Strange story player

Chapter 404 Boss

The brother and sister stayed in the basement for almost ten minutes before going out. No one was outside. Except for the Yuelai Hotel, which was in a mess, all the bodies were gone.

Qin Manjiang thought for a while, Kong's behavior clearly meant that he did not intend to continue to cooperate with him.

However, this is fine.

It's just a mask... He touched his arms and it was fine as long as the mask was still there.

If there is no mask, once summoned back by Fucheng [Pupillary Realm], it will cause a disaster.

But then again, Qin Manjiang looked strangely at Qin Satisfaction, who was leading the way.

If you want to be familiar with her, no one is more familiar to you than your sister, but why don't you have an "appetite" for your sister?

The only explanation he could think of was that his sister was currently in Yuecheng [Pupillary Realm], and other people who seemed familiar to him were from Fucheng [Pupillary Realm].

If this inference is true, maybe it is not just "appetite"...

Qin Manjiang touched his chin and thought.

As we walked, it started snowing again.

Compared with Fucheng, Yuecheng has more water vapor, perhaps because it is built around a lake. The Yuecheng that Qin Manjiang saw was either cloudy and rainy or covered with fine snow, and blue sunny days were rarely seen.

The same is true today.

Qin Manjiang followed Qin Yiyi to the back door, where the van Qin Yiyi drove when delivering goods was parked.

It's very late now.

Although the Wollai Hotel was riddled with holes, no one came to deal with it and it did not cause any disturbance.

In fact, as long as the media's mouth is covered, there is not much difference between modern society and ancient society in terms of information dissemination.

They all fall into the category where it’s hard to figure out what’s going on in the town next door.

At nine-thirty in the evening, amid the snowflakes with a little drizzle, Qin Yiyi drove a minivan and pulled Qin Manjiang through the deserted streets.

"Fortunately, the van was not damaged, otherwise the boss would have killed me..." Qin Yiyi looked happy.

"You are not yet eighteen years old, where did you get your driver's license?" asked Qin Manjiang, who was sitting in the passenger seat.

"No." Qin Yiyi said matter-of-factly.


Although Qin Manjiang had fastened his seat belt, he still grabbed the armrest above the car window. No wonder he felt that his sister was driving the car so strangely...

"How about I drive it?" Qin Manjiang asked.

"No need, I've driven it many times. Driving is very simple. Think about it, brother, the first person to learn to drive must not have gotten a driver's license, right?" Qin said with satisfaction.

What nonsense...

Before Qin Manjiang could speak, Qin Satisfied continued: "By the way, brother, when you see the boss when you arrive later, you should be more cheerful, like me. Maybe the boss loves the whole family and just keeps you here. Then we can Let’s work for the boss together!”

Qin Manjiang's brows jumped. It seemed that Qin Yiyi was doing well under the care of her boss in Yuecheng during this time, and his temperament became much livelier.

It’s like he’s been brainwashed inside and outside of his words. What does “you can work for the boss together” mean?

This ambition is too ambitious...

"Is your boss a woman?" Qin Manjiang felt that he needed to confirm in advance.


"How old are you?"

"Are you in your thirties?" Qin Yiyi tilted his head and thought for a while, and the car tilted to the side at this moment.

"Car! Car! Watch the road!" Qin Manjiang grabbed the handle tightly.

He swallowed. He didn't die in the ghost story game, nor did he die in a hail of bullets, and finally fell into his sister's car.

Qin Yiyi felt that the old god was here. She turned the steering wheel and drove the car in the right direction lightly, and continued: "Maybe forty years old? I don't understand... But brother, there is no chance for you. You are still young, only twenty years old, and you can be the boss. My son is pretty much the same."

"Qin is satisfied!"

"That's what it is..."

It was noisy all the way, and although Qin Manjiang couldn't keep quiet for a while, his nerves that had been tense for a long time actually relaxed a lot.

At this time, the car stopped.

Qin Yiyi was just about to remind Qin Manjiang to get out of the car, but found that his brother fell asleep leaning against the car window.

He was sleeping soundly, and the expression on his face was very soft. It was completely different from the way he was when he was arguing with him just now, and he even snored slightly.

Qin Yiyi held his chin and looked at his brother. For a moment, he didn't want to wake him up and just let him have a good sleep like this.

Although she didn't know what had happened to her brother recently, she could feel that he had changed a lot. He was like a taut string. Although it was extremely strong and sharp, there was a risk of breaking at any time.

He must have... not slept comfortably for a long time.

Qin Yiyi got out of the car lightly.

The minivan stopped by Yuehu Lake, next to the boss's shop, an aquatic products store.

Although the scale is small, the business is not bad.

"Why are you back so late?"

As soon as Qin Yiyi got out of the car, he heard the boss's voice.

"Forget it boss, I almost couldn't come back..."

Qin Chengyi told the other party what happened before with a look of aggrievedness.

After hearing the end, the boss raised his head and put down the fish in his hand: "Is your brother coming to Moon City?"

"Yes!" Qin Yiyi clasped his hands together and begged: "Boss, my brother has no place to live. It's very pitiful. He is sleeping in the car now. Can you... let him live in the store temporarily?"

The boss straightened up, reached out and wiped the water on the towel, walked towards the minivan, looked up, and saw Qin Manjiang, who was sleeping deeply.

There was an extremely complicated expression on her face for a few breaths, and Qin Yiyi also noticed it.

She originally thought that the boss was unwilling to take her brother in.

Just when he was about to beg the boss again, he heard the boss say: "Go and clear out the vacant room at the back of the facade and let him live there temporarily."

"But..." Qin Yiyi didn't hear clearly at first. When she reacted, her eyes were wide open and she looked at the boss in surprise, "Thank you, boss! I'll go right away!"

The boss took a deep look at Qin Manjiang, who was sleeping in the passenger seat, then turned around and stared at Yuehu, who was as calm as ever.

The light rain in the fine snow made the night seem a little more peaceful.

Twenty years is not a long time, and it is not a short time at all.

Some of the previous grudges and grudges have not completely disappeared with the passage of time, but they are no longer so important.

Because those people and things in the past are no longer there.

People who have been living in the memories of the past will only make their present as painful as their future.

She's not that kind of person.

At least...she thinks so.

But today, now, at this moment when I see Qin Manjiang.

She also felt that she was not what she imagined...

He came back anyway.

But she knew it wasn't him.

Just like snow, they look similar at first glance, but there are no two identical snowflakes in this world...

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