Strange story player

Chapter 439 Choice

At the same time, Xia Nan was still hanging on the cliff, her arms were sore and tired, and she might not be able to hold on at any time.

Why hasn't anyone come yet?

Although I couldn't tell the time, I had been hanging on the cliff for at least ten minutes.

It’s time for Wu Tiansheng to climb, right?

While he was thinking this, he heard footsteps.


It was the sound of feet sinking into the snow, and someone finally came over.

who is it?

Is it Wu Tiansheng or Spider Woman?

Xia Nan tried her best to raise her head, trying to see the person clearly, but her vision was still limited by the snow.

At least...just not Spider-Woman.

Although Wu Tiansheng is a little suspicious, there is always the possibility of saving him. Spider Woman is different. Not only can she not save people, she can also kill people.


The footsteps stopped.

Xia Nan felt like she was being watched.

I was discovered...

But this is normal. As long as you are not in a hurry, you can easily see the top of his head and the two arms stuck in the snow when passing by this platform.

There is no point in remaining silent and pretending to be deaf now. It is better to quickly reveal your identity and gamble on the possibility that the other party is human.

"I'm Xia Nan! Please help me!"

Xia Nan shouted.


The footsteps started again, and this time, Xia Nan finally looked up and saw the figure.

This person is...Wu Tiansheng!

Wu Tiansheng looked at Xia Nan hanging on the cliff in surprise, quickly grabbed his wrist, pulled hard, and immediately pulled Xia Nan up from the cliff.

Xia Nan breathed a huge sigh of relief, not only because he was finally out of danger, but also because Wu Tiansheng was not possessed by a ghost.

"Thank you, Mr. Wu..."

Xia Nan gasped and rubbed his arms. His arms were too tired. If Wu Tiansheng hadn't appeared in time, he would have fallen off the cliff in less than five minutes.

Now Xia Nan has no doubts about Wu Tiansheng. After all, any more doubts are just speculations, and Wu Tiansheng's actions have proven his innocence.

"Mr. Wu, when you went to the toilet before...why did that ghost come out from behind you?"

After Xia Nan rested for a while, she couldn't help but ask.

Wu Tiansheng shook his head: "I... don't know, my consciousness has been blurred during this period, like a dream."

So, is it true that I am still possessed by a ghost...?

Xia Nan frowned.

Wu Tiansheng glanced at the bottom of the mountain and said, "Let's climb to the top of the mountain as soon as possible. The ghost is behind us..."

As soon as he finished speaking, his expression changed drastically!

Xia Nan also quickly looked down.

His pupils instantly contracted.

Spider-Woman climbed up.

Although it looks like there is still about a hundred meters away from a distance, and this is a snow-capped mountain with slopes and heights, it is much more difficult to reach more than a hundred meters.

But at its speed, this one hundred meters would only take about ten minutes at most!

The two of them felt a little numb.

The densely packed legs and feet on Spider Woman's body are all moving, climbing up the mountain is like walking on flat ground, but her weird posture is also creepy.

Although she wasn't too fast... she didn't need to rest at all.

This female ghost wearing a plain white dress and disheveled hair was crawling towards the two of them at an extremely mechanical and average speed!

"Let's go!"

Wu Tiansheng was a little unbelievable. From his perspective, Spider Woman should only appear when the plot is changed, and her appearance would be very short.

But why does she appear here? And he never disappeared and kept chasing them?

Is it because the plot has completely deviated from its original appearance that she is "no longer restricted by the rules"?

The two of them ran wildly.

There is still the last 100 meters to the top of the mountain. Although this distance is almost negligible on flat land, on a snowy mountain, even if you run away with all your strength during these 100 meters, it will take a human being at least half an hour!

Because there is an almost vertical cliff of about ten meters near the top of the peak! For those without climbing experience, it would probably take more than an hour just to spend there.

And half an hour...

With the speed of the ghost behind him, I'm afraid he would have been caught up long ago.

Both men were well aware of this.

"Run separately, I will go to the left and you will go to the right."

Xia Nan made a decision immediately.

He didn't wait for Wu Tiansheng to respond, turned around and ran to the left.

Wu Tiansheng glanced at him blankly, knowing that Xia Nan wanted to repay his kindness.

After all... the route on the route map on the back of the [invitation letter] is obviously the route on the right, and if you want to go up the mountain to the left, it means that there is likely to be a steep cliff or a cliff that cannot be climbed at all!

Wu Tiansheng took a deep breath and shouted to Xia Nan: "Xia Nan! You hold on for fifteen minutes!"

Xia Nan did not look back, but waved.

Wu Tiantian neatly took off all the bulky cold-proof clothes, revealing his strong and plump muscles.

At this moment, he has installed a countdown on his life...

Fifteen minutes countdown!

He was going to crazily squeeze out his physical energy in fifteen minutes to climb the last hundred meters!

Wu Tiansheng slapped his face hard, his eyes becoming focused and firm.

Just think of this as a competition...

He said silently to himself in his heart.

Wu Tiansheng's muscles all over his body tensed up, he gritted his teeth, let out a muffled groan, raised his head and rushed towards the top of the snow!

At this moment, Xia Nan completely understood what Wu Tiansheng meant.

Wu Tiansheng wanted to reach the top within fifteen minutes. As long as he reached the end of the summit, there was a possibility of ending the game. He was asking himself to hold on.


Can he do it?

Even if everything goes well, the last section of the road will take at least half an hour to climb, especially the section that is nearly ten meters long, almost equivalent to the top of the cliff. Only professional rock climbers should be able to climb it, right?

Xia Nan just looked back at Li Gui who was going up the mountain, and then withdrew his gaze.

Although Spider-Woman's speed did not increase, she was approaching at a constant speed.

This mechanical, but constantly approaching feeling is like a bomb that is counting down the seconds.

Xia Nan silently ran to the left. At this time, he heard a noise and couldn't help but turn his head and glance to the right.

It's Wu Tiansheng!

Xia Nan's eyes suddenly opened wide.

Is he crazy? !

Even taking off his clothes, isn't he afraid of hypothermia?

Hypothermia can kill people! As a professional athlete, Wu Tiansheng should know very well...

Xia Nan looked at him blankly, Wu Tiansheng's speed at the moment was too amazing!

Perhaps it was his own strength as an athlete, perhaps it was the explosion of potential between life and death. At this moment, Wu Tiansheng was actually faster than the "Spider Woman" who climbed the mountain with only fourteen legs!

His bare legs hit the flying snowflakes, like a powerful engine roaring.

Wu Tiansheng is working hard!

Xia Nan no longer goes to see him...

Since Wu Tiansheng has achieved this level, nothing he can say can hold him back.

Xia Nan actually stopped in place for a moment, waiting for "Spider Woman". After "Spider Woman" noticed him, she started again and ran to the left.

He doesn’t want left and right to be a multiple-choice question in “Spider-Woman.”

He wanted to attract Spider-Woman in his direction and buy Wu Tiansheng as much time as possible!

Because at this moment, he is the only one who has the ability to reach the top of the snow. This down-to-earth athlete...he is the only one.

Wu must succeed!

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