Strange story player

Chapter 476 Both Sides

This was a life-threatening choice. Although Liu Jingqing looked weak and weak, she was actually a person who would never regret a decision she made.

Even if you die, you must die based on the decision you made, rather than waiting to die.

However, just as she ran towards the fierce ghost in the direction of the fountain, the ghost in the direction of the fountain also ran towards her in large strides!

A strong breath of terror hit his face, and the cold feeling made everyone tremble from spirit to body.

Liu Jingqing gritted her teeth and closed her eyes, as if leaving no escape route for herself. She had already lost her balance and threw herself into the arms of the fierce ghost in front of her.

"Miss Writer, I'm still waiting for you to let me be the protagonist..."

Qin Manjiang's voice rang in her ears.

A sudden surprise of surviving a desperate situation suddenly came to Liu Jingqing's heart. She had made the right bet!

Among the two ghosts before and after, one is the ghost played by the player, who is responsible for finding people!

And the moment Qin Manjiang and Liu Jingqing completed physical contact, the light spot representing Liu Jingqing disappeared.

Instead, a big red "one" appeared in Qin Manjiang's field of vision.

Qin Manjiang raised his eyebrows, what does this mean, keeping score?

So... for me, meeting a real ghost is irrelevant. After two hours, whoever finds more people between me and it wins, right?

Sure enough, when Qin Manjiang found Liu Jingqing, the movement in the garden in the middle of the street also disappeared.

Qin Manjiang saw a white figure moving quickly towards the underground parking lot.

Does it want to go directly to the shopping mall building from the elevator on the basement floor?

Qin Manjiang pushed Liu Jingqing away, no...he would find others faster than him!

"You should be safe, find a place to hide." Qin Manjiang said to the writer.

Liu Jingqing was still in shock, but could not express the joy of escaping from death. She nodded and shook her head and said: "But... I can't move. After you touch me, I can only stay here."

"Then it's even better. You are mine now." Qin Manjiang glanced anxiously towards the direction of the mall. He was about to leave, but couldn't help it anymore and asked Liu Jingqing, "You just looked at me and ran away." ,Why?"

"Because in my field of vision, you are exactly the same as a ghost!" Liu Jingqing glanced at Qin Manjiang again. It was not until she came into contact with Qin Manjiang that Qin Manjiang's true appearance was revealed to her. Before, it was clear that he was exactly the same as a ghost...

"Then why did you suddenly run towards me again just now?" What Qin Manjiang was really confused about was this matter.

He probably guessed that he might not look like a human from the perspective of other players, but how did Liu Jingqing finally find out that he was a human player?

Liu Jingqing pressed her chest, tried hard to calm down her excitement, and said, "It's a behavior... When I saw the ghost behind me facing the grass, it went straight forward, smashing through the grass..."

"But when I looked at each other across the fountain pool, the straight-line distance was only about ten meters, but you chose to go around in a circle and take the normal way. I thought... if it was a ghost, it would have come directly from the pool. We waded through the water."

"So I think... only people who are accustomed to the rules of the human world will take the normal path to find people, but ghosts will not..."

After hearing this, Qin Manjiang couldn't help but give her a thumbs up: "Bang, I'm going to find other people. I hope they are as smart as you."

Liu Jingqing clenched her fist and encouraged Qin Manjiang: "Come on!"

Watching Qin Manjiang's flying back, Liu Jingqing's eyes were full of worry, and her hand subconsciously pressed towards her heart.

Somehow...she had succeeded in the first stage and was temporarily out of danger, but her heart was still beating fiercely and her cheeks were slightly hot.

It seems that a seed has quietly broken through the ground in my heart. Although it is inconspicuous, its vitality is extremely tenacious.

It was difficult for her to calm down...


Qin Manjiang was panting while running. The real ghost wanted to take the elevator from the first floor of the underground parking lot to enter the mall. It was obvious that he didn't want other players to see it approaching.

But since Liu Jingqing said that she looked exactly like a ghost in the eyes of other players, she had to enter the mall with even greater fanfare and give other players a warning that the "ghost" was coming.

Huh? etc……

Can I just find a place like a shopping mall broadcast room and use a code that only players can understand to hint that everyone should gather somewhere?

A good idea came to Qin Manjiang's mind.

But, can my current voice really sound normal?

Even his appearance was restored to his original appearance in Liu Jingqing's eyes only after he came into contact with Liu Jingqing.

Could it be that when he turned on the microphone and gave a passionate hint, other players heard a lot of yelling and screaming?

Qin Manjiang's mouth trembled slightly, it was very possible...

At this moment, the light spot on the red map in the field of vision changed again!

Qin Manjiang took a look...

what's the situation? !

There are three light spots overlapping in the same shopping mall building!

Looking at the past corresponding to reality, it is the second building!

However, this was the position three minutes ago.

Are these three people still in the second building now?

Qin Manjiang glanced quickly. In three minutes, at night, he had to pay attention to avoiding the ghosts and paying attention to the movements. He could not escape at full speed... The position of these three people at this moment had moved at most five hundred meters.

If they had not taken the elevator to the first floor of the underground parking lot, there is a high probability that the three of them would still be hiding in the shopping plaza area!

At the same time, Shen Kui was still standing on the corridor bridge. He saw a white figure moving quickly towards the shopping mall.

Unlike Liu Jingqing, Shen Kui soon realized that besides the player, there was also a real ghost who was looking for someone after he noticed that the light spots had changed to seven.

The difference between being found by a player and being found by a ghost, if you think about it for a while, you will know that the consequences must be different, otherwise there would be no need to make such an arrangement.

Players who realize this will definitely take the initiative to fall into the arms of the [ghost] played by the player. In this case, the so-called first stage will not be difficult at all.

Just determine which player is the "ghost" in this round, and then take the initiative to approach the "ghost" played by the player.

However, having said that, it is difficult to actually implement it.

After all, you can't tell who is who from the light spots on the map. If you follow the light spots and find that it is a ghost, it will be over.

Moreover, Shen Kui also discovered that the position display of all light points was delayed.

In other words, even if you follow the light spot, you may not be able to find the person.'s unreliable for players to proactively find "ghosts", then they should expose their location information to human players playing the role of "ghosts".

But what can be done to accurately tell human players their personal location information without ghosts knowing it?

In his opinion, since this game can play tricks on players' eyes, they can see a "red map."

That means that everything that everyone sees about "ghosts" has the possibility of being manipulated.

But it doesn't matter, human players don't need to risk trying to figure out who's really a ghost.

This task should be given to the player who plays the role of "ghost".

Shen Kui soon had an idea...

After all...all the players today have a common memory.

He curled his lips, turned around and left, his figure quickly disappearing into the darkness...

Thanks to lalilali, Chengjin, Weilin, and Zhan Ze crazy for the reward, good night~

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