Strange story player

Chapter 515 Desperate Situation

Just when Shen Kui was thinking about the possibility of a connection between ghosts and light, he suddenly heard the sound of rapid footsteps echoing.

Shen Zu dodged and hid behind the pillar.

At the same time, he reached out and pressed the elevator button. From here, he could go directly to the mall.

Soon, he saw Qin Manjiang running into the underground parking lot at the entrance from a distance.

Fortunately, the brightness in the underground parking lot was extremely abnormal, otherwise Shen Zu wouldn't be able to see clearly who it was.

Is it Qin Manjiang?

Seeing Qin Manjiang's look, Shen Kui quickly understood that he must have been targeted by ghosts after ringing the bell.

Which is a good time to ring the second bell!

At this time, there was only a "whoosh" sound, and the elevator door behind him opened.

Shen Hu did not look back at the elevator, but looked at Qin Manjiang. Qin Manjiang was still running further down. He was going to the second underground floor? Or three floors underground?

Shen Mu withdrew his gaze, turned around and stepped into the elevator.

However, as soon as he put his foot in, his expression suddenly changed.

The outer door of the elevator did open, but the elevator car didn't come down at all. When the door opened, it was completely dark inside.

Shen Kui stepped on the air and fell directly into the elevator shaft!

Because he fell down with one foot in the air and lost his balance, Shen Su's head instantly hit the cement wall on the other side of the elevator shaft.


Two loud bangs echoed in the deep, dark elevator shaft.

Shen Wu was lying on his back at the bottom of the well. The elevator shaft was three or four meters high from the door where he had just fallen in. It was not impossible to climb up by borrowing some force from the left and right walls.


A stream of blood flowed down the right side of his cheek.

Chen Su's head was bruised and bleeding, his head was dizzy, and his legs were injured. He could only watch in vain as the elevator door closed again, and the elevator shaft... instantly became dark.


Shen Su tried to touch the wound on his head, and the pain instantly made him dizzy.

Although I couldn't see it with my own eyes, the head injury was serious, but the biggest impact on the body was on the legs.

Shen Ku endured the pain and tried to move his legs.

The first step I took in the elevator, I stepped on the air and my right leg was completely useless. I don’t know if it was a fracture or a broken bone. Apart from pain, I felt nothing at all now.

The left leg is slightly better, with just some scratches and can barely move.'s useless even if I can move.

Shen Su looked up and saw a cold chill filling the dark elevator shaft. He vaguely saw the elevator parked on the first floor.

He was sure that he had pressed the elevator button just now, but he didn't know why the door opened but the car didn't come down, which caused him to miss the mark and fall into this place.

Now how to do?

The only advantage is that even if someone uses the elevator, he will not be crushed to death. This elevator can only go up to the negative first floor, and there is still three or four meters of reserved space from the negative first floor to where he fell now. .

But the problem to get out.

The current injury makes even movement problematic.

Shen Su tore off his shirt and bandaged himself reluctantly, but his head was still bleeding. He didn't know how long he could hold on, and he might faint in the next moment.

After all, it was still his own problem just now. His attention was all on Qin Manjiang, and he didn't even look back at the elevator.

"Deserves it..."

Shen Zu lay at the bottom of the pit, raising his hands to cover his eyes, his chest rising and falling slightly.

The only way now is to find someone to help.

But the mobile phone was destroyed by ghosts in the first stage. What's more, even if there is a mobile phone, no one will answer the phone in the third stage.

As for shouting for help at the top of his lungs, rather than attracting people, he would definitely attract ghosts first.

The only way now is to wait for someone to come down in the elevator. When the elevator reaches the first floor below, you can create some noise at the bottom of the elevator shaft, such as smashing the bottom of the car, to see if you can attract their attention. .

Shen Shi tried to sit up. He leaned his back against the wall of the shaft, put his left leg on the ground, and put his hand on the knee of his left leg. Only in this way could he stand up when the elevator moved.

The immobile right leg was stretched out and placed on the ground, waiting for the game to end before solving it.


Can I leave alive?

Shen Su leaned against the wall and closed his eyes.

It is very likely that no one will use this elevator tonight.

After all, a confined space like an elevator can easily cause tremendous stress and uneasiness.

The only advantage is that other players can't find this ghost place, and neither can ghosts.

Who would have thought that someone fell into the elevator shaft?

And this person is still "smart" Shen Kui.

All he could do now was wait.

Waiting for someone to show up.

Speaking of which, the person most likely to discover him is Qin Manjiang.

Qin Manjiang was running for his life just now. Although he didn't know if Qin Manjiang saw him, only Qin Manjiang knew about Shen Hui's movements.

When Qin Manjiang discovers that the light spot representing the sunken remains has not moved, he may come to look for it.

As for everyone else…

It can only be left to chance.

As for...fate?

Shen Ku didn't feel that he had any fate with anyone in this game.

Cold, pain, silence, trapped in the elevator shaft, all I can do is wait...

At the same moment, Qin Manjiang, who was being chased by a ghost, changed his expression.

What's the meaning……

Although he expected that the lights in the underground parking lot were also on, it was too weird to have so many lights on, right? !

Can this energy-saving lamp be so bright?

I don’t even believe it…

It seems to be the fault of the bell.

And another thing made Qin Manjiang even more angry.

This ghost should not have the ability to sense.

But until now, Qin Manjiang is still being chased by it!

There have been several times when he had clearly escaped the sight of the ghost and had just hid, but as soon as the white ghost appeared, it jumped straight behind the pillar where he was hiding without any hesitation.

After repeating this several times, Qin Manjiang was finally sure... that his position could be sensed by it!

Could it be because the bell was rung?

Qin Manjiang could only think of this reason.

But... even though he was the first to ring the bell, he had one less piece of information than everyone else.

That is... Qin Manjiang didn't know that everyone already knew that he could pass the level by ringing the bell three times.

Currently, my position can be sensed by ghosts, and my physical strength will be exhausted by ghosts sooner or later.

The only thing I can do is to find an opportunity to go back and knock a second time!

Only by ringing the bell three times as quickly as possible can you possibly escape.

At this time, Nie Yunzhen stood nervously next to the fountain pool. She glanced around and found that no one was there, then she rushed to the hanging clock, picked up the drumstick, and struck it hard!

With her hard knock, the entire Shekou neighborhood that had just been lit up suddenly turned dark!

At the same time, with the appearance of the second knock, the ghost that was chasing Qin Manjiang stopped...

It twisted its body strangely, and like melted ice cream, it separated another form in a sticky manner.

In the blink of an eye, the figure turned around and ran back in the direction of the hanging clock!

But the remaining one jumped instead of crawling, strangely climbed to the ceiling of the underground parking lot, and continued to chase Qin Manjiang...

Thanks to Book Friends 2023, wangyao023, Ge Lung, and lalilali for their tips. Good night~

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