, not afraid at all...

Although Mei Sijun joined Fucheng Theater to perform stage plays and operas, looking at his current state, this Mr. Mei... has always been in love with drama, right?

Qin Manjiang thought, nodded and agreed, "I've learned a lesson."

"Sheng Dan, Jing Mo Chou, everything appears except for the character Dan. Dan is a female character, which is exactly the role Li Gui played during his lifetime. We each choose a role that suits our own personalities and go to the theater to meet her!"

Mei Sijun's eyes were shining, and he didn't seem to think that the ghost was scary at all.

Looking at the four pieces of gravel - raw, clean, late and ugly - Qin Manjiang thought about which one he should choose.

To sum it up simply according to his understanding, Sheng is the protagonist, Jing is the hero, Mo is the supporting role, and Chou... is the funny embellishment role.

Seeing the word Jing, the figure of Yang appeared in Qin Manjiang's mind.

A heroic figure...?

Then, there is the end. Nie Yunzhen, who barely speaks a word and has no sense of existence, is very much like the end.

As for...the protagonist?

Qin Manjiang thought for a while and stepped on the gravel with the word "ugly".

Suddenly, the space changed, and there was no one on the gravel road.

Mei Sijun was no longer around him, and he seemed to be the only one left in the entire space.

"Mr. Qin! You chose the word ugly, so you must always remember to play the clown well..."

Mei Sijun's instructions came from the air.

It seemed that although they were not in the same space, their voices were not isolated.

"Yes, I took note of it."

Qin Manjiang thought for a while, what should a clown do?

gag? Don't want to steal the protagonist's role?

How do you feel...this is Li Xijiu's role?

A laughing face appeared in Qin Manjiang's mind.

But then I thought about it, I am a person who basically has no friends, but I can make friends with Li Xi, and they have been friends for so many years, which shows that the two of them have the same background.

No wonder I fall in love with buffoons...

Qin Manjiang thought so.

At this time, Mei Sijun also made his own choice.

Descendants of the Mei family must have only one choice as long as they act.


The heroine has not yet been released, so the male protagonist is the only option.

In fact, Mei Sijun is better at Dan roles.

For example, in "Exploring Yin Mountain", he sang it better than Lin Yanqing.

Step inside and the scenery changes again...


"Slightly larger gravel?"

Zhong Xueran looked at where the blood dripped, and sure enough... it was surrounding a slightly larger piece of gravel.

Looking at the place where the three people disappeared just now, there is indeed a larger piece of gravel.

Once you step on them... they disappear.

Including the three pieces of gravel they stepped on and the remaining larger gravels, there were four pieces in total.

In other words, there are seven pieces of gravel here.

"Can you guys take a closer look? Are there pattern-like fonts on those pieces of gravel?"

"Green." Chen Zhiyuan looked at one of the pieces and said.

"Hey! What I have here is flowery!" Xinxin said happily, not knowing what she was so happy about.

"Wu." Zhong Xueran was looking at the stone that doctor Yan Xiao stepped in.

Mi Lin adjusted his glasses and said slowly: "Qing Yi, Hua Dan, Hua Shan, Lao Dan, Wu Dan, Daoma Dan, Cai Dan."

"These are the seven categories of Dan roles. The person who committed suicide by throwing himself into a well in Mr. Mei's dream was Qing Yi in the Dan role."

"Wow! Uncle, you actually know so much drama knowledge!" Xinxin clapped vigorously, "I thought we would be in trouble without Mr. Mei!"

Mi Lin smiled: "You understand, I'm a little older than you guys, about ten years old, and I also like some older things."

Chen Zhiyuan interrupted the continued conversation between the two and said: "Yan Xiao chose Wu Dan, Xu Yi chose Caidan, and Shen Kui chose Hua Shan. Do we want to do what Xu Yi said, it is best not to choose the same one?"

Mi Lin nodded, looked at the theater building deep in the house where the gravel road extended, and said: "If you bump into the characters, it will be easy to distinguish between high and low. The ghost is the actor, and the loser is afraid..."

"The Tsing Yi is dignified and serious, the Hua Dan is lively and smart, the Hua Dan takes advantage of others, the Wu Dan is strong in skills, and the Sword and Horse Dan is brave and heroic, not to be outdone by men. The Cai Dan is witty and funny... and the Lao Dan is just right for my age."

Mi Lin continued and looked at the other three people.

"Mr. Chen, for your character, choose Tsing Yi."

"I'm Hua Dan!" Xinxin raised her hand high. Needless to say, this identity really suited her.

"Then only Dao Ma Dan is left?" Zhong Xueran muttered in his heart, do I have a personality like a man?

But then she thought about it again. This strange story actually arranged the roles clearly according to their respective personality characteristics!

Wu Dan is indeed the most suitable for Yan Xiao's skills. Chen Kui's choice was Hua Shan. I heard from Mi Lin that Hua Shan was a being that combined the advantages of multiple identities. It was indeed a good match for Shen Kui, who could not see any flaws at all.

As for Xu Yi, he shouldn't be the witty and funny Caidan, he should be a bastard!

Zhong Xueran was dissatisfied, but he also thought of Yang and his party. What identities were assigned to the four of them?

She didn't know, but Mi Lin knew it clearly in her heart.

If there are two parallel time and space ghost talk models, then they will inevitably influence each other and... complement each other.

In other words, since they have the same status as ghosts.

Qin Manjiang and Yang are most likely to be in the four professions of Sheng, Mo, Jing, and Chou.

Seeing everyone's figures disappear on the gravel road, Mi Lin took a gentle step and stepped on the gravel with the word "老".

This strange story... seems to have revealed everyone's temperament.

Is it really a coincidence that we were chosen to perform?

Mi Lin looked at the ancient and dark theater, with thoughts swirling in his mind.

If the progress of the two time and space is the same, then... the eleven identities have taken the lead, and the real drama is about to begin.

Thank you to the helmsman Wu Zeze for the reward! Thank you for your rewards if you change sides, Mr. Bai Bei, Book Friends 160, Master Xuanyuan, and MLpanyan, thank you all!

The second update is coming, good night everyone.

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