Strange story player

Chapter 313 Tragic

The skin on Liu Junyan's neck made Fan Cheng's hair stand on end when he witnessed it.

Qin Manjiang guessed almost everything correctly, but there was one thing he failed to consider thoroughly.

Liu Junyan is indeed not dead yet, but...he can't be considered a human being at all., we have to find a way to escape.

Fan Cheng watched helplessly as Liu Junyan, who was driving, had a human face growing out of his exposed neck!

That was...a woman's face.

At this time, the seat next to Fan Cheng in the back seat had slowly bulged, as if something was growing out of the fabric of the seat.

Because he was too frightened, he pretended not to see the strange thing on Liu Junyan's neck and turned his head out the window.

He wanted to wait for the speed of the car to slow down a little, then jump out of the car and run away.

At this time, on the seat behind him, a pale and slender hand slowly stretched out, followed by a slender arm.

The fabric on the seat back gradually formed the outline of the human face, becoming more and more realistic and delicate.

More and more... like the face on Liu Junyan's neck.

But Fan Cheng's attention was focused on the car window. He was looking for an opportunity to jump out of the window, and he didn't even notice the change in the seat next to him!

Those pale and slender hands were reaching towards the back of Fan Cheng's neck.

I was about to grab him by the neck!

At this time, Liu Junyan, who was driving the car, suddenly made a sound!

"Ahong, don't be afraid."

Liu Junyan's voice startled Fan Cheng. He immediately turned his head, but just in time to see a pale arm retracting from behind him!

Fear instantly spread throughout every corner of his body.

He watched helplessly, right next to him... on the seat next to him, the fabric covering the seat was squirming crazily, as if a woman was locked in and struggling desperately!

"Wait a minute... Ah Hong, it's almost ready, just a minute."

The thin man driving the car, Liu Junyan, said in a quick voice.

"Come back quickly, I'm by your side, come back..."

In the car, there was only the weird commotion in the back seat and Liu Junyan's creepy murmur. But what Fan Cheng didn't expect was that the "ghost" actually became quiet!

I saw the woman's face on the back of Liu Junyan's neck slowly closing her eyes, and the struggle in the seat fabric stopped. The face gradually disappeared on Liu Junyan's neck, but Liu Junyan's vicious eyes were looking back. Fan Cheng was stared at in the mirror.

Fan Cheng was extremely frightened and angry. Anyway, being taken to an unknown place by him would mean death, so he might as well fight now!

"You pervert!"

Fan Cheng rushed towards Liu Junyan from the back seat and pulled the steering wheel hard.

The vehicle that was traveling at high speed quickly deflected and hit the roadside guardrail sideways!


The violent impact caused Fan Cheng's eyes to turn upside down. Because he was not wearing a seat belt, he was almost like a broken package, bumping around in the car under the violent impact.

The car was also changed direction when it hit the roadside guardrail. Because the road was slippery in the rain, the car spun and hit the median in the middle of the road.

Fan Cheng had been knocked to pieces, but the last swirl threw him against the car window, instantly hitting his head and bleeding. His vision went dark and he almost lost consciousness.

Fortunately, Fan Cheng's will to survive was extremely terrifying. He kept reminding himself not to faint, absolutely not!

This is also the reason why he grabbed the steering wheel.

He is gambling!

If Liu Junyan fully possessed the power of a ghost, there would be no need to go to such trouble to trick him into getting into the car.

Although he is no longer purely human, he probably still possesses most of the characteristics of humans!

He could get hurt or he could die!

Because he was unarmed, Fan Cheng didn't think he could make Liu Junyan unconscious in an instant. If the grimace on the back of his neck was revealed, it would be over.

So he could only move the car.

What he wants is to have a violent collision and then try his luck to see who faints.

If they all faint, it depends on who wakes up first.

Perhaps because of his will to survive and his mental preparation for a collision, Fan Cheng kept protecting himself even though he did not wear a seat belt. In the end, he held on without losing consciousness.

But... his vision had begun to blur, and he barely glanced at the driver's seat. Liu Junyan's head was lowered, as if he had fainted.

This is now...the last chance...

In the heavy rain, the car that had been involved in a violent collision was parked in the isolation zone, still smoking.

Fan Cheng's consciousness was already very blurry. He forced himself not to faint. Fortunately, the car door did not deform. He tried to open the door and fell down in the heavy rain.

The wounds on his head and body were bleeding continuously, carried down by the rain.

He was seriously injured and had no trace of his body. He didn't want to die.

The reason why I have reached this point is because I don’t want to die!

Fancheng slowly climbed out of the isolation belt. There were large tire marks on the road, and the road guardrail behind was also bumped.

This's past four in the morning, and with the heavy rain, there aren't many cars on the road.

There was only one thought in Fan Cheng's mind... Even if he crawled, he had to escape from this place and survive.

The blood from his wound drew a long trail of blood on the road. The rain quickly diluted the blood and dyed a large area of ​​the ground red.

But after crawling a few meters, Fan Cheng suddenly felt something was wrong.

His consciousness was already on the verge of dizziness, and the rain was quickly taking away his body temperature. If this continued, even if the ghost didn't kill him, something would happen to him. But...from now on, I can't climb anymore.

Fan Cheng turned his head and looked behind him. He could feel that his foot was stepped on by something.

And at this moment, what he saw was... a terrifying face of a strange woman with disheveled hair!

His eyes slowly closed, and the persistence in Fan Cheng's heart suddenly broke, and he passed out completely.


old Town.

The stiff figure walked stiffly on the gravel road in heavy rain, holding a woman in his arms. The dim street lights illuminated a group of monsters following him.

Zhong Xueran's hands were already bleeding profusely, and a lot of the flesh on his fingers had been "shaving" when he used force to dig at Xu Yi's face. The white phalanges of some of his fingers could even be seen.

But because of her almost crazy persistence, the iron nails that were driven into Xu Yi's face were actually pulled out by her!

But there seemed to be a strong magnetism between the mask and Xu Yi's face. Zhong Xueran had to dig out a small gap and immediately put his left palm between Xu Yi's face and Nuo's face.

But in this way, the hand she used as isolation became useless in an instant.

But she was not worried but happy because it really worked! She could feel the Nuo noodles loosening a little!

"Uh-" She dug at the edge of the mask with her right hand, exerting all her strength to make her groan subconsciously.

The next moment, a bloody mask brought out a large amount of blood! She actually took it off!


Xu Yi's forward movement came to an abrupt halt.

Zhong Xueran was ecstatic, but her physical weakness immediately came over. She immediately called Xu Yi: "Xu Yi? Xu Yi!"

"It's okay, they won't come."

"Xu Yi?"

Zhong Xueran shouted and suddenly froze.

Looking at Xu Yi's gray and dull eyes, she tremblingly stretched out her bloody hand and got close to his breath.

My heart suddenly stopped!


The violent thunder, with the momentum to split Fucheng in half, illuminated their faces.

Under the heavy rain, Xu Yi's usually cheerful and stern face looked particularly embarrassed.

The punctures in the mask even left many large and small bloody holes on his face.

Xu Yi is already dead.


Zhong Xueran shouted heartbreakingly.

But at that moment, Xu Yi, who had taken off his mask and was supposed to be dead, suddenly... took a trembling step forward again.

Why... Zhong Xueran's heart was tingling, uncontrollable emotions surged from the bottom of his heart, and hot tears fell from his cheeks.

Why, he is still holding me even though he is dead...

Still... moving forward.

(The holiday is over, twice-daily updates will resume tomorrow. Good night, everyone!)

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