Strange story player

Chapter 452 Encountering a Ghost

Time goes back to an hour ago.

Just coming to the Little Chongyang Temple has already summoned up a lot of courage for Zhong Xueran.

The reason why she ran away from the Zhong family was not only because the family wanted her to get married quickly and leave offspring, but also because of the bad memories from her childhood.

The Zhong family is indeed a family of Taoist priests, but what is not known to ordinary people is that the education Zhong Xueran received since childhood has always been different.

When children of the same age were looking at the picture album, she was also looking at the picture album, but the pictures were all kinds of strange and evil ghosts.

How could children like to see those deformed and weird things?

It was already very difficult for Zhong Xueran before he grew into a lunatic and a pervert.

She also knew that all the "treasures" of the Zhong family were hidden in the Little Chongyang Temple, but she never went to get them.

After all, for a long time, Zhong Xueran felt that if he was destined to enter the [Eye Realm] after birth, then it would be better to cut off this cursed bloodline from his own generation.

She has no plans to get married, let alone have children.

It was only recently, after Xu Yi's accident, that she gradually changed her mind.

People do grow, but the word growth is always accompanied by pain.

When she decided to come back to pick up her family's relics, she found that not only was the Taoist temple no longer hers, but the things had been taken away long ago.

This Taoist priest is just an official appointee.

After getting the name "Paleontological Research Association" from Li Daochang, Zhong Xueran said goodbye and left.

The Paleontological Research Association is an organization from Moon City. Since the other party knows that things are here, they must have done in-depth research on the [Pupillary Realm] and even know about the existence of the Zhong family.

Although being selected by the [Pupillary Realm] for generations is simply a curse buried in the blood, in a sense, the Zhong family is indeed not an "ordinary family".

Either something happened to the ancestors, or there is a natural connection between the Zhong family and [Tongjie], which is why this abnormality occurs.

While thinking about it, she left the Little Chongyang Temple.

The rain has already started, but it's still light now. Let's go down the mountain quickly...

Zhong Xueran quickened his pace and hurried down the mountain.

While going downhill, she saw a man coming up from the foot of the mountain holding a red umbrella from a distance.

Perhaps it had become an "occupational disease". When Zhong Xueran saw the man holding the big red umbrella, he immediately felt something was wrong and immediately stopped and took a closer look at the man.

The mountain road was winding, and you could occasionally see the figure of that person, but most of the other person's body was blocked by an umbrella, and you could vaguely see that she was a woman with long black hair and wearing black pants.

Zhong Xueran was very wary. Although this was not a world of ghost stories, and the voices of other pilgrims in the Little Chongyang Temple could be vaguely heard behind her, she still chose to turn around and go back immediately.

She believes in people's first feelings.

From childhood to adulthood, the Zhong family’s special education also told her this.

The human body is very magical, and there are many phenomena that are still unclear.

However, although humans cannot fully explain all phenomena, they can help themselves based on some phenomena.

For example, when you arrive in a new environment and feel a little awkward and uncomfortable, leave immediately.

The same goes for when a person makes you feel uncomfortable. Don't try to get to know him better. Rather than giving the other person a "chance," it's better to trust your intuition.

At this moment, Zhong Xueran's instinct was telling her not to continue going down the mountain and not to meet that woman.

However, when she turned around and wanted to return to the Little Double Ninth Festival Temple on the mountainside...

Turning her head, a red umbrella faintly appeared in front of her eyes.

The delicate raindrops hit the umbrella surface, causing white water splashes...

The umbrella tilted forward, blocking the face of the person holding the umbrella.

But... Zhong Xueran knew that this was her, the person at the foot of the mountain just now!

This time she could even see her clothes clearly... they were the same black as her pants.

No one would wear such thin clothing in this season.

Is this a human or a ghost? !

Zhong Xueran instinctively turned around and wanted to escape down the mountain, but after turning around, she also saw a figure holding a red umbrella...

That woman... She was also there when she came down the mountain!

At this time, a cold breath came close behind Zhong Xueran.

"Excuse to get to Roupo."

The woman's voice was so cold that it made people tremble all over.

Zhong Xueran's scalp felt numb.

She had heard of this situation a lot in the world of ghost stories.

Just like the extremely famous "Slit Girl", she is an urban legend who wanders the streets of the city. She is a woman wearing a big coat and a scarf, holding a large pair of scissors, with long hair and a mask. image.

When she meets someone, she will ask them: "Am I beautiful?"

If the answer is "beautiful", she will take off her mask. In fact, she is indeed very beautiful, but her mouth is cut to the base of her ears, exposing the red flesh.

Then ask "What about this?" If the answer is "Not pretty", she will kill someone with a sickle or scissors.

And if the answer is "It's beautiful this way", she will cut the other person's mouth open to make him as beautiful as herself.

At this moment, Zhong Xueran felt that what he had encountered was a strange story similar to the "cleft woman".

It's there up the mountain, it's there down the mountain, and... it's asking questions.

How to get to Roupo?

Although she had lived here for a long time when she was a child, she didn't know what Roupo was at all. To be more precise, there was no place called "Roupo" near Xiao Chongyang Temple.

But she didn't dare answer "I don't know."

When faced with such a powerful ghost, if the opponent does not give the answer he wants, the person who confronts the ghost will almost certainly die!

What's even more frustrating is that in most cases, these ghost questions are unanswerable, which means that no matter how you answer them, they are wrong and not the answers they want.

Zhong Xueran now felt grateful for the previous "Zhong family's" teachings.

There are actually emergency measures on how to deal with such "weirdness".

Although the specific circumstances vary, the general direction is similar.

When Zhong Xueran was dying, her brain was spinning so fast that she couldn't give an answer to the question where "Roupo" was.

So... just follow the answer pattern of not knowing the "answer".

Those childhood memories came back to mind.

A vague figure looked down at him——

"Once you encounter a ghost who asks you a question, remember, there are only two situations...either, the questions have answers, but there are traps in their questions, and you are led to the wrong answers. Or, the questions have no answers at all, how? The answers are all wrong, what should you do now?”

"Remember... answers can be vague."

That is the figure of my father.

Zhang Baifeng, who later changed her name to Zhong Baifeng, escaped from the Zhong family after her father disappeared, otherwise...she wouldn't dare.

Zhong Xueran has found the answer to deal with the current situation.

Since it is a slope, it should be on this mountain.

In this case……

Zhong Xueran turned around and looked at the woman holding a red umbrella behind her:

"I'll take you there."

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