Strange story player

Chapter 238 The story continues (End)

When running up the stairs, Qin Manjiang saw Chen Zhiyuan still standing at the top of the stairs.

"Let's go! The blood on the ceiling is almost dripping on your head!"

Qin Manjiang grabbed him and pulled him upstairs.

Chen Zhiyuan was stunned: "You asked me to wait for him, but he hasn't come out yet..."

"Stop talking, he hasn't come out yet. He has evil abilities now. Have you seen the blood all over the ceiling? I don't know which ghost he killed to get it. If he doesn't run away, you will wash your hair with blood." Yeah!" Qin Manjiang was out of breath, but he became more and more energetic as he spoke, "Why are you so stubborn..."

"What about the pills?"

"Live first, let's talk about the rest later!"

An unexpected, nerve-wracking female voice cried in the staircase corridor.


How many ghost abilities does Guan She have in him?

Could this be a female ghost with a split personality?

Qin Manjiang turned his head and took a look. The terrifying scarlet ghost shadow had just appeared above the stairs. Its shadow was reflected on the wall by the moonlight, slender and twisted.

What's even more terrifying is that as they ran, Qin Manjiang and Chen Zhiyuan found that the flesh on their bodies was falling off!

Qin Manjiang touched his face... His face was rotting like a corpse that had been lying there for a long time!

Walking corpse syndrome? !

He gritted his teeth and rushed into the ward with Chen Zhiyuan: "Drag the bed over and block the door!"

no solution anymore……

The corridor in front was already covered with blood, and the ceiling was sticky into a puddle of blood. There was nowhere to go.

Now if I can put it off for a while, can I wait until dawn?

Qin Manjiang was unsure. He didn't have enough strength, so Chen Zhiyuan moved the bed almost all by himself. He also moved bedside tables, chairs and other things to block the door of the ward.

But are these things useful for blocking doors against ghosts?

Maybe, but only a little at most.

No... If this continues, both of us will die!

We need to find a way...the last way!

This is a movie, and is there any way to interrupt it other than breaking the fourth wall?

Qin Manjiang's eyes were bloodshot. His mind was full of strange and weird ideas, and he was already going a little crazy.

Jiang Du has clearly left a way to survive.

Find the last medicine, feed it to a patient who has not yet turned into a ghost, awaken his deep consciousness, and let him say words that break the fourth wall, so that he can successfully escape from this game.

I did exactly that.

But the plan can't keep up with the changes. Who knows that "Lian Yan" will appear?

Who knew that such a variable as Guan She would appear in this movie?

He played Nurse Liu in the last round and left a hint for himself. This round he woke up again. This time he played the anti-hero "Lian Yan". The protagonist has much more authority to act than other supporting characters. , he has been waiting for this moment, he wants to be the only "person" in this strange story!

He is still practicing "different people live together in the next life", this madman.

Let Chen Zhiyuan hold Guan She off, get the medicine himself, and then go find Li. There is indeed a certain probability of success. After all, with Chen Zhiyuan's current brain, he will definitely complete it with all his strength.

But Qin Manjiang would slap himself just thinking about tricking a fool into dying.

If you turned your back on me before, you might as well just leave me there to fend for myself.

Qin Manjiang glanced at Chen Zhiyuan who was standing aside: I now have no excuse to be a bastard...

Chen Zhiyuan moved everything in the ward and blocked the door. He even rolled up his sleeves.

The crying in the corridor outside the door was getting closer and clearer, and Qin Manjiang could feel goosebumps all over his body.

The current situation is entirely self-inflicted.

What should I do...what else can I do?

It was pitch black outside the window, and I didn't know how many hours it would take until dawn.

The way out that Jiang Du came up with was obviously a good plan, but something went wrong during the execution stage. This is no one's fault, it's all about choice.

But, is there really no other way?

This is a movie...


Qin Manjiang kept reminding himself that all the strange scenes he encountered in this strange talk flashed through his mind.

At this moment, Chen Zhiyuan, who was pressing his body against the door, suddenly felt something sticky on the door. When he looked up, he saw blood flowing from the ceiling!

It was sticky and disgusting, like the building itself was bleeding!

at the same time……


The door of the ward was hit hard!

Chen Zhiyuan's face turned pale, his stomach was turbulent, blood dripped on his head, and it covered his face. He didn't have time to wipe it, he just held the door tightly.

He didn't even tell Qin Manjiang because he could see that Qin Manjiang was frantically thinking of a way and he didn't want to disturb Qin Manjiang.


Another stronger impact!

Chen Zhiyuan struggled to hold the door of his room. His arms to shoulders were all numb. It was so strong...

The female voice outside the door was crying sharply and harshly, and suddenly...

Chen Zhiyuan's expression changed strangely, and he turned to Qin Manjiang and said, "Give up, you can't escape."

Qin Manjiang, who was immersed in crazy thoughts, was interrupted by this voice. When he looked up, he saw that Chen Zhiyuan's face was half weird and half struggling!

Is this...substitute syndrome? !

This is a pear disease!

Li was also poisoned by him? !

A burst of despair surged in Qin Manjiang's heart. He slowly leaned against the wall. "Chen Zhiyuan"'s face was still struggling. Guan She had invaded Chen Zhiyuan with the ability of the stand-in syndrome. was completely finished.

Qin Manjiang stopped thinking.

Li was also killed by him and took away his abilities. Now... the chance of survival in this movie has been completely wiped out.

