Strange story player

Chapter 583 Old Farmer

Qin Manjiang opened his eyes again and when he regained consciousness, he was wrapped in a swamp of flesh and blood. He saw the gray sky and... the Guanyin statue standing not far away.

He was also brought to the surface with the surging blood and mud.

After struggling hard, I found that I couldn't escape from this swamp of flesh and blood.

But at this moment, Qin Manjiang felt that he was still holding a hand in his hand.

Turning his head hard, he saw her.

Still the same emotionless face.

The woman transformed into the Guanyin statue was buried beside him.

I tried struggling again, but my whole body was sore and weak, and I couldn't move at all.

Qin Manjiang stopped. He didn't want to waste his energy. As soon as he saw it, the entire ground of Guanyin Village turned into a quagmire of flesh and blood, and the ground surface sank visibly.

He looked around calmly. There were bones everywhere, and corpses and carrion everywhere.

If hell really exists, Qin Manjiang believes that this place is comparable to hell.

But soon, he saw an "acquaintance".

It's the old village chief!

Only half of his head was left, now in the mire of flesh and blood. He could barely breathe, but he was mumbling to himself.

"Hello? Can you hear me?"

Qin Manjiang asked in a hoarse voice.


The old village chief turned his head with difficulty. The moment he saw Qin Manjiang and her, his remaining left eye seemed to light up, like a piece of rotten wood that suddenly rolled.

But the old village chief still didn't speak.

At this moment, the old village chief had understood that neither Pagu nor the so-called god underground were just using him.

From beginning to end he was just a tool.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Qin Manjiang ignored the old man. He turned his neck and looked around, thinking about ways to escape from the quagmire of flesh and blood.

The substance mixed with flesh and mud is extremely sticky, and it is impossible to get out with brute force.

But there is no living person around who can move freely, and there is nothing to draw on. Are we really going to die trapped here?

The underground changes continued, and Qin Manjiang couldn't imagine what would happen after the giant eye was fully opened.

I can't even imagine what [His] looks like.

"Who are you..."

The old village chief made a difficult voice.

Qin Manjiang could tell that he seemed to be really about to die.

Who am I?

This question completely confused Qin Manjiang.

Before this trip, he had finally accepted the fact that he was just a body created by Jiang Du and could be possessed at any time.

But after coming to this strange story, especially just now, because of the chaos in the space near [him], Qin Manjiang heard a lot of fragments of information with a huge amount of information.

This includes... the conversation between Yi Lianhai and Li Xijiu.

If those words are true, then he... is not actually the substitute prepared by Jiang Du. Instead, he is a tool that Jiang Du gave up everything to build to fight against [Tongjie] and even against this world.

But why?

Qin Manjiang is still puzzled until now.

What is so special about me that Jiang Du deserves to be trusted like this?

Regardless of intelligence or physical strength, I am not the best.

Moreover, apart from his eyes, he has nothing worthy of praise at all.

But these eyes, twenty years later, will not be able to see the "real world" due to the increase in spiritual pupils.

But now, twenty years ago, we can actually see the real world.

But even so, what can be done?

[He] is not an existence that can be destroyed upon sight.

Qin Manjiang thought for a moment and replied: "I am Qin Manjiang, a person who... does not belong to this world."

The old village chief couldn't understand what Qin Manjiang meant, but he could hear the unusualness of this answer.

At least...this young man is not like himself, who was bound to this land since he was born.

Maybe he could salvage some?

Not too much, at's better to save a little bit.

"Boss Zhao..."

The old village chief murmured dreamily.

"What?" Qin Manjiang asked.

"Boss eldest son..." the old village chief looked at the sky with his remaining left eye. "That day, when I went to ask for the Guanyin statue, he spent an extra day in the city. He was not in the village that day."

"That night...all the people in the village died."

"This Guanyin statue..." the old village chief's one eye fell from the sky back to the huge, kind Guanyin statue, "when I put it here... it was like a plug short-circuited. The moment it came into contact with the ground, A ball of blood exploded the second they came into contact, and a large number of densely packed oval eyeballs flew out and penetrated into our bodies..."

"We... died."

The old village chief smiled miserably: "It's better to really die..."

"We had no idea we were dead at the time, but in the days that followed, our bodies became colder and colder, our hands and feet became stiffer and stiffer, and our heartbeats became slower and slower..."

"When the doctor in the village examined everyone, they were all frightened. According to the village doctor, everyone in the village, including himself, had no vital signs for a long time."

The old village chief's voice became weaker and weaker, but he continued to speak, as if if he didn't speak out, he would not rest in peace even if he died.

"We...went through a long period of panic..."

"Until everyone hears His voice, which comes at night and comes from beneath the earth...He says He can make all people alive."

"He said that our village was built on His tomb. We, the people, have been exposed to His breath since we were young. We are the best believers..."

"Cough cough cough cough..."

The old village chief coughed violently.

"I did what He said...I buried the young and old in the village under the Guanyin statue, but I didn't listen to everything..."

"He gave me a red eyeball and asked me... to feed the eyeball to her to swallow when she was giving birth to the incarnation of Guanyin."

Qin Manjiang suddenly felt his hand tighten, and she subconsciously squeezed it hard.

She seemed... more and more human.

"I didn't wait to feed it to her. Instead, I poured it into Boss Zhao's belly while he was sleeping."

Half of the old village chief's face showed a simple and cunning smile like an old farmer:

"Everyone wants to lie to me, I don't believe it..."

"That red eyeball is definitely a bad thing, and I know it's not [His] thing."

"[His] eyeballs are oval, that's not His thing... Hehe... Absolutely not..."

Old Man Zhao's voice stopped suddenly.

Qin Manjiang looked carefully and saw that his eyes were still open, but the wrinkled smile was frozen on his face.

This old man who has been cheating all his life finally had a big game.

He played tricks on the Bai family, Yuecheng players, and even the gods of this world.

Then, died.

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