Strange story player

Chapter 385 Turning a human into a fish

Along with the old dean's voice, a faint smell of fish and blood destroyed the tranquility of the basement.

Yu Ruoli's hands and feet were not tied, but her legs were so weak that she could not stand up. She could only huddle in the corner motionless, her limbs frozen by fear. In such an environment, even calling for help was meaningless.

"Mermaid... eating its flesh can make people live for a long, long time. Do you know where mermaids come from?"

The old dean smiled strangely. He approached Yu Ruoli step by step with shaky steps. The shadow shaking on the wall was like a deformed sickle.

The old dean walked to the wooden platform with his head drooped and a smile on his face, and stood still. His eyes as he stared at the half corpse seemed to be filled with hope and resentment!

"Mermaid...just turn people into fish, that's it. It's very simple, right..."

He murmured, and a fishy smell suddenly filled the air, making Yu Ruoli almost vomit.

There was blood everywhere in the basement, and unimaginable horrific scenes appeared in her mind, and she could no longer even breathe smoothly.

A shrill wail seemed to be faintly heard in his ears, making Yu Ruoli tremble.

That corpse...the corpse of the old woman on the wooden platform, it seemed like he had tortured her to death!

The old dean lowered his head, his eyes were deep, and a cruel smile emerged from the corner of his mouth, "... There is a most important procedure for turning people into fish. Before you become a mermaid... I will not eat you."

He turned his head, and his terrifying old face seemed to be squirming!

Yu Ruoli's heart was tingling with fear, but she had no way to retreat at this moment. She tried hard to stand up and resist, but there was no strength in her body.

She finally understood the meaning of those records at the medical station.

[When the old man was at the medical station, the old director would bring food to him every day. 】

[The meat tastes the same every day. 】

This old man, this scary old man! He is turning living people into mermaids!

One of the necessary procedures seems to be to feed the other party some kind of "meat"!

"Come on, eat it..."

The old dean held a bowl of red meat in his hand.

There is still white steam rising on the bowl, and it looks... very fragrant.

But how could Yu Ruoli open his mouth to eat such a thing?

This terrifying dean wants to transform her into a mermaid too!

What kind of meat is this?

Could it be the half corpse on the wooden platform... shouldn't be...

That half of the corpse was the old man who was sent to the medical station, but during the old man's treatment, the director continued to send meat to her to eat.

Where did the meat come from at that time?

Yu Ruoli was horrified, this terrifying dean had other sources of "meat"!

Moreover, it should not be human flesh, but some other kind of meat...

After all, there were no missing people in the sick village before the strange stories broke out.

Yu Ruoli did not struggle needlessly. She looked frightened, but in fact she was frantically thinking of solutions.

Although this old man's behavior is very strange, he still looks like a human being?

Although my body is weak, if I attack him with all my strength, I might still have a chance...

Yu Ruoli had already made up her mind. On the surface, she pretended to be desperate and made meaningless screams, but in fact, she was waiting for the old dean to approach.

He knew that he would never eat this bowl of "meat" obediently, so he would definitely get close to him and force himself to eat it by some means. She was waiting for that moment.

Three meters, two meters, one meter...

The old dean stood in front of Yu Ruoli holding a bowl filled with meat.

It's now!

Yu Ruoli leaned against the wall, straightened his feet and kicked out violently!

When attacking a man, she naturally has to attack the vital part of the opponent's crotch. She has used all her strength in this kick. As long as the old dean is still human, she will never be able to bear this kick!

However, what made Yu Ruoli's scalp numb was...her foot passed through her crotch and hit nothing.

No, there was a touch of it. Just at the moment when he kicked the old dean, the scary old man's lower body turned into a group of densely packed "frog eggs" in a very strange and large area!

Yu Ruoli's kick felt like he was sinking into a sticky swamp, and a disgusting feeling came from his ankle.

Soon, Yu Ruoli discovered to her horror that a bunch of "frog eggs" were crawling along her ankles!


This time, Yu Ruoli was really frightened.

She knew very well what these "frog eggs" were. They were left everywhere on the corpses at the medical station. They were the "root" of everything!

The body of this old dean is actually made of this kind of thing?

Then he is no longer a human being...

"Come on, eat it yourself..." The old dean squatted down, stretched out a finger, and stopped it at Yu Ruoli's knee.

Those "frog eggs" that were still climbing up seemed to be attracted by magnets, clinging to his fingers, quickly blending into his flesh and blood, and disappeared.

Seeing this situation, how could Yu Ruoli still dare to resist?

This old dean has obviously possessed some inhuman characteristics, and he is already something that cannot be resisted by ordinary means!

She took the meat bowl, with tears in her eyes, retching while eating the meat.

No matter how big the piece of meat was, she didn't dare to chew it. She would rather choke than swallow it.

She didn't want to feel the taste of the meat, she didn't want to...

After seeing her obediently eat the piece of meat, the old dean nodded with satisfaction, turned around and left the basement.

When the footsteps completely disappeared, Yu Ruoli immediately threw away the bowl in his hand, lay on the ground and dug at his throat, trying to spit out the meat of unknown origin that he had eaten.

However, as soon as the strange meat entered the stomach, it seemed as if it melted immediately and could not be spit out at all!

What made her even more desperate were the changes in her body.

My arms and legs started to itch...

Yu Ruoli couldn't help but stretched out her hand to scratch, but as she scratched, she heard a strange sound.

Looking down, she saw pieces of gray-white fish scales falling off as she scratched her legs!


"don't want……"


Yu Ruoli's eyes widened in horror. She looked at her hands and feet. Dense gray-white fish scales had unknowingly covered her limbs!

She scratched and picked like crazy, and the fish scales fell off, and her arms and legs were scratched until they were bloody and bloody.

But in the blink of an eye, new fish scales grew out of the blurry flesh.

Yu Ruoli collapsed, she screamed loudly, and her fingernails drew blood, but the terrifying fish scales... were still growing out.

Suddenly, Yu Ruoli felt that his eyes... seemed unable to blink.

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