Strange story player

Chapter 416 Looking for Camp

Because the [plot direction] was changed, ghosts appeared?

The change came so suddenly that everyone naturally came to this conclusion.

Qin Manjiang looked back at the terrifying ghost and it disappeared.

But it must be... somewhere in the wind and snow behind you.

Qin Manjiang was not the only one who observed this phenomenon.

The pace of escape gradually slowed down. In such a snowy mountain environment, even if I ran as hard as I could, I couldn't get far at all.

"It's gone."

Lin Ruonan said.

On the snowy mountain road, Qin Manjiang, [Abyss], Xia Nan, Lin Ruonan, and Hu Feifei were moving forward in the snow.

Lin Ruonan ran at the back. At that moment, no one took the initiative to help her.

She also knew very well that if someone really caught up with her, it would be good if everyone could protect themselves and not harm the teammates around them.

Not daring to stop, the five of them continued walking forward.

The road was filled with snow and fog, visibility was not high, and the cold wind was as sharp as a knife, making people's cheeks hurt.

Fortunately, it was still daytime, and judging from the sky, there were still several hours until night.

It was impossible for them to reach the summit in such weather conditions, so they had to find a place to rest first.

[Ah Er] knows a cave entrance that can hide from the wind and snow, but that small cave can only accommodate two or three people. There are five people here, and there is no way they can all squeeze in there.

"We need to find a camp to settle down temporarily. If the wind and snow continue to get stronger, it will be very dangerous in the mountains." Xia Nan said.

"I also think we should find a camp that is sheltered from the wind and snow first? We still have to wait for Wu Tiansheng and Chen Xin. They have neither food nor water. Even if they don't encounter ghosts, they will probably die in this snowy mountain." Hu Feifei also said.

"There are only ten energy bars to eat, but there is no shortage of drinks. The ground is covered with ice and snow, which is very convenient..." Hu Feifei muttered.

"No." Xia Nan said immediately.

"Wu Tiansheng said that hypothermia and drinking water are a big problem. He considered ice and snow. Eating snow and ice directly would use our internal organs to melt the ice and snow. Although it can replenish water, it will cause a greater loss of energy, making The physical condition further deteriorated," Xia Nan explained.

That's right... although there is "water" everywhere, regardless of whether it is dirty or not, the heat loss caused by melting ice and snow with the body is very likely to lead to hypothermia. Once the temperature is lost, the situation will become extremely dangerous. , very likely to die.

" do we solve the water problem?" Hu Feifei asked nervously.

"We don't have a fire, so we can only put clean snow into a bag and put the bag between two layers of clothes. We are climbing the mountain and will release heat during the journey. Be careful not to frostbite yourself and change positions frequently." Xia Nan said.

As a forensic doctor, his understanding of the human body and some outdoor knowledge are no less than that of Wu Tiansheng, a professional athlete.

Everyone did as they were told.

Lin Ruonan suddenly asked: "Why didn't it catch up? We are already so slow."

"Definitely," Qin Manjiang said, "The more we change the direction of the plot, the closer it may be to us."

"Until you stand behind us."

Qin Manjiang's words made the surrounding temperature seem a bit colder.

Lin Ruonan looked at Qin Manjiang and me and asked: "The rejection we just made was not in the original plot. That is to say, in the original plot, now we should follow [Ah Si] and [Xiao Liu] to chase that figure. .”

"We've changed the plot a lot."

"Not necessarily." Xia Nan shook his head.

"Just now, there were only inquiries, but no answers in the [plot direction]. It's just that we didn't want to lose the opportunity like Wu Tiansheng and others, so we gave the answer before the [plot answers] appeared."

"However, in the original plot, they might have refused because the relationship between these people was not harmonious. I don't think they would take the risk to find [Ah Si] and [Xiao Liu]."

Xia Nan's idea does make sense.

At this time, [Abyss] said: "Those are not important. If we don't find a temporary camp that can avoid the wind and snow, we will all freeze to death."

This is indeed the most troublesome issue right now.

The wind and snow were getting heavier and heavier, and it was impossible to survive the night without a suitable location.

at this time……

The five people froze.

here we go again.

The plot is triggered again!

How was the plot triggered?

Is it all random?

"Can they follow us... We left [Ah Si] and [Xiao Liu] behind. [Xiao Liu] will definitely be very angry. I don't want to face him then. Second brother, it was you who asked us to leave first. Yes, when the time comes, go and explain to him why we left first without waiting for them..." [Xiaowu] Hu Feifei said again.

"A blizzard is coming. If you don't find a place to rest first, do you want to die in the snow? We don't have time to delay." [A'er] said.

"But, it's been twelve years, and I can't remember the terrain here anymore. It's been too long. Where can I hide from the snow..." Xiao Wu frowned.

"I know." [Mistress] Lin Ruonan said calmly.

"Really?! Third sister!" Xiao Wu was overjoyed.

"I remember that there is an Orion's wooden house nearby. We can go there, but the wind and snow are too heavy now, and I don't remember the specific direction. It should be... nearby here." Xiaosan continued.

"Then let's go look for it together! I feel that the wind and snow are getting stronger and stronger..." Xiao Wu said quickly.

"No, the area around here is neither big nor small. Why don't we go look for it separately and meet back here after agreeing on a time." [Abyss] said.

Everyone's heart was tight.


[Death Scenario] appears again.

In this case, if people are to split up, isn't that just sending them to the ghosts one by one?

No...this [proposal] must be rejected.

If the other people in [original plot] were in their right minds, they would have rejected this proposal, right?

Everyone thinks so.

Because rejecting the [proposal] means [changing the plot], and [changing the plot] will not only attract the "Spider Woman", but also make the "Spider Woman" position get closer and closer to them, which is really too dangerous.

Moreover, the player who [changes the plot] himself should also have some hidden risks, but they have not been discovered for the time being.

But the strange thing is that after everyone waited for two seconds, no one made a sound!

Could it be that... everyone in [original plot] is about to agree?

You can't be that stupid...

Qin Manjiang's brows jumped.

Just when he was about to refuse, he heard Xia Nan say: "Don't move separately. Slow down. In this weather, once separated, it will be difficult to reunite, just like [Ah Si] and [Xiao Liu]."


Qin Manjiang couldn't help but admire in his heart.

Xia Nan's answer not only "rejected" the proposal, but also followed the logic of the "original plot" and mentioned [Ah Si] and [Xiao Liu] just now.

"Then I'll go alone." [Abyss] seemed a little helpless.

Have you come to the death plot of [Ah Er]?

Although everyone couldn't do the movements, they still felt the mood of [Abyss] at this moment.

In this case, we have to [forcibly change] the plot. Leaving the crowd without permission is extremely dangerous...

Why didn't he stop this statement?

As soon as the words fell, [Abyss] turned around and walked towards the wind and snow.

Everyone's heart skipped a beat, he was in danger...

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