Strange story player

Chapter 185 Life and Death Decision

Xu Youqing and Tanmu Rong encountered the same choice.

Do you want to move or not?

The "heart" was beating rapidly, and a clear consciousness appeared in the brain——

The time is almost up, make your choice.




A strange countdown appeared in the hearts of the two of them. What on earth is going on?

Are you really asking me to choose whether to move or not...

However, between these two choices, isn’t it obvious at a glance which one to choose?

It can't run away if it moves, but if it doesn't move it can at least be disguised as an object, and maybe it can fool ghosts.

There is no need to choose at all...unless there are new ways to play that are hidden and not noticed by them.'s impossible to give such an obvious choice.

Any fool knows that it is better to choose "no movement".

Could not moving be a trap?

When the two were caught in a dilemma, Qin Manjiang, who was projected in the heavy rain, also "saw" this scene exactly through the windows on each floor.

"Hiss...what a disgusting tongue."

Although he had no body, Qin Manjiang still felt a chill.

If I was rolled up by that tongue, I would probably go to the toilet and wash myself a dozen times.

But...why didn't these two ghosts move at all?

[Sister] rolled up "Xu Youqing" with her tongue.

[Yangliu Ye] puts the "sandalwood face" in the palm of his hand.

The two ghosts stared at them, but did not make any move at all.

Could it be that...the choice is here?

This scene revealed the biggest question in Qin Manjiang's mind.

Yes... this is not a hide-and-seek game at all, this is a multiple-choice question!

Qin Manjiang, whose field of vision almost covered the entire villa, watched the whole process of the ghosts looking for people. He found that the actions of these two ghosts were so unusual. They did not "search" at all, but went straight to the target!

Once or twice is okay, but Sandalwood Rong hid in the drainage channel and was still found by [Willow Leaf]. This is too bizarre. Moreover, she was found directly with a clear goal, and there was no search process at all. and action.

At this time, Qin Manjiang could completely conclude that the ghosts knew where they were hiding, so... there was no point in hiding.

A game called hide-and-seek, where hiding and searching have lost their meaning, so what’s the point of playing it?

This was what Qin Manjiang was most confused about. Now that he saw that Xu Youqing and Tanmu Rong were caught, but the two ghosts did not move, he understood.

The so-called catch and hide is simply a gimmick to deceive others.

The two ghosts, whether they move or not at the moment they are caught, is the real key!

If my analysis is correct, the real logic of this game should be like this——

Players need to determine which of the two evil ghosts is the one actually playing the game with them.

[Sister] and [Willow Leaf], one of the two ghosts belongs to this [Hide and Seek] game. If caught by it, it will only determine whether to get candy, and there will be no danger to life.

The remaining ghost is the real life-threatening ghost. Both ghosts can sense the player's specific location. Hiding is meaningless to them. The real meaning lies in choice.

When they find you, should you move?

For example, at this moment, if Xu Youqing moves, it is equivalent to admitting that he has been found. If the person who finds him is the [Candy Ghost], then he will only be judged whether he can get the candies based on the ranking he was found.

But if the ghost who finds him is a real ghost, his move will completely reveal his identity as a player, and the only thing waiting for him is death.

Players need to judge who is the murderous ghost and who is the ghost of the game through the behavior and characteristics of the ghosts in a "limited" field of vision.

But... Qin Manjiang already knows.

Maybe this game didn't expect that a player would turn into light and gain an almost "overall" view.

While the game was paused, Qin Manjiang clearly "saw" [Yangliu Ye] roaring fiercely at the moment of pause, and then stopped all actions.

But [Sister] turned around and returned to the living room, disappearing under the chandelier.

From the logic of the whole [Candy Game], [Sister] should be the real [Candy Ghost].

However, during the pause phase of the game, [Sister] can still move? On the contrary, [Willow Leaf] was restricted by the rules of the game and suddenly stopped moving.

This seems to be saying...the corpse of [Yangliu Ye] is the [Candy Ghost].

Qin Manjiang thought so at first, but then he thought about it carefully... No, why did [Willow Leaf] scream viciously when it was suspended? It sounded like he was about to succeed, but was suddenly stopped.

On the other hand, [Sister], although she was still able to move during the pause phase of the game, she just returned to the living room and then disappeared under the chandelier.


Speaking of which, in the first round of the game, the five trays also appeared under the chandelier.

In this way it will be easier to understand who is true and who is false.

[Sister] and [Tray] are of the same nature, so they return to the chandelier and wait for the game to restart.

The real [Candy Ghost] is [Sister].

And the companion [Willow Leaf] who died in the last round has turned into a vicious ghost who is eager to drag them all into hell!

So the current situation is... Xu Youqing, who was found by [Sister], only needs to move to end his round of the game and be safe for the time being.

As for Sandalwood Rong, who was found by [Yangliu Ye], he could not move even if he was beaten to death. If he moved, he would be judged as a player and die at the hands of a ghost.

However... another problem arises. The benefits obtained and the risks borne by these two options are not equal.

If it were me, without knowing which ghost was the real evil ghost, the choice would be very obvious——

No matter which ghost finds him, if he chooses not to move, won't he at least save his life?

Moreover, if you are found by [Candy Ghost] but choose not to move, can't you continue the game and give your ranking a chance to reach a higher position?

Just as he was thinking this, in the kitchen on the first floor of the villa and the bedroom on the second floor, Xu Youqing and Tanmu Rong finally made their choices.



"Do not move!"

The two people said at the same time in their hearts.

As Qin Manjiang expected, this choice was not difficult for everyone.

Staying still is the best option under the current circumstances.

The strong wind made the raindrops patter on the windows, making the glass tremble.

The two people waited nervously for the results...

[Yang Liuye] stared at Sandalwood Rong, the resentment and malice in "her" eyes were completely undisguised, she simply knew that the [Safety Valve] in her palm was Sandalwood Rong.

But when Sandalwood chose not to move, [Yangliu Ye] slowly put her back on the cooking table, unable to do anything to harm her!

Sandalwood content, judgment, success.

Qin Manjiang also breathed a sigh of relief.

The real ghost is indeed it...

Xu Youqing on the second floor also chose not to move. Although he couldn't get candies or get out of the game, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Qin Manjiang just thought this, but the next moment, he was shocked!

He "saw" [Willow Leaf] in the kitchen on the first floor and [Sister] in the bedroom on the second floor instantly switched places!

[Sister] appeared on the first floor, and [Yangliu Ye] appeared in the bedroom on the second floor.


Qin Manjiang finally realized...choosing not to move was indeed the best choice on the surface, but in this way, the players found by [Candy Ghost] would have positive benefits regardless of whether they chose to move or not, which was unreasonable.

Sure enough, all players found by [Candy Ghost] have a hidden dead end...

When they were found by [Candy Ghost], they had only one choice - move.

Immediately identify yourself as a player, otherwise...

[Candy Ghost] will switch places with [Fierce Ghost]...

Xu Youqing just breathed a sigh of relief, but suddenly found that something was wrong with the ghost "in front of him".

It seems... less lanky?

He mustered up the courage to look at "her" again, and the ghost that appeared in front of Xu Youqing was...Yang Liuye.

The neck was twisted into a twist... There were blood stains on the corners of the eyes, and the eyes were dark, without the whites of the eyes, full of resentment.

"She" grinned, and her floppy head drooped in front of "Xu Youqing":

"Come with me...die."

Update is coming!

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