It’s over…

Qin Manjiang looked at "Chen Zhiyuan" with half of his face covered in ferocious and strange features. He did not expect that ghosts would leave a glimmer of hope for survival, but instead it was humans who did the most ruthless and cruel thing, completely eliminating all opportunities for survival.

Sure enough, only humans know how to deal with humans.

"Even if you escape this once, how many more times can you escape?"

He approached step by step, attacking Qin Manjiang's psychological defense with words.

"The Monster a complete scam!"

"I'm helping you get rid of..."

“What is truth and what is false?”

"Give up your resistance and become a part of me. Let's live together in the world of ghost stories..."

Qin Manjiang's eyes trembled, he had no choice.

Just like Guan She said, what exactly is the ghost story game?

One after another, never ending.

Even if I make it out alive this time, what about next time?

What about next time?

People can't always have good luck.

I can't do it either...

Qin Manjiang's eyes darkened.

"Chen Zhiyuan" had a malicious look on his twisted half face, and he smiled: "Yes... that's it..."

However, before he finished speaking, there was only a "bang——"!

This huge sound woke up Qin Manjiang who had fallen into despair.

He looked towards Chen Zhiyuan.

I saw Chen Zhiyuan hit his head against the wall, causing a bloody head!

But because of this, he actually got rid of Guan She's control!

Blood flowed all over his left cheek. Chen Zhiyuan was breathing heavily, his chest heaving up and down. He raised his head slightly, raised the corner of his mouth and smiled, and said to Qin Manjiang:

"Idiots only have stupid ways..."

"I trust you……"

Chen Zhiyuan remembered.

In the story line described in the continuation, the last few sentences are——


【I thought of a way! 】

【Are you... willing to believe me? 】

He didn't know who he needed to believe in that description.

He just felt that Qin Manjiang was at a loss at this moment, like a man standing alone in the dark, surrounded by howling ghosts and howling wolves.

So, he said so.

The conversations that were supposed to happen in the storyline haven’t happened yet.

Chen Zhiyuan answered in advance.

【I trust you. 】

Qin Manjiang looked at him blankly.

Because Guan She briefly controlled Chen Zhiyuan's body, at this moment, the door that Chen Zhiyuan had been holding against had been opened a crack.

A blood-red hand grabbed the door frame, and it was about to come in...

However, such a terrifying scene did not frighten the coward Qin Manjiang. He suddenly lowered his head:

"It's really easy to say..."

When he looked up again, the pale moonlight shone on Qin Manjiang's profile: "But, I like to listen."

The previously vague ideas quickly took shape at this moment.


Other than breaking the fourth wall, is there any way to stop a movie?

Of course!

If you can't break the fourth wall, break the camera!

Outside the door, the terrifying female ghost cried and howled, making people's scalp numb. The blood on the ceiling above her head also condensed into the shape of a human face. Looking faintly, it was Lian Yan.

He's coming soon.

But where is the camera?

Scenes passed through his mind quickly, and Qin Manjiang felt like time had been pressed on the pause button. Finally... among all the abnormalities, he found the common ground!

that's it!

Qin Manjiang looked at Chen Zhiyuan: "Believe me what you say, don't blame me if you fail."

Chen Zhiyuan smiled and nodded without saying anything.

If you fail and you die, what else is there to be resentful about?

"Then... here it comes!" Qin Manjiang thrust two fingers into Chen Zhiyuan's eye sockets, and actually dug out his eyeballs!

Chen Zhiyuan resisted subconsciously for a moment, but he immediately held back and forced Qin Manjiang to dig out his eyes!

Qin Manjiang moved quickly, he was afraid that he would regret it.

The next moment, when the sticky blood on the ceiling above his head was about to fall, and when the evil ghosts outside the door were about to pour in, Qin Manjiang also took off his own eyeballs!


A strong tinnitus and dizziness came from all directions!

Qin Manjiang and Chen Zhiyuan felt instantly turned upside down! The next moment, all the weird colors came into his eyes.

The two of them opened their eyes suddenly, and in front of them was... a dark cinema showing a movie!

Bright light flickered behind them. The two looked back and saw a huge screen. The last scene was playing on the screen, but the perspective of the screen... was a weird three-dimensional perspective, or... the perspective of each character was different. Switch back and forth on your body!

" he comes!"

The last lines sounded on the screen, and then the screen went black, and the movie... was interrupted!

The light in the cinema lit up, and a voice suddenly appeared in Qin Manjiang's head.

[Strange Stories: Ping An Hospital]

【Customs cleared】

However, just as their consciousness was about to return, Qin Manjiang and Chen Zhiyuan saw...all kinds of weird things in the entire endless "cinema"? !

Ghosts, zombies, curses, demons...

Densely packed...stretching to the end of darkness!

There are too many, too many weird things!

Qin Manjiang and Chen Zhiyuan felt trembling from the depths of their souls.

Suddenly, Qin Manjiang trembled. He saw a familiar figure from behind among the densely packed scary and strange things.

That is……

"Li Xijiu!"

Qin Manjiang shouted loudly and tremblingly.

The being who looked like "Li Xijiu" stopped for a moment and seemed to turn around. However, the next moment, the figures of Qin Manjiang and Chen Zhiyuan were completely shrouded in blood.

Completely disappeared...

Ping An Hospital, finished!

Next volume【Death as scheduled】

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