Strange story player

Chapter 573 Open the door

"How's it going? A lot of harvest, right?"

Zuo Xian looked at Qin Manjiang.

Qin Manjiang nodded, this is indeed great news.

If everything is true, then most of the speculations about [Pupillary Realm] will have to be overturned.

[Pupillary Realm] turns out not to be controlled by a strange creature, but by the Bai family...

This is the most unexpected place for Qin Manjiang.

At this time, Zuo Xian suddenly said: "I am sincere, right? It's your turn now."


Qin Manjiang looked up at her.

Zuo Xian pointed at the "door" in front of him, or it looked like a door but not a door.

"You open it."

"Me?" Qin Manjiang looked at her with an expression that looked like a fool: "How do you think I have the strength to open it?"

"You can't, but it can!" Zuo Xian raised his chin back, "This thing of yours was probably born after absorbing a part of [him]. The power comes from the same source. Try it?"

Qin Manjiang suddenly understood why Zuo Xian chose to possess the incarnation of Guanyin. What she originally planned to do was to use the incarnation of Guanyin possessed by her to open the door.

But after seeing the phantom of Guanyin on his body, she seemed to change her mind.

However, although he was aware of this, Qin Manjiang felt that it was necessary to continue to cooperate with her. After all, this woman had too many secrets that he didn't know about, and he could gain a lot by revealing even a little bit.

"What should I do?" Qin Manjiang asked.

"It's simple, you put your hands on it, and the one behind you will do the next thing." Zuo Xian held his arms in his arms. Although he spoke casually, his attitude was very serious. He kept looking at the huge broken stone behind Qin Manjiang's left shoulder. The phantom of Guanyin’s head.

Qin Manjiang thought for a moment, stepped forward, and reached out to press the huge stone door.

The cold feeling instantly spread from his arms to his whole body.

The coldness came very quickly.


Just when Qin Manjiang was about to let go and leave, the shadow of the broken Guanyin head behind him suddenly swelled! It completely enveloped Qin Manjiang.

This broken Guanyin head is only about a quarter of a head.

This quarter includes the area including the left eye.

Something strange happened.

In the broken shadow of Guanyin behind Qin Manjiang, the remaining left eye of Guanyin is half-open and half-closed. This is natural. The half-opened and half-closed eyes of Guanyin represent compassion and protection, and the reluctance to see the suffering of the people.

There are even Guanyin sculptures with eyes completely closed, which can show even more beauty and compassion.

But at this moment, the phantom of Guanyin behind Qin Manjiang and the remaining half-closed left eye actually opened!

Qin Manjiang suddenly felt his hair standing on end and his scalp numb.

Although the alarm bells were ringing in my heart, my body could not move at all.

Zuo Xian's eyes flashed with strange light. She glanced at Qin Manjiang from time to time, and from time to time she glanced at the phantom of Guanyin behind Qin Manjiang.

The more he looked at her, the more bizarre her expression became. She was filled with emotions but also had more doubts.

Jiangdu succeeded, but also failed.

A mixture of positive and negative emotions is a normal human being.

Both Jiang Du and Qin Manjiang are walking on an extreme road. They have chosen to completely strip away the emotions on the other side. If this continues, whether they achieve extreme good or extreme evil, it will become a huge terror...

Are people who have stripped away most of their emotions, whether Jiang Du or Qin Manjiang, really still themselves?

Zuo Xian let out a subtle sigh.

She has no idea what Jiang Du is going to do. Logically speaking, Jiang Du should know very well that in a sense, people with spiritual eyes are almost "immortal" in this world.

But Jiang Du gave up "immortality", no... Jiang Du even gave up "himself". He completely separated himself and went to two extremes.

Absolute rationality and sensibility.

Absolute good and evil.

Absolute life and death...

Zuo Xian suddenly thought of what Jiang Du had asked everyone before the final game in Yuecheng:

"Everyone, if you give it a try or fight to the death, what would you choose?"

There are many answers, but there is no unified answer.

But Zuo Xian knew very well that even those who said "fight to the death" still had conciliatory thoughts hidden in their hearts.

At that time, Jiang Du seemed to understand that he couldn't give an answer. He just smiled and then disappeared in front of the door of Yuecheng's last game.

It wasn't until today, at this moment, that Zuo Xian understood Jiang Du's answer.

Jiang Du knew that those with spiritual eyes would never die.


He chose the latter between "being a cow that will never die but is forever kept in captivity to continuously produce milk" and "giving up the cycle of life, escaping from the farm and seeing the real world."

Even though this choice caused Jiang Du's emotions to be split into two, extremely polarized, and he could not even be said to be the same person anymore, in Zuo Xian's heart, Jiang Du still won.

At least from the current point of view, only Jiang Du has truly jumped out of the timeline and jumped out of the cyclic, fixed, and dead circle.

The young man in front of him... This young man who looks to be at least ten years younger than Jiang Du is the best proof.

This person is Qin Manjiang twenty years later.

She chose the name herself...

Zuo Xian smiled and couldn't help but murmured:

"You brat, you're still leaving me with problems after you die..."

At this time, the stone door shook, and with a "crash-", the gravel flew away, and the world in front of Qin Manjiang began to shake.

At this moment, his whole body was wrapped in the incomplete head statue of Guanyin, and when the left eye of the incomplete Guanyin opened, it turned out to be terrifying red.

Qin Manjiang shook his head vigorously, his ears roaring. His senses suddenly became extremely strange. The world suddenly seemed like an overturned palette. Cave, ground, moss, bones, mud... everything melted. It became the most basic color, twisted together, and then quickly reorganized in Qin Manjiang's eyes, turning into strange forms.

A strong smell of blood rushed up Qin Manjiang's throat.

He opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood with a "wow" sound.

The broken Guanyin portrait behind him also quietly disappeared, and the twisted and weird world in front of him finally returned to "normal".

The stone door is open.

But what he saw in front of him made Qin Manjiang dumbfounded.

Isn't this place... [Tongjie]?


The sky was gloomy, and heavy fog entered Guanyin Village from the mountain col.

The old village chief led people down to the cave, and Qin Manjiang and Zuo Xian also entered the cave from the back mountain.

Boss Zhao's figure broke through the fog and rushed back from the back mountain. He was returning to the village to call for help.

A large number of villagers' bodies appeared in the reservoir, including his younger brother.

This discovery horrified Boss Zhao.

However, when he rushed into Guanyin Village, before he entered the village, he suddenly heard a shrill scream!

Boss Zhao turned around and saw a black figure as tall as a person flashed through the fog, holding a bloody and mutilated palm in his mouth.

This is... the man-eating ghost from last night!

Why did it come out during the day? !


Why is there so much fog in the village?

Boss Zhao was frightened and stepped back, but was shocked to find that... there was no way behind him.

Thanks to Cassia Seed, the mountains and rivers have not yet met, the Los Santos poet, the reward for sailing along the current without advancing or retreating.

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