Strange story player

Chapter 480 Accident (Second update)

The two hid in a small cubicle in the corridor on the fifth floor.

This is the place where the cleaning staff of the mall store their cleaning tools. At least they can't run down until the ghost has left the fifth floor and gone to the upper floors.

Now... you must not be discovered by ghosts.

Both men held their breath.

Dark, cramped, and uncomfortable in a cubicle.

What is even more uncomfortable is the psychological torture.

Because they could not observe what was happening outside, neither Nie Yunzhen nor Chen Zhiyuan knew where the ghost was now.

Logically speaking, given what Shen Kui said in the broadcast room on the seventh floor, the ghost's target should be the person who has determined the location.

but now……

When people face the unknown, it is difficult to take the first step.

In the narrow cleaning tool compartment, Nie Yunzhen listened carefully to the movements outside. Although she did see the ghost climbing up the escalator on the fourth floor, she did not hear any noise from the ghost at that time. In other words... maybe this ghost doesn't make footsteps?

If you can't tell whether the ghost has left by the sound of footsteps, you'll have to rely on luck.

Although the ghost now most likely went directly to the seventh floor, what if it just noticed something strange and stayed on the fifth floor for a while?

Two more minutes, the last two minutes...

At this moment, the sound of sinking bones appeared in the mall again!

"Same place."

what happened? !

Nie Yunzhen opened his eyes wide. Isn't Shen Su afraid of death?

He hasn't left from the seventh floor yet?

This is simply a provocation to ghosts!

He was clearly telling the ghost that I am still on the seventh floor, come on...

Nie Yunzhen took a deep breath. Although she didn't know the purpose of Shen Su's move, right now, this was the best time for her to open the door of the tool compartment, leave the fifth floor with Chen Zhiyuan, and go to the coffee shop to gather.

She whispered: "After opening the door, follow me, don't worry about anything, and run to the coffee shop on the first floor."

"Yes!" Chen Zhiyuan agreed honestly.

At this moment, Nie Yunzhen opened the door of the compartment and jumped out of the tool room!

The tool room is still dark, great...the ghost is not on the fifth floor!

Nie Yunzhen and Chen Zhiyuan immediately ran to the escalator!

Going down the escalator to the first floor is the fastest, taking the stairs is much more circuitous. Although there is a risk of being discovered by ghosts, I don't care about that right now.

The two of them immediately rushed to the escalator!

The ghost went to the seventh floor to find Shen Zu...

It must be!

Nie Yun really didn't know why Shen Kui did this, but at this moment, she was somewhat grateful to Shen Kui in her heart.

However, at this moment, the announcement in the mall rang again!


It was the sound of something being suddenly smashed and destroyed!

This sound is terrifying. Could it be that Shen Zu was caught by a ghost in the studio?

Nie Yun was really thinking that she and Chen Zhiyuan rushed to the two escalators side by side. But as soon as they stepped on the escalator and were about to run down, they stumbled and fell directly on the escalator. superior!

The escalator actually started? !

The escalator was very quiet, almost silent, but the sound of the escalator suddenly starting to run seemed extremely noisy in this silent night!

Nie Yunzhen raised her head and looked towards the seventh floor in horror. With just one glance, the blood in her body seemed to be frozen.

A pale face poked out of the railing, looking down...

It's that ghost!

This damn escalator is actually in a dormant state and is not turned off at all!

It starts as soon as a person steps on it... But I clearly saw the ghost coming up on the escalator just now. Why didn't the escalator start at that time?

Doesn't it have weight?


Nie Yunzhen suddenly realized that when the escalator is in a dormant state, it is not activated by weight induction, but by a through-beam sensor installed at the bottom! Because the installation position is very low, as long as someone steps on it, the reception will be blocked and the escalator will wake up from the dormant state.

In other words, the ghost is not weightless, but... it floats!

Its feet don't touch the ground at all!

After thinking about it, Nie Yunzhen hurriedly tried to get up, but what was even more terrible was that she and Chen Zhiyuan chose an escalator. Although Chen Zhiyuan's escalator also moved, it went from the fifth floor to the fourth floor, and hers The escalator goes from the fourth floor to the fifth floor!

Nie Yunzhen, who fell on the elevator, was quickly taken back to the fifth floor.

She finally got up, only to find that the ghost on the seventh floor was gone!

Nie Yunzhen couldn't care about anything else anymore and could only grit his teeth and rush towards the stairs.

If you follow Chen Zhiyuan down the escalator at this time, the mortality rate will be even higher!


She didn't look back at all. Only by running away separately could she have a chance of survival. As long as the ghost hesitated between chasing Chen Zhiyuan first or chasing her first, the probability of survival would be greatly improved.

But why did that ghost check the seventh floor so quickly? Why didn't it catch the wreckage?

Nie Yunzhen was still thinking about this problem in her heart. At this time, she suddenly noticed a very slight sound of electricity.

Could it be that……

Nie Yunzhen rushed into the stairs, and she finally understood the reason!


In the broadcast room on the seventh floor, a mobile phone placed next to the microphone was smashed to pieces.

In the coffee shop on the first floor, Shen Su looked at Qin Manjiang leisurely.

"I'm not that stupid. All I left in the studio was my cell phone."

“Just set aside a blank recording in advance and then record what you want to say.”

"I gave myself a two-minute gap."

Shen Kui stretched out his hand and looked at Qin Manjiang.

He tried it just now, but it was useless to touch Qin Manjiang on his own initiative. It seemed that the ghost player had to touch him.

Qin Manjiang patted Shen Hu's hand. The next moment, Shen Hu's light spot disappeared, and the number in Qin Manjiang's field of vision became... [three]

"So the radio is always on?" Qin Manjiang's voice sounded.

Shen Ku nodded.

"Why did you just confirm that the one on the first floor was me? Before I came into contact with you, I should have looked just like a real ghost." Qin Manjiang continued to ask.

Shen Hu pointed at Qin Manjiang's feet.

"You are walking, and floating."

Qin Manjiang was a little surprised. Could it be that Shen Kui had seen a real ghost a long time ago?

As expected, Shen Su had no intention of hiding anything and pointed to the side without looking back: "The covered bridge has a good view. I took a telescope in the shopping mall and saw the whole journey of the ghost to the garden in the middle of the street."

Let's put it this way... He used his mobile phone to record this, not for himself...

Qin Manjiang glanced at Shen Hu...

However, the first phase went smoothly.

There are a total of six players, five of them besides myself, and now three of them have been found. I have won this game with the ghosts.

However, Qin Manjiang soon discovered that there was no end notice for the game.


He did win, but the lives of other players were still hanging in the balance.

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