Strange story player

Chapter 397 Moon City Rules


light is on.

To Qin Manjiang's surprise, this was still the Yuelai Hotel, but the floor under his feet had cracks and bulges, as if something was ready to rise underground.


The screaming crowd ran wildly outside the moment the light reappeared.

Qin Manjiang glanced at it and saw no trace of the flower for the time being.

And in the magnificent banquet hall just now, a terrifying scene was being staged.

Five women were pinned to the ground, screaming hysterically. Five men had ferocious faces, holding them down with their hands, and their eyes were filled with darkness.

The men shouted: "I love you so much..."

"I really love you..."

"Why don't you believe me?"

"Why did you leave me?"

"What else do you want me to do to prove my love?"

"Say it!"

"say something!"

Are these five men mentally controlled?

Qin Manjiang's eyes were slightly cold. Is this the ability of the Moon City "hunter" tonight?

However, what happened next was completely beyond Qin Manjiang's expectation.

"I see……"

"If you don't believe it, I'll prove it to you..."

"I love you...I really love you!"

The men yelled crazily and rushed towards the woman who was pinned down by them.

The next moment, the five women who were pinned to the floor screamed in despair.

The screams were so shrill that people who were running away from the hotel couldn't help but stop temporarily and look back.

I saw the five men opening their mouths like crazy, their teeth were full of blood, and they were biting the woman crazily!


The woman's screams sent chills all over the woman's body.

But how could they be stronger than the man on top of them?

As a result, the struggling movements became smaller and smaller, and the screams gradually became weaker, until... they stopped moving at all.

The "guests" who escaped from the hotel witnessed this horrific scene in full. They went crazy...those people went crazy!


The stomachs of the five men, their mouths and faces full of blood, stopped biting at a certain moment and fell to the floor.

Lying next to the female corpse, she was unrecognizable.

Five men and five women, ten people in total, died at the same time.


The miserable white moonlight shone into the banquet hall, and a terrified scream broke the temporary tranquility.

Because there was another horrific attack among the people who were fleeing!

Five more men pushed the female companion next to them to the ground!

Crazy...all crazy!

The "guests" who witnessed everything were horrified. How could this happen?

Will everyone go crazy and die in groups of ten?

After thinking of this possibility, everyone, no matter how close their relationship was, immediately distanced themselves from each other at this moment and fled outside the Yuelai Hotel desperately.

Some people who acted quickly had even escaped from the hotel, some were calling the police, and some were looking for their cars to escape from this weird and scary place.

However, they soon discovered that the police call could not be reached at all!

The originally good road was blocked by iron sheets, and armored vehicles of unknown origin blocked their way to escape.

Some people wanted to drive directly to the card, but saw a group of armed people getting out of the armored vehicle. They shot at the "guests" without hesitation.

After several cars and several people were beaten into pieces, the "guests" realized in despair that these people were not joking. They could not leave the Yuelai Hotel area. If they went out... they would be directly shot into pieces!

"Mr. Qin, please come with me."

Lian Yan bowed politely and said to Qin Manjiang.

Because the initial change occurred in the hotel's banquet hall, now that everyone has escaped, except for ten corpses, there is no one here.

"Where's Xinxin?" Qin Manjiang asked.

Just when the crowd was pouring out, Xinxin disappeared.

"Don't worry, she is no longer a Fucheng player, nor a Yuecheng player. She is a soulless doll, no different from a table in a hotel. She will not attract any attention."

Lian Yan turned his head again and said to Qin Manjiang: "Please follow me. There are only three winners in this game. A certain madman is using his ability to kill people. The number of people will decrease quickly, but in the end If there are people who can survive, we... just need to go to the rooftop of this building and wait."

Qin Manjiang was a little surprised. It sounded like even though Lian Yan was the host of this banquet, he himself didn't seem to be absolutely safe?

"Can you tell me what you mean by the killing feast?" Qin Manjiang followed Lian Yan.

"The [Pupillary Realm] in Moon City is very boring, I changed it a little bit," Lian Yan didn't look back, but there was a smile in his voice, "The dark spot of the spiritual pupil that polluted the dome of the [Pupillary Realm], destroyed the [Ten Fields] "Ultimate Game" rules for clearing the level. Currently, there are fifteen players with permanent props in Moon City, and thirty-four players without permanent props."

"Those who have permanent props will merge with their own props according to the rules and hunt all other players."


Qin Manjiang keenly heard something wrong with this word.

According to the little police officer Hugh, players with permanent props are a group. But according to Lian Yan, it seems that these people can also have a relationship between hunters and prey?

Lian Yan seemed to sense Qin Manjiang's surprise. He stopped and turned to look at Qin Manjiang with surprise on his face: "Mr. Qin seems to know some of Moon City's rules."

Then, he smiled again: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't doubt your ability."

"You should have already conducted an investigation. Your guess about... is correct. There is no cooperative relationship in Yuecheng. After [Tongjie] enters the Infinite Mode, it will lock forty-nine people and no new people will be added. Clear the final level ten times. The game can then move to the next stage.”

"At this time, the current ten seats are the candidates to move to the next stage."

"So, what Moon City [Pupillary Realm] is doing now is to speed up this process. We only need to eliminate forty-nine people by death, and the last ten people who survive will automatically enter the next stage of [Pupillary Realm]. "

"Everyone can die, no one is exempted."

Lian Yan seemed very satisfied with his plan.

"It's not fair to other players who don't have permanent props," Qin Manjiang said.

"Mr. Qin is joking," Lian Yan shook his head slightly, "Fairness is always relative. As long as players who have never owned permanent props successfully escape from the attack of strange abilities, the attacker will be counterattacked by the permanent props."

"That's fair enough."

"After all...the inability to obtain permanent props is due to their own incompetence."


Lian Yan looked at Qin Manjiang expectantly.

The two of them had already gotten on the elevator and pressed the button for the thirty-third floor, which was already the top floor of the building.

In the elevator, Qin Manjiang was noncommittal, but suddenly said: "I remember, Lian Yan is the name of your character in [Ping An Hospital]."

Lian Yan seemed a little surprised. He took a serious look at Qin Manjiang and turned around: "You are right."

"But... Guan She is just a useless man who is trapped in strange stories and cannot escape."

"The one who is freed from bondage is Lian Yan."

He tilted his head slightly and smiled: "I am Lian Yan."

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