Strange story player

Chapter 471 Environment

The sudden strangeness now made Qin Manjiang and Liu Jingqing choose to leave the shopping mall area immediately.

However, these weird stares didn’t stop at all!

When Qin Manjiang and Liu Jingqing left the mall gate and came to the shopping plaza, the pedestrians walking in the plaza were looking at them strangely!

Although they just looked away and looked away, maybe those people themselves were not aware of it, but to Qin Manjiang and Liu Jingqing, this situation was too weird.

There is no doubt that the ghost has appeared.

It wasn't until Qin Manjiang and Liu Jingqing ran all the way to the park in the middle of the street and hid under the shade of a tree with no one at all that the weird feeling of being watched disappeared.

"That was..." Liu Jingqing was in shock, her chest rising and falling.

Although she has experienced a lot of monster games, this is the first time she has encountered one involving ordinary people on such a large scale.

So many people were all affected by ghosts, and they all looked at them!

Qin Manjiang nodded silently, he was thinking about another thing.

[Hide] Ghost Story drags people into the game at noon. After the location is designated, it officially starts at midnight.

In other words, the period from noon to midnight was the time left for them to get familiar with the venue due to this strange story.

But the phenomenon just now is clearly telling all players that all your actions are under the watchful eye of "ghosts".

So what’s the point of picking a hiding place?

I don't know what other people are doing...

"Let's go check out other places first. We can go to crowded places at night when there are almost no people there."

Qin Manjiang said to Liu Jingqing.

Liu Jingqing nodded and agreed with Qin Manjiang's opinion.

After all, no matter where you go now, whenever you meet someone, that person will look at "you" strangely.

But just staying where you are and not going anywhere is totally unacceptable.

It can be seen that [Shekou Street] is a place specially selected by [Tongjie], because the six selected players are not familiar with this place, and they all need to be familiar with the environment.

[Shekou District] is so big. I am completely unfamiliar with the environment. I have no idea where I will hide when the time comes, or where I will move if the ghost finds me...


Qin Manjiang was suddenly startled and stopped.

Liu Jingqing looked at him and asked, "What's wrong, Mr. Qin?"

Qin Manjiang looked at the ground and shook his head slightly: "I just feel a little strange..."

"[Tongjie] chose a neighborhood for us that no one is familiar with, but in the process of getting familiar with it, we will be observed by ghosts. I was wondering... could the ghosts not be familiar with this neighborhood?"

Qin Manjiang's bold idea made Liu Jingqing's eyes widen. She was about to shake her head subconsciously, but she heard Qin Manjiang continue: "Maybe the ghost is not familiar with this neighborhood like us. Is it possible that it is following our eyes?" Get familiar with this place together? Where have we been, and at night it knows where to find us..."

"But..." Before Liu Jingqing could say anything, she was interrupted by Qin Manjiang.

"Otherwise, why should we be given a time to familiarize ourselves with the environment? It is the same as if the six players are not familiar with it or they are all familiar with it. The only difference is to find an unfamiliar place and give us a time to familiarize ourselves with the environment. This allows ghosts to better understand where we have been and where we are going to hide..."

"Then... shouldn't we do nothing?" Liu Jingqing looked at Qin Manjiang.

Qin Manjiang also looked back at her, but as soon as he saw Liu Jingqing's eyes, Qin Manjiang was stunned. He had another strange idea: "Is it possible that the ghost borrowed all the eyes except ours?" Observe the trends?”

"Like, you're looking at me right now."

What he said made Liu Jingqing a little creepy, but after thinking about it, she felt that it was not impossible!

Because just now she also discovered that she would occasionally look at Qin Manjiang, and her behavior was exactly the same as those passers-by just now!

And Qin Manjiang would occasionally look at her...

These behaviors are difficult for them to even notice and are completely subconscious.

Could it be that the people around him really became the eyes of ghosts?

By acting together, are we giving ghosts a chance to observe? !

"Mr. Qin, should we tell everyone about this discovery?"

"It's just a guess that has not been verified. What's more, what Shen Kui said makes sense. If we act alone at this stage and are outsourced by ghosts, there may be more serious consequences."

Qin Manjiang shook his head and took another step towards the underground garage, where there were the fewest people now.

"What's more, if ghosts can see our movements, let them see us. Just treat this as a familiar environment and don't think about where you are going to hide."

Qin Manjiang's words reduced some pressure on Liu Jingqing, and she quickly followed Qin Manjiang and went to the underground garage together.

The underground garage in this place has three floors, and each floor is huge. It feels like the underground of the business district is almost empty.

However, this place is really a suitable place to hide.

Not to mention the dim light and the complicated terrain, Qin Manjiang and Liu Jingqing walked around the underground parking lot for almost an hour before they came out.

During this period, the two of them got lost several times before they finally managed to figure out the way.

Except for Qin Manjiang and Liu Jingqing, the other two groups also encountered a similar situation. Everyone found that people on the street would always look at them.

One or two people can still be considered a coincidence, but if everyone you meet is like this, it would be bizarre.

Everyone can only go to some areas with fewer people first, such as artificial fountains and parks in the middle of the street where few people visit.

But what people didn’t expect is that this place becomes even more lively at night!

Starting at six o'clock, maybe it was time to get off work, there were at least twice as many people in the entire [Shekou District] as there were during the day.

In desperation, even if they were still stared at by these passers-by, they could only endure the weird atmosphere and walked around the three large shopping malls a few times.

After checking everything from the elevators to the stairs to the covered bridges to ensure that they would not get lost, they stopped and went to the park in the middle of the street to meet up.

"Frankly speaking, although my job is to be stared at and photographed, the looks from these people today still scared me." Zheng Jun smiled reluctantly and said to everyone.

Everyone is the same, getting familiar with the business district while being "watched".

At this time, Shen Kui suddenly said: "Do you think we have blocked our own way of survival?"

His words were so sudden that no one realized what he said.

"What does Mr. Shen mean by this?" Nie Yunzhen asked.

Shen Ku sat back on the bench, looked up at the sky, and said, "If it's like the hide-and-seek game that Mr. Zheng Jun once experienced, ghosts also have an area that they will never go to."

"Is it possible that this ghost will not go to areas it is not familiar with? Now it has followed us throughout the entire business district, which means it can go anywhere."

"Only in this way can I accept that [Tongjie] has specially set aside time for us to get familiar with the venue. I don't believe it will be so considerate."

As soon as Shen Mu said these words, the surroundings fell silent for an instant.

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