Strange story player

Chapter 315 Resurrection Ceremony

In the B\u0026B, Qin Manjiang put down his mobile phone, and there was a loud thunder outside the window.

Fancheng is in danger.

In the process of exchanging messages, he suddenly broke off contact, which was too abnormal.

If his guess is correct, the ghost wants to kill Fan Cheng, and Liu Junyan wants to protect Fan Cheng for some purpose, then there are only two situations where Fan Cheng has not responded.

He was either killed by a ghost. This situation shows that Liu Junyan cannot completely "command" the ghost. The ghost itself can also hurt Liu Junyan.

Or... Liu Junyan gave up on protecting him and something unexpected happened.

Rearranging the entire logic, the time when the game officially starts is when the ceremony prepared by Liu Junyan ends, and the period before the start is undoubtedly the time for the ceremony to take place.

There is not much news about the players who were wiped out in the last round, but what is certain is that they are all old players and have prepared various life-saving props, but without exception, all props failed to save them. life.

Within thirty minutes, everyone was dead, leaving a "no solution" message.

There is no solution to this game. Even if there is only one percent chance, it is still a way to survive.

But veteran players have come to the conclusion that there is no solution. They will not tell such a meaningless lie in the final stage of their lives.

Then, there is only one possibility.

Once you enter the final stage of the ceremony, the "official start" stage of the game, everything is irreversible.

The player's survival rate also returned to that moment and completely became zero.


In other words, is this actually a race against time?

It lasts for three days. Every time that passes, the player's chance of winning becomes less?

Yes... the further you go, the harder it becomes, the ghosts and curses become more terrifying, and the chance of survival gets smaller and smaller as time goes by.

Qin Manjiang suddenly thought of that person.

If Shen Ku was here, he might kill someone first when something happens.

But in this weird story, it might actually be useful.

After combing through it carefully, Qin Manjiang had clarified the overall context of this game.

Liu Junyan is performing some kind of mysterious ritual in order to resurrect Shen Hong. Three days... no, the official start time of the game two days later is actually the final stage of the ritual, and by that stage, the game has no solution.

If you want to escape from this strange story, you must find a way within these three days, and the curse that continues to deepen as time goes on must be something that progresses over time.

The question to figure out now is, what is this progress?

Is it the extent to which female players transform into female ghosts, or is it the extent to which male players weaken?

After figuring it out, we have to find a way to prevent the curse from deepening, that is, to prevent the ritual from continuing.

The method of using the corpse is much simpler and faster. Since the player is the sacrifice in the ceremony, shouldn't it be enough to kill the sacrifice in advance?

But when Qin Manjiang thought about it carefully, he discovered that this idea might be feasible, but the progress of this "ceremony" does not seem to be calculated as a whole. The progress of each player as a "sacrifice" exists independently. .

In other words, even if you kill all the players except yourself, the curse ritual on you will continue, and the progress bar belonging to you will still continue to move towards the end with time, until it completely becomes an "unsolvable" weird story. Moment.

This simply doesn't work...

Qin Manjiang raised his head and glanced out the window.

At the beginning, he still had some confidence that he would have more time anyway, after all, the game had not officially started yet.

But after figuring out the real logic of this weird talk, he knew that the longer he delayed, the harder it would be to stop this weird talk. The best time to escape from this game was within this day.

The rain was still falling outside the window, and it was less violent than before, as if the sky had been pierced. A bolt of thunder flashed, and another figure was reflected on the window glass!

Qin Manjiang was so frightened that his legs went weak. He turned around and saw that it was Nie Yunzhen.

"How come you don't make any sound when you walk?" Qin Manjiang let out a big breath, his heart pounding. His easily frightened physique is too unfriendly in this kind of game.

"There is a sound, it's because you are too absorbed in it." Nie Yunzhen said.

Well... maybe there's a reason for that too.

"It will be dawn in more than two hours. Are you going to sleep?" Qin Manjiang asked.

Nie Yunzhen shook his head and asked, "What are you worried about?"

"Me? Worried?" Qin Manjiang looked surprised, "Was there worry on my face just now?"

"Yes." Nie Yunzhen nodded without hesitation.

Qin Manjiang looked into her eyes. This time, she turned back to the "Nie Yunzhen" he knew. But he didn't know how long Nie Yunzhen would last in this state, and he didn't know...whether she would end up like him. One day it will disappear.

"Maybe," Qin Manjiang turned his head, "We don't have much time, but I still can't find a way to stop this ceremony."

"Yu Qinghuan is turning into that female ghost, and my life force is losing. Even if I know the reason, I can't stop it."

Qin Manjiang expressed his troubles.

His mind was confused. This strange story pointed to two places, one was the Huaian community where Lao Huaishu lived, and the other was the old house at No. 39 in Wenshui District where Shen Hong and Liu Junyan last lived.

It stands to reason that the wedding dress is most likely to exist in these two places, but what will happen even if the wedding dress is found?

Can finding the wedding dress make this strange story disappear?

No... not at all.

Looking for that wedding dress is a helpless move, because if you don't do that, there is nothing else you can do. This is the most helpless part of this strange story.

The information the players obtained was too little, but even so, Qin Manjiang and the others got more information this round than the players in the previous round.

The players in the previous round could only know information about Huaian Community from the opening remarks. To find out about Shen Hong and Liu Junyan, they could only ask the neighbors. As the place where the strange stories took place, it was said that it was a three-step process. Qin Manjiang won't be surprised if there is one ghost, two steps and one monster.

What should we do to stop this weird talk that has been going on?

This ghost story itself is also different from other ghost stories. Everyone noticed it from the beginning. The other formed ghost stories are like a pre-recorded movie playing in a loop.

And this strange story, from the first round to the second round, is constantly changing. To describe it grammatically, it is the progressive tense.

This strange story is always in the ongoing tense, not the perfect tense.

It has become the ultimate game in the progressable state. Qin Manjiang cannot imagine what terrible things will happen if Liu Junyan really resurrects Shen Hong and completes the ritual...

At this time, Nie Yunzhen, who had been silent all this time, suddenly asked:

"How does he know that doing that can resurrect Shen Hong?"

